Nig got caught noggin


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Getting slid pretty hard too

>Brown said even though his officer did nothing wrong, he wants to make sure all of his officers go through racial sensitivity training

Nigger caught niggin around.



Post mcnuffins.


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How many nogs could a nignog nig if a nignog could nig nogs?

I like how even the police chief brings up some victim shit "i was racially profiled too"
>man fucks a horse
Is the next story, what is going on down there in the states man

I honestly believe that's probably truly the way he remembers it playing out. That's how hopelessly ingrained the victim mentality is in these losers.

Also, how much longer until SPLC and other "civil rights" groups start demanding police body cams be made illegal? 9 times out of 10 they exonerate the officer and provide irrefutable evidence that when police interactions with black people go bad, it's due to the nog nigging out and not any fault of the officer.

A black, fake preacher, head of an NAACP chapter, making money from racial division. Geez, who would've thought he could/would lie?

Raise your hand if you believed he could and would have.

No surprise here. I could have told you this was going to happen with cop body camera. The whole world is going to see how terrible niggers are.

I love the way they pushed so bad for body cameras and now they want them gone.


Link to the actually full body cam footage?


I think you're right, and there have already been legal challenges to body cams on the basis that they create anti-nigger bias simply by showing objective reality, really makes you fucking think

>We don't condone the wrong that a person has done, we just don't believe he would have told a lie about something of that magnitude. We're not saying a person is incapable of lying. Just from his character we don't think he would have lied about something like that
I began to hate them

>how much longer until SPLC and other "civil rights" groups start demanding police body cams be made illegal?

This will happen. Liberals and the media will eat it up. Normies will still fail to see the hypocrisy. I thought about having kids, but it feels evil to bring them into this world that will soon be a total shithole run by darkies.

Same. I don't really hate niggers for their genetics. I hate niggers because the shoot people and cry racism when the cops come to arrest them, then I'm labeled as a racist for pointing out the stupidity.

We should have picked our own cotton.

>#3 top listed story
based gunshop

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