QUICK, post redpills in Pewdiepie's LWIAY subreddit.
it's the only way we can get him speak out for real.
QUICK, post redpills in Pewdiepie's LWIAY subreddit
Cooper Reyes
Juan Baker
>Why are people afraid of the facts about jews?
Connor Foster
Not into reddit son, what you newfags dont understand
Jack Peterson
Can we get him to post something about pitbulls?
Leo Lee
>yes goyim don't spread your ideology on one of the most popular website on the internet
Tyler Russell
Carter Diaz
I doubt that he will watch all of that, try posting images.
Liam Clark
What about them?
Carson Jenkins
John Mitchell
what an idiot.
>"i don't see the breeds, man :D"
>"it's just dogs so who cares if the kill more people than other dogs."