Why isn't the solution to the "Mass shooting" crisis simply having a license and a set of tests to make you eligible to own a firearm?
Surely making people prove they're proficient solves a lot of problems... It removes a lot of risk of death and injury by an unqualified person mishandling a firearm.
It shows proficiency with dangerous equipment. (I mean, you have to get a license for a car, purely by the nature that metal moving fast can cause injury/death).
It deters people who really shouldn't be allowed to own a firearm.
If you're a responsible firearm owner, you should be able to prove this.
If you own a firearm for defence, it's only as useful as the proficiency of the user, after all.
I mean, I'm not saying that this is a fool-proof system, but surely it's the best way to protect firearm owners interests as well as satisfy what the "General public" want in terms of stricter control.
If it reduces mass shootings, it helps both sides of the argument, if it doesn't, you are still where you are today.
>Why isn't the solution to the "Mass shooting" crisis simply having a license and a set of tests to make you eligible to own a firearm? i like this idea m8. the thing is, that would be just the beginning. the agenda is to strip as many rights away from the population as possible.
Caleb Scott
Most recent one is, but surely a responsible firearm owner would be the only one with access to their own firearms?
Although at the current rate, do you think it would be beneficial to give the Anti-gun complainers a small step instead of an eventual outright ban on what they would call: "Assault weapons".
Jason Barnes
>Most recent one is,
Nah, virtually all of them. Look it up.
Pretty much the only one who owned his own guns was that Vegas shooter.
Carson Martin
Unironicallly this. I've been saying this for years. Just make getting a gun more comparable to getting a car.
>shooter in this case stole the lawfully owned weapons of his father OP, I know reading is hard for you, but in your legally illiterate fantasy story time, it would work like this: >shooter's father jumps through all the hoops OP wants >shooter steals weapons lawfully owned by father >OP decides that Pasolini's "Salo" is a life plan
thats what i want. but everyone else in the conversation is to reactionary for a reason solution.
Before you get a gun, like with cars, you should know how to use them and be tested on your proficiency. if 2/3rds of gun deaths are suicides, then there should be a mental health test as well. education and tests should reduce the number of accidental deaths. having these tests which take up time will make it harder for people who dont own a gun, to get one quick and murder people. that seems to be the trend, not existing gun owners, but impulse buys to quickly commit crimes.
Fair enough, I'm going to wager a bet that they weren't responsible firearm owners on the basis that (Cruz/others) managed to take them so easily in that case.
I'd say the young mans fault, but I would also add that the parents should have taken every reasonable precaution to make these firearms hard to access.
I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that most illegal firearms were stolen from houses that had them loose in drawers.
Aaron Thompson
This is the type of bullying that makes people shoot up schools
Cameron Robinson
I'm pretty sure these school shooters going for the high score is a great demonstration of their proficiency with firearms, britbong.
Luis Gomez
oooh oooh oooh! Can we please apply this logic to the First Amendment as well since you are talking about Constitutional rights?
Protip: You can't say no, that is the future you chose
But the bong is actually right. We have driver's licences because cars are half ton chucks of metal that can kill lots of people if given to retards and licences have to be renewed so old fucks don't crash because they can't fucking see or hear anymore. In the same sense I don't want senile cunts or literal retards owning guns.
Honestly a car comparable licence system is the perfect middle ground for the gun control issue but it'll never happen because gun grabber fags will never be satisfied and "SHALL NOT BE" fags will never stop reeeing if it was proposed.
Guns and cars aren't the same thing you centrist cuckoloid.
Sebastian Butler
Yeah, IDK what I said that was anti-gun in the first place, although as soon as you mention guns, Jow Forums generally stops reading and go on a mental break.
I just ignore the post trying to meme their arguments.
Cameron Perry
And people still die to people driving with no license/suspended licenses/illegal beaners.
The only thing a license would do is burden law abiding citizens. The fucking shooters will find their guns on the black market.
As a minority of people are always going to drive without a license, so lets get rid of it all together and just have an age limit?
Julian Torres
Because we don't want to end up like your pathetic country bong. A right is a right. Requiring a license would make it no longer a right and is unconstitutional.
>Surely making people prove they're proficient solves a lot of problems.
So, make the shooters well trained before they go kill people?
Cameron Foster
Yeah, no shit guns and cars aren't the same thing. Not an argument unless you explain why a comparable licence system wouldn't work for guns.
