Who would do such a thing?


who would do such a thing?

Attached: mcdonald2jpg-e93987176c97c930.jpg (600x454, 34K)

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>counter clockwise swastika
i wonder (((who))) did that

How could human beings do this to one another?

Attached: Cu6evU5.jpg (240x317, 18K)

>who would do such a thing?

Attached: watcha doing rabbi.png (693x1241, 575K)

Attached: watch doin rabbi.webm (480x360, 2.97M)

>who would do such a thing?
someone who doesn't know what a swastika looks like

(((Dead giveaway))) when it's counter-clockwise.

I wonder to this day how leftists can tie their own shoe's.

This is like black people spraying "Nigger" on a white person's house.

Nazi don't call themselves Nazis.

Why does it has to be anti semitic?

Nazis also killed gypsies