What is the fuel to it all?
Why do so many mass shootings happen in America?
Daily reminder that EU has more mass shootings than US does.
Guess banning self-defense doesn't make it better.
for Americans the FBI sets up the false flag and the media takes over with spin all to sell more guns and profit when garbage like feinstein has laws ready to put more restrictions.
they are all MKUltrad patsies which often didnt even do the shooting. cruz for example is reported to have talked with a student while people in mask and military gear shot up the school (weirdly still could identify cruz with mask even though he didnt do it). and it has to be done in america because they pretty much controll the world and need to be brought under utter controll. so far the population is sleeping and oblivious to the deeds of (((them))), but as soon as they wake up it will get real ugly, and they want to get rid of guns before that happens
Glamorization of mass shooters, low trust society, ostracization, addiction to video games and internet vs actual socialization amongst other things. If the media didn’t do a month long circus every time this happened they wouldn’t occur nearly as much.
>These nations have quite restrictive gun laws with no rights to own firearms
>Czech Republic
At least do a little research before making this shit up
>What is the fuel to it all?
Depression and nihilism in society caused by its slow, leftist process of decadence and decay.
it the same circle for any event people die. in the end the dead are dead and the alive go get ice cream. same will happen when you or I die a few sniffles then back to business its how the world works faggot.
>shitty education system and terrible social systems that rely on ostracization
>god awful culture that relies on materialism, porn, video games, internet
>combination of effects of years from social movements such as Sexual revolution
>media that constantly shills for wars in other countries and gladly sell on shootings
>general apathy of American people due to wealth and living quality
It has nothing to do with guns, they're just luckily legal. It has to do with our country and it's shitty culture.