It's time to address the straight white male mass killing problem...

It's time to address the straight white male mass killing problem. Don't give me any shit about black murder because it usually happens between worthless gangbangers. Meanwhile whites usually target innocent people.

Attached: Screenshot_20180518-231147.jpg (1080x747, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread: Definitions-BORUNDA.pdf


>treasonous drones and slaves to the state
>innocent people
pick one

>gangbanging niggers
>not robbing innocent people, destroying communities with drug and whore rackets and killing bystanders in drivebys

>65% of the population is white
>and they still include mutts and hispanics as white
oh wow

>1% of the population commits fewer shootings than 65% does (80% including Hispanics as "white")

Wow this is deep

black crime statistics

Castration Day is coming!

Statistics are only brought up by people when it favors their opinion. Bring up statistics that go against their agenda and watch how they recoil.

Attached: Addie.jpg (1200x1200, 122K)

>since 1982
What happened then?

Wise tweet, OP.

Attached: Fuck white people t-shirt.jpg (540x720, 94K)