>Clayton County police confirm to Channel 2 Action News that two people have been shot and one of them is dead at Mt. Zion High School in Clayton County.

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Other urls found in this thread:


it happened across the street from teh graduation. Just nogs

>go to graduation
>think you dodged all the shootings
>3 feet from diploma
*Nothing personal kiddo*

Hopefully this shooter gets a better score. The dude in Texas today only got 10.

This is definitely a nigger. Low kill count, in nig infested area.

Looks like we’ll need to change the counter to “hours since last mass shooting”

That's an all black high school

>2 people

Niggers at play. What’s new

Niggers seriously need marksmanship lessons

"High Incident Project"


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all in the name of driving their "mass school shooting" statistic number up to make themselves feel correct

Holy kek

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What are the odds of two school shootings on the same day?

Invest now

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>all these shootings on the week OIG gives preliminary reports to congress and leaks are likely.

how fucking redpilled do you think punished horowitz is right now

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This is all drumpfs fault

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Dont be a false flag anonbae.

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Why are wh*Toids so violent, Jow Forums?

Black teen shoots other students ≠ mass shooting. It's not an anomaly. It's not news.

>90 extra miles
>out for several hours longer than needed

350+ is past god mode.

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>Mt. Zion high school
>Holocaust survivor memorial high school

thats just niggers. not happening.

In america? Likely

100% of the student body is eligible for the free lunch program as well

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If I was a burger I would open a gun shop and sell guns to everybody.

>Dead in Mt. Zion
Mountain Zion

It's a black school.

>niggers graduating

Everybody should be eligible for free lunch and preferably the teachers lunch.

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>ass shooting
>two people

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>White - 1%

Good God. What kind of white parents send their kids into THAT lion's den? How is that not child abuse?

Police chief says argument following graduation ceremony in Georgia led to two individuals being shot. Victims were transported to the hospital.

>make twitter post about how shitskins are worse than Whites at everything, including mass shootings
>watch as libtards rush to prove you wrong

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We wuz graduatin n sheet


dindu tryin to steal a diploma

>The last quarter-century has seen significant change in the racial composition of the county's population. In 1980, Clayton county's population was 150,357 — 91% white and 9% minority,[16] while in 2006 the population was approximately 271,240 — 20% white and 80% minority.[17]
How do we stop our cities from being invaded by the eternal homeboys?

Not hijacking the thread but related:

move out to the burbs

Holy fuck

The fuck they do

After the Florida one there were a ton of threats and attempts. Some retard took a rifle to his middle school but only ended up killing himself too.

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Why is it alright for arab to shoot gun in the middle east at party but its not alright to shoot gun in the west?

>Eliot Rodgers
Don't you mean six? Or does this count injuries?

There was a shooting here in Azusa, CA two years ago at the high school graduation. That's what happens when you reach a critical mass of niggers of any type, brown, black, red etc

Stop tryna disarm the blackboi joo-cia-niga.

I've been waiting for this wave of school shootings. Feds are going to push every single mentally imbalanced kid to shoot up his school until people are demoralized to the point of giving up their rights
I guess terrorism works

perfect reason to homeschool and avoid being lobotomized by propoganda

Clayton County Census from 2010

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Niggers. Case closed.

The cased truly is closed with those quints.

Case closed five times over

sheriff was commenting that the shooting happened in the parking lot at an afterparty because of some arguments. Not a school shooting...

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I did that shit and then some dirty shit was exposed dropping the share price significantly.
Not that I'm saying (((Chertoff))) or countless others wouldn't kill American kids to make a buck.


>sheriff israel
>mt. zion

Because they don't have freedom like we do here in the us

And that's that.

I have friend who's dad went to nigger high school in detroit. He say all white kids get beat up every single day. Whites, you must remain majority in your country.

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Digits confirm niggers

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A mass shooting by definition means at least 5 people were shot.

False flags again