>inb4 it'll be harder to get guns What did you have that hard a time passing your drivers test Tyrone? Afraid the test proctor will tell you to stop holding it side-ways?
Caleb Roberts
This would be the same as using cold medicine to treat AIDs. Mass shootings aren't a symptom of gun ownership, they're a symptom of the decay of a moral, upright society. The only thing that will actually treat this issue is a complete rejection of "progressive" liberal nonsense. You can do what your nigger-IQ tier government has done, and keep sticking band-aids all over yourself, but you'll still bleed out.
Camden Adams
the way they use memes makes me cringe
Owen Adams
License on free speech License on religion License for voting
Isaiah Williams
We don't license cars. We insure cars and license people.
Neither of which work with guns because of how they are used.
Because the govt can suck my fat white dick. They already know damn well I'm competent because they took dozens of thousands of dollars from me in taxes. Instead, every gun owner should be required to shoot one nigger a month until the nigger problem is solved. This ensures that America is strong, has a higher gdp per capita, and relieves stress to prevent mass shootings.
Leo Adams
Every country has a license on voting, it's called a citizenship lmao.
You can';t measure a graph between mass shootings and moral objectivity. You can with mass shootings and gun ownership, which is what the "Left" are doing.
Chase Jones
If he go to their school, whos to say they wouldnt pick on him
Jayden Gutierrez
Prison time for all parents of school shooters.
Instead of plastering the face of the smug shooter all over the news, show footage of the weeping parents as they are sentenced to 15 years in prison.
Justin Morgan
And having children. Let's just be China
Jacob Price
>make people prove they're profficient >shooters k/d ratio grows by 50%
nice job
Christian Lewis
How are those licenses for fucking every and anything working out over in the UK? Isn't the crime rate in London the same as New York now but you guys made guns illegal?
You're not American I say again shall not be infringed.
Ian Morris
Yeah like I said, it's such a devisive issue that the license idea probably won't happen anytime soon. In the meantime if I have to choose between giving into gun-grabbers and letting Cletus and Tyrone have all the guns they want, I'll have to go with the latter.
>The only thing a license would do is burden law abiding citizens. See second half of
Sebastian Sanchez
What kind of braindead fucking argument is "you can't make a graph"? Jesus christ. They don't make a brainlet wojack dumb enough for you.
Noah Cox
Because some Commie faggot like you will make the LOICENSEes harder and harder to get.
Mind your own fucking business before we nuke your shitty island, you worthless cuckold piece of shit.
Bentley Russell
>Statistics aren't evidence.
Wow, do you think all laws should be based on "Feelings" and "Emotion" as well?
>Why isn't the solution to the "Mass shooting" crisis simply having a license and a set of tests to make you eligible to own a firearm?
I would be ok with this, with the same necessary precondition as every other gun control compromise:
The gun control must swear blood oaths, on pain of forced sudoku, that this is the last compromise. I will not surrender another inch of my rights, even if I sincerely believe it's for the best, unless I have some absolute fucking guarantee that the libs won't come back tomorrow demanding a new "compromise".
Violent crime in London is probably higher to be honest, but it's a lot of fighting, mainly because we have free healthcare. The mortality rate is a lot lower.
Not convenient for FOX to publish that though.
Jace Ramirez
Imagine being this much of a fucking retarded liberal to actually think your average gun owner owns fully automatic weapons.
What statistics? The ones that show declining violent crime across the board? The ones that show mass shootings as a tiny fraction of total homicides? The ones that show firearm ownership increasing during the same period? Or do you mean cherry-picked specific bullshit to support your thought that the state should control your life?
id imagine there is some fallacy in trying to force that comparison. tho it is funny that gun nuts are scared of the 2nd amendment being removed when they already dont have the protection of the 4th, can legally be killed by the government, and detained indefinitely without a trial.
Do you have a problem with Driver's Licenses?
Blake Turner
>You can';t measure a graph between mass shootings and moral objectivity. you can with church attendance
Aaron Evans
Haha you literally pay to fix criminals and put them back on to the street. Catch and release but for everybody.
Aaron Davis
>they already dont have the protection of the 4th, can legally be killed by the government This a a great argument for giving the government our guns
>Do you have a problem with Driver's Licenses? not a constitutional right