Red Pilled Rogan?

Based Tim Kennedy was on Rogans podcast dropping bombs about Hitler. Is Joe slowly becoming more red pilled? Shall we leave some enlightenment in the comments?

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Joe (((Rogan))).
He's not getting redpilled.

Joe Rogan probably knows Tim Kennedy is a green beret with a touch of PTSD that will fucking end his existence in the blink of an eye if he gets out of line with him.

Some of the guys who are fighters Joe is just flat out intimidated being in the same room with.

Literally who?

Still get those redpills about Hitler out. People are disillusions by Israel committing genocide, they are having dilemmas. Strike while the ovens are hot.

Joe swings in whatever direction his guest takes him. As long as you can tell him some fact he didn't already know he'll go "whoa dude," and for the remainder of the episode he'll act like his entire life paradigm just took a turn.

Then he'll he'll have Abby Martin on or "bad ass" Matt Taibi on and he'll go back to his natural resting state as a jew-pilled liberal.

Kennedy kept calling nazis evil and mother fuckers and shit. Joe just kept going >wow I heard they went to Argentina didn’t know it was so many

Holy shit. I just watched 5 minutes of this, and Joe Rogan makes Andy Warski look high IQ.

Hitler is the Highlander and is 140yrs old living in Argentina controlling the CIA with Nordic space aliens!!

t. (((robert sepehr))) our resident 8ch shill who can't stop creating stupid occult/esoteric/black sun/gnostic threads

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Tim Kennedy is a UFC fighter and
>"In 2007, he completed Ranger School and was assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group, where he served on Operational Detachments Alpha. During this time he was also a sniper, sniper instructor, and the principal combatives instructor for C Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group. Kennedy deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom multiple times."

Tim Kennedy AKA "Tom Kendall" is a certified badass who is basically a walking lethal weapon.

Joe is not redpilled

need some helps joe?

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>Tim Kennedy
Can some Chilean and Argentinian niggas chime in and confirm about the shit he's saying about German Argentinians only speaking German.

This idiot also failed to mention operation paperclip where America took almost every scientist Nazis has. Fucking cherry picking man.

you will never red pill (((joe rogan))). anyone else up for moving to one of the german small towns in SA?

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Joe is what stupid people think woke is

Joe Rogan is going to slowly transition into a pro-population control and culling Thanos

This is a Motivational, spiritual energy blast into your memetic Sphere!!!
A pep Rally!!! A call to arms!!! A return to God and a destruction of the VILE ones!!!

>feeling down?

Well get cured and watch this Panacea for your mind!!!
>God is building an army
You are not worthless Goyim Shit you are loved and appreciated and waiting for you to come home

>PRODIGAL SON is more important than the other son

Even if you dont believe in God there is alot of redpills in this video and you WILL FEEL BETTER !!!

>THE enemy wants you down and defeated!
Dont be!!! RISE UP!

>Joe (((Rogan))).
(((too mainstream))) fixed* rogan isn't a (((name))) he's Italian

reminder that this COCK SUCKAAA is cuban jewish. he admits his mother was cuban jewish in "Joey Diaz's Mom Starts a Fight - This Is Not Happening".

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he's not funny. even before i was redpilled i never found this fat degenerate piece of shit funny.

agreed and his fat gurgle voice annoys me. Not to mention you can tell he's a bullshitter, his stories are all made up.

the same with Theo Von. at first he was funny and sometimes he still is. however, i cant get past that bullshit feeling. usually comics are good at masking it but these joey and theo are two of the worst.

joseph rogenberg

that cocksuka is a fat retard people laugh at, not with.

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Yeah but the said 9/11 wasnt an inside job.
Tim is trying to recruit kids when there is still a giant mistrust between the military and anyone with a fucking working mind.
What they want is action heros who don't question and bite into the memes of brotherhood and loyalty instead of research. But whatever, episode was listenable

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He has killed a dozen terrorists with his bare hands


Joe knows that a lot of these guys are legit unstable and not worth tempting

He also talks mad shit about how much he works out and how good he eats. Like honestly who are you fooling with a body like that?

Did you listen to the podcast you big retard? They were talking about how evil it was those German colonies in SA exists and if it would be moral to destroy it all.


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He called Hitler an asshole and I turned it off

lmfao so true

you posted this yesterday and no one gave a fuck

His show sounded badass desu

and that annoying spanish guy "bjj genius" that thinks everything is a conspiracy, I can't listen to him for more than 30 seconds

and couldn't finish one cuban on queer street

Tim is a joke of aa MMA fighter. He was signed by the UFC to be Captin America for some sales.

UFC is fake as fuck and everyone is on steroids except the Diaz bros.

Joe Rogan works for (((Them))) and is used to shape the narrative in the way (((they))) want.

kennedy is the goodest goy believing all the tales about muh hitlah

he's paid by (((A&E))) to believe and convey the fairy tales. i find it hard to believe he doesn't know the truth.

He's the only redpilled one joe brings on. Whenever he brings up pizza gate or the deep state joe wants to change the subject

it's kinda interesting

i mean in the last year they found nazi artifacts in Argentina. And the fact that josef mengele fled there and wasn't captured

dunno about hitler getting there though

eddie unironically had a holocaust denial playlist on his youtube channel that had a video called "how to get redpilled on the holocaust in 30 minutes" or something like that. joe knows eddie is redpilled on the JQ and that any time he starts going on about conspiracies that there's where eddie is going to end up at.

bilzerian is a joke washout that gets laughed at by beat cops when he tries to act hard.

>joe isn't even a fighter

lol the fuck, why does he talk so much about UFC firsthand

Joe Rogan is one of the most purplepilled people out there.

Listen to him 'debunk' and affirm "chemtrails" [geoengineering] in pretty much the same breath:

>'Chemtrails are bullshit--that's smoke--it's just, nonsense'

next sentence:

>'there's evidence that they experiment spraying stuff in the air, and they definately seed clouds...'

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Stop shilling, christkike

Joe has always been redpilled but took the bluepill for financial gain like you all would