This is the collapse of society at 1%...

This is the collapse of society at 1%. Soldiers coming home from pointless wars with empty hands and stomachs full of opioids. Father figures ridiculed by blue haired bitter feminist cunts that represent none of us. Peaceful, humble religion mocked openly with the same old disingenuous tired old arguments, rabid dogs, while violent enabling religion masqueraded as exotic and multicultural. Single mothers revered as strong independent homes, while they cower in the closet crying trying to figure out how to find a loving man every weekend. Patriotism literally burning in the streets wearing black masks to hide the fact that they are frightened and cornered children. Violent gangs revered in the media as freedom fighters and the next civil rights movement. Endless unimaginable amounts sex and guts and feces and blood. Children's idols are killers, artists are thugs and drug dealers. Bodies stained with ink and colors to represent how bland and devoid of thought their inner soul is. Politicians beating mistresses in the dark with leather whips at 6pm, speaking at a cancer fundraiser at 8pm. Masterworks of art created in 15 minutes with glitter and an iPhone and born into the world to the sound of golf claps and rich "educated" cosmopolitan liberals sipping champaign and cackling. Celebrities shilling cult symbols in public for the 1000th time and still think we don't know. Champions of degeneracy hoarding billions waiting for it to crack and crumble so they can steal the fragmented pieces with their grimy greedy hands. This is the collapse of society at 1%. I don't want to see 5%, I want to find a fucking cabin in the woods and be forgotten even by God

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Posting from a MAGA household.

WE are fixing this day in and day out.

GOD bless us patriots, Spit on the grave of hill dog and bush. eyes without a face

WE are changing this narrative

We are the real Americans

We are the future

(Takashi 69) on our side

we are and its a great thing
> the only way we take it back... is to first burn down the control of zog

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It's all true. It's time to be the spark that creates the flame, all of you Jow Forumslock niggers will contribute or die trying. GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE OUT-OF-CONTROL RADICAL ZIONISM.


Why aren't you doing anything user?
Why do you let Radical Zionism control every waking moment of you life?

This is a Political Mind Cancer and the Anti-Human at its peak and yet, you're in your room
or on your phone. Sitting there waiting.

>boy I hope someone burns out the homeless and drug addict vagrants from my neighborhood
>boy, I hope someone does something about these crooked politicians that all somehow no matter what represent foreign interests rather than that of the collective
>boy I hope someone does something about out media and phoney news
>boy I hope someone does something about these social media sites and internet censorship
>boy I hope someone does something about malicious racial media seen coming from blacks with $-backed by jews
>boy I hope someone does something about the impotence rates rising and testosterone rates falling
>boy I hope someone does something about Israel and the artificial left right paradigm


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dont worry brother, HE is coming. He will judge the living and the dead, with FIRE. It will all burn.


tragically accurate


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Seriously though user, what are you gonna do about it??????????????????????

>burn out the homeless ?
>kill your local heroin dealer ?


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Unemployment is 3.9%, just about the lowest in American history. Anyone can easily get a job now. Everything else is just whining and failing to take personal responsibility for your own life. And that's on YOU, not on "society."

I didnt create it. I had nothing to do with it. I dont vote, they do not have my consent to be governed. I dont live by thier laws, but by Gods laws.

Its not my dirt. Its thier dirt. The lamb of God will return! But not as a lamb, the next revolution he returns as a lion, to devour all in his path! Its the cycle of life, doesnt matter whether you are jewish, christian, bhuddist or muslim ... all the great philosophies and religions predict this. Even the simplistic, soft men --->hard times --->hard men ---> good times, is a play on this! All our forebears knew forever, that this was how it goes. The pendulum swings one way, then it swings back again ... and whomsoever's head is stuck up, gets it cut off!

So eat drink and be happy, rejoice in thy youth, enjoy the wife in your arms, and the children at your feet ... but never forget, it is all vanity. There is nothing new under the sun.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert... near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;

And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings;
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

thanks brotien shake

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>believing blatant government propaganda

We all know how bad it actually is. We're not retarded.

The entire world is in a state of decay, take a look at society over the last 100 years things have advanced technologically but everything else is decaying. Morality is decaying. religion is decaying, the nuclear family barely even exists, roads and buildings are crumbling from lack of commerce paired with general neglect from governments and people, more people are also on anti-depressants than ever which suggests psychological decay, and literally anything else you can imagine is most likely decaying.

We are in the end times for Western Civilization this is what the downturn looks like and the true redpill is that nothing can be done to prevent it because we can never organize like our ancestors did. The best thing to do is self-improve and try to make the best of a bad situation.

Wʌne yz nαt lajkeli tu fajnd fajner kættle ðhæn yn ðe lænd ʌv ðe kowboyz..

>Amerykan Gothyk Sloterhouse Λv Kardašhianz

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You should be asking where the bullets and bombs are at. Kill your local basedgoy.

>we can never organize like our ancestors did

why the fuck not?

Its not destroying OUR world. Its destroying YOUR world.

As i bent and picked a stone from a river, I showed it to my son. I said to my son, "See this rock, it has lain for eons in this stream, surrounded by water." And I cracked open the rock, and showed it to my son, "See my son, the water cannot penetrate the rock."

"And you too must be like a rock, surrounded by the wicked, and yet the wicked cannot penetrate you. Be like this my son, and you will rejoice!"

The rock is not water, it can never be water. And water can never be a rock.

The quicker the shithole that is the USA collapses and turns to mass self-extermination, with masses of corpses piling up all over the country, the better for the world.

Well at present we have no Hitler, every great movement has a great leader and all of our great leaders are dead and long buried and even if we did produce someone who would quickly be labeled as some kind of controlled opposition or a shill and he would quickly be written off. All of the (((alt-right))) "leaders" are either alt-lite, controlled opp, or just plain untermensch like Spencer or Enoch.


All you can do is the best for yourself and your fellow man. Good luck user &&& check deez digits.

Often heroin dealers are addicts forced to work by ethnic gangs for a few bags a day due to their physical dependence and threats of violence

Never hate your enemy. Make a better life for yourself and your brethren peacefully. It is the only way.

>t. Man who doesn't understand over time the river will wear the rock down to be so small it will be washed away in water.

Stop being retarded.

there is still hope friend

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>Stop being retarded.

says man who doesn't understand metaphors

>over time the river will wear the rock down to be so small it will be washed away in water.

and yet it still does not penetrate the rock, and the rock may be reduced to sand, and the sand to dust, to be washed far out to sea. And there those tiny specks of dust spend thousands of years drifting to the bed of the ocean. And lying on bed of oceans, more dust piles on top of them. Until so much dust has piled that massive pressures are induced, pressure and heat so intense that new rocks are fused from this dust, and the rock is reborn again!!!! And the water, despite all its efforts, can never penetrate the rock.


All cults are bad news to non-cultists. Look how Christians force tolerance on everyone. This will lead to a collapse of western civilization. Because magic sky daddy supposedly told them to be cucks.

Remember user, whatever happens it's the will of the almighty. Have faith in his plan for mankind and trust that things will work out as they should, even if it doesn't look like it at times.