>tfw gyno
Tfw gyno
Q predicted this
Show vegine
honestly jelous desu
I know that feel.
>tfw perky teen tits but 25 year old man
Big mosquitos over there huh?
would be perfect if you wanted to trap
if you arent a woman you are fucking fucked
consider turning into a trap so a Jow Forumstard will marry you
Go to /b/ you retard.
it has to be a woman look at the hands
I can tell you're a female by your hands. Let's see the rest of you; I bet you're beautiful.
oh god dude
get that cut out right away. i don't think gyno surgery is very expensive, either. i believe some bodybuilders have even done it themselves
>little tits on a barrel chest
get implants you freak
Jow Forumstards dont want to marry traps they only want to have sex with them and then leave because they dont wanna be seen as gay. dont do it its a very bad idea.
nice titties bro, would smash
fuck you my hands are manly
Please tell me you're trans. I wanna jerk off to that pic but only if you're trans
yeah or the fucking hair you sperg
no one should be ashamed of that so much they feel like they need plastic surgery.
Post more
lol too much 'lent buddy
I have it on one side only. It's really not bad but bothers the fuck out of me. Kind of hoping it just goes away on it's own because surgery sounds not very great.
Pls be my gf
Dude just show me your dick.
a few months of risperdal will do that to ya.
look at the tits on that school shooter..
goes from rail thin to tittus hucow after some months on ssri
My first thought.
You have nice tits, friend. Don't listen to these socially awkward potatoes.
Where do traps go with this in life? Do any of you know any trans's from your high school crowd?
I mean, do they just play dress-up with themselves and post pictures on the internet so everyone will "ooo" and "ahhh" over them, then realize that that's all they're achieving? Where is this going?
Mine are much bigger than that. I've been losing weight fast but they don't seem to be going anywhere and I'm dreading the surgery afterwards.
we have the cutest traps
and get that adams apple shaved while you're at it you look like a dude in a wig
Nice tits, bro. You ever look at them in the mirror and fap?
I want a trap gf to be honest.
traps take estrogen then maybe neck themselves once they're not cute anymore
if they go the route of cutting their dick off they might blog about it for a while first, that's the only difference
It doesnt. I doubt even starving to death helps.
t. Had that since forever, at least since puberty.
>that post ID
it's still more than what I do with my days
OP is a chemically deformed faggot.
Have you ever considered scamming thirsty poo in the loos for paypal monies?
I wouldn't even hesitate in your position.
Also post screencaps.
Post your body fag
smol peepee :3 become a trap!
this is the gayest thing i've seen on Jow Forums since earlier today
M-maybe you should play dress up, user....
>not trap hands
>trap hands
>Long blonde hair
same... woops nevermind just saw your post.
Qute post feet
my tits are a little smaller. i still walk around like im the shit, and have an 8"cock. 5 kids now with 3 different girls 2 strippers. attitude is everything if you have something to offer behind the image
nice tits
after I turned 18 I got on hormones and that helped me get to a good place mentally and now im in school. Trans people posting pics on the internet isn’t any different from when normal people do it.
Is this even considered nudity?
stop calling me cute I'm straight you queer
Pretty cute, looks passing
Please more
suck my hole
Really cute
Have you cum on your own tits yet?
but I'm a boy! it would be weird....
>Cute penos
>Shaved balls
Me my gf
So you fucj guys?
Now timestamp
one they're not tits
and two I don't cum that hard so no
I wanna suck them
Looks diseased, what happened?
Why is your "dick" upside down?
it's time to kys
I got circumcised :(
If this is real, I would get your dick vein checked out, Don't look right
>I'm straight you queer
you sure have quite a collection of tumblr dick pix for a straight dude.
>not posting your dick online
it's 2017 garandpa
>pol when the boomers are asleep
You been fapping to this thread lol
I got flap Jack tits n I wish to get implants.
show feminine benis
It's only a little harmless dress up! It's not weird, it's just temporary, silly! Hmmm are you scared you might like it?
>I mean, do they just play dress-up with themselves and post pictures on the internet so everyone will "ooo" and "ahhh" over them, then realize that that's all they're achieving? Where is this going?
no, they're mentally ill and unfortunately their delusions are reinforced rather than discouraged. i think it's less about attention seeking and more about their internal compulsion to make themselves female.
if you want them thats fine you should be able to get them.
i just dont think anyone should be ashamed of not having oversized boobs
nice ghoul penis
Can I kiss your chest
did it for halloween last year lol
what is oversized to you?
you should try exfoliating your chest OP, looks acne prone.
Put a dress and a wig on and I will fill up your asshole with hot cum bitch, gonna show you what a real man is.