Powerful. As. Fuck.
Powerful. As. Fuck
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2 bad 4 jew
i choose rifles
i can hold a rifle, i can't hold her right to a life though
>My right to life.
the parent or teacher made that sign but drew a handgun
is it like pluralizing a word with "z" to make it look like a kid did it? or is the adult just a fucking retard
your my right right to to rifles life
You dont have a Right to life.
>my right to life
>person who wrote the sign is 100% pro-choice liberal
Really charges my cashews. Whose life do we care about again?
>right to life
Wtf, I have a right to that shit? I sure hope God lets kikes into Heaven, because he's gonna need a real fucking good lawyer for this class action lawsuit I'm going to file against him. I figure the human race is owed about 50,000 years of backpay for being forced to die at this rate.
If you don't have the right to defend your own life, how can you have a right to life?
You liberals are to fucking dumb to realize that we can have both and we need both. We protect our banks with guns, our planes, practically anywhere with any fucking security, everywhere but our schools. And that is the fault of liberals that refuse to except the fact that guns is only evil and only good depending on the hands of the user.
>right to rifles
>draws pic of handgun
powerful how? stupid ass meme
maybe powerful to the mentally challenged
>when the second post is the best post
came here to post this
powerful stuff right here
god i’d destroy that little pusy if hers
fuxkin pump PUMP PUMP then i cum so hard her bobs
Not even a fucking choice
Here's an updated one.
This is so fucking retarded
If she didn't have a right to life then there wouldn't be punishment for killing her, what a fucking retarded argument and her parents are fucking sick for trotting her out for propaganda
Pic VERY related. Who is it who doesn't have a right to life?
>right to my life
Anyone else have a feeling her mother considered aborting her? It’s always funny to hear about the right to life coming from lefties when if you dare challenge abortion they freak out even though that’s an affront to the right to life of the unborn.
I choose my right to rifles.
is everyone in the US a mutt? Do Americans consider that white, just a question?
Pervy shills always use “fuck” when describing kids
Mom also could have aborted this child's life.
It's death, either way.
Men have guns: women, coat hangers and planned parenthood.
I choose the rifles
So powerful this how made me realise we need to take kid off of dumb parent who want to use them to further there own agendas
She didn't have a right to life inside the womb...just sayin'
Sorry, sweetie, but my right to bear arms is more important than your insignificant life.
>If you're against gun control, you are pro killing children
>Even though every country and state that has high gun regulations/gun bans have had increased rape, and murder rate didn't change.
>If you are pro gun control, you are pro rape
There, now it's their turn to answer the strawman
Where do you anything classifying her as white
Speaking of stupid-assed memes
>Is "Freedom" more important than safety?
Yes, actually.
Parents are retarded for using their kids to make political statements and potentially put them in harms way. The parents should be put to death
Sick dubbs and sick irony!
You won my heart
How about doggo owners?
You have no right to life, you must fight because nature cares not whether you live or die. Natural law is indifferent.
The same people who made their daughter hold this "right to life" sign are the same people who are pro-choice. Really jumbles my jelly beans.
That kid is not piwerful, I would break her in half.
fourteen words btfo!
Wonder how long they spent making that.
Will they finally admit that they want to ban guns all together or will they pretend they want regulations to them?
>literally a logical fallacy
Well she did push the choice... I love my rifle... don't give a fuck about that baby Thot!
>I don't want to convince people of my viewpoint i just want to talk shit and start fights
these people should be jailed and the doggos given good respectable homes.
I choose the guns.
Oh? This will make your freakin' head explode then
Guess you gonna die, bitch!
give me multimillions of dollars and i give no fucks about guns ever. simple solution
I'm just a parent and I'm sitting here while my son get bullied or is bully someone else and only dose something after the shooting because you know massshooting fame
parent or the school system can't be the problem so blame the guns
300,000 dead babies say you're a faggot and a hypocrite.
I'd personally kill all these children to protect gun rights. I'm already going to Hell. I'm already unlovable at best. I'm already a terrible person. Fuck it. I'd personally murder children to preserve the Second. God forgive me, etc. etc.
My right to guns obviously. Next question.
Ask the SRO that let 17 kids die and still collect a 100 grand per year pension.
>my right to life
except when your mom decides to abort you
Really noggles my nigger thumbs
All this says to me is that they have no idea what hardships are actually like, thinking Harry's troubles are as bad as they get.
It's not, rebellion isn't camping with your friends hunting horcruxes.
>t. Zergface
Shoop that sign into an anti abortion sign.
OP is a faggot shill. Its false flag school shooting season everytime a swamp creature is in deep shit. Anthony weiner laptop case is reopened last night and lawyers are swarming all over it. PIZZAGATE EPSTIEN ISLAND SHIT all in there. lawyers are going crazy like a feeding frenzy. Eric Schniederman got BTFO and replaced with Richard Donoghue because ES wus stonewalling weiner laptop case and covering for NXIVM. Look into RD's linkden profile, hes JAG. DOJ getting replaced with military, TRIBUNALS SOON.
t. incel
Do I really have to tell you?
>mfw I never read Harry Potter, nor I gave a shit about it when it was super popular
I preferred Greek myths anyway when I was a kid
Too much exposure. Ive been desensitized for a while.
wow, I have no words to describe this
I'll take my rifle, sorry little girl.
>pursuit of happiness
The beta menace! Gib pussy.
>Greek myths
Patrician taste, man
>using your kids to spread your political message
she should be home playing, she doesn't understand any of this shit
My right to rifles.
The Bill of Rights doesn't go out the window because of some whiny little shit.
i wonder how much use an untrained "soldier" would be with a rifle
Seriously, the 12 Labors of Heracles is more interesting than some faggot wizard
rifle any day
another ctr share blue soros thread. op stinks of the jew.
There is a very good quote from a founding father about this very thing.
>Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin
also kill your self for that flag.
>posting best protester and sign.
And when she gets older, she might have an unplanned pregnancy that she can terminate (kill) her baby without consequence.
Zero consequences. What is it like having it all, telling people they shouldn't kill, and also belong to a class that has the power to commit legalized murder?
Must be quite the power surge, eh?
to these people childhood has become precious virtue signaling years too brief to waste on things like "fun" or "blissful ignorance". their children are just more effective sign holders now.
they deserve neither and they will get neither
We become the enemy when freedom dies for security
>Your my right right to to rifles life
makes me feel bad for her future, being used by her parents for such a thing instead of having fun being a kid
Then have your own children, raise them right, let them play and have fun to then grow into great men and beautiful women while the children of the virtue signalling protesters degrade into soulless whores and weak cucks
>for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap
>Galatians 6:7