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Other urls found in this thread:


All it took was one famous school shooting to be displayed for the dominos to fall and people to get inspired from it. Also I'm pretty sure they classify things like a guy shooting himself on school grounds as a school shooting.

Didn't this shooter use a shotgun? Are you going to ban shotguns? Isn't most gun violence done with handguns? Are you going to ban handguns?

Maybe figure out why all these American teenagers want to massacre their classmates instead of trying to take law-abiding citizens guns away.

the country of free

kikes and niggers all need to hang

Attached: MassShootingFrequencyByCountry.jpg (586x394, 75K)

States: 206
Superpowers: 1


this desu

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Thought China was all stabbing

>Why are people afraid of the facts about jews?

You’ve posted this 4x times now

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500k- 3.5 million defensive gun uses per year far outweighs these figures.

>spiritually dead country has problems related to being spiritually dead
Crazy stuff dude. I'm sure continuing down the path that's led us to this point is the way out.

Sasha is a gun grabber?

Fuck are you on about

I was just watching MSNBC 3 minutes ago and they had a shooting victim who was shot today, in the head. Apparently he had a bullet go through his head 16 hours ago and now he is on tv. Pretty amazing huh? Seriously, how stupid do they think you are?

FP most honest Post. FPMHP?

>Republitards still believe gun control is bad

Gang banger shootings don't count, because that's racist... There goes most of them you dick riding shill.

Also stop spamming this thread, sage and report.

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What are you fucking shills trying to hide now?


ASSLICK! You fucked up your fucking proxy again! Jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick! Are you a fucking retarded nigger?

Stop spreading fucking lies.

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Yes, she is a comrade

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Do you need a whole introduction to the decline of the United State's national character, civic participation, and ideological spirit over the last half a century? Because I don't have time for that.

Even 5 is too many.
Ban schools, homeschooling for everyone. Turn the schools into living quarters for the homeless seniors, vets etc.

I can't for the life of me remember a school shooting massacre in Australia.

Thank god we haven't had any school shootings.

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I can't remember a good thing about Australia.

A common enemy arises perhaps.

>Sasha Grey
I agree. Degenerate slut.

They will NEVER take our guns. They say “oh we don’t to ban all guns, we just want sweeping gun legislation!” Look at the rest of the world! Almost all “civilized” countries have sweeping gun bans, there citizenry has been disarmed. Pair that with all these libs crying about socialized medicine and other dumb shit these “civilized” countries are doing and wanting that in the States, and why WOULDN’T they want the same with guns? They’re gonna try it real soon, and it’s not gonna be good. Hopefully for them, if not then America and all she stood for will die.

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Bonooru detected. Who is implicitly saying this is okay? There is an unironic answer, mind you.

What do we expect? Fags and freaks run around and no one imprisons them. We let them vote, breathe, eat, and purchase firearms for God's sake. It's disgusting.

Attached: Fag Buys Gun.png (1080x1992, 1.28M)

yeah we should have at least double that number. looks like we are slipping.

Agreed. We need to increase the amount of school shootings until all of the hoplophobes are dead and everyone is armed.

Do the math now!
The population of Greece/Netherlands 10-15 mln.
The popilation of US ~250 mln

Number of fucks I give: 0

False flags

((((((First world country))))))

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Isn't it interesting that school shootings are more common now when gun laws are far more strict than they were say 50-60 years ago where they were far, far less strict and when there were a ton of surplus military grade firearms floating about.
What could possibly have changed in these past 50-60 years?

>Sasha Grey Retweeted

social media and the rise of extreme narcissism

Lol, the faggot has a bugman cartoon avatar. That's all I can say about this dogshit baitpost. Most of those school shootings are gang related nogs shooting each other outside the school but they're counted as school shootings.

Well we treat mass shooters like celebrities now by plastering their name and face on TV 24/7.

Wow the secular amoral den of sin and nihilism of the modern age has an issue with mass murderers? Imagine my shock

>Let me ignore the nigger/spic elephant in the room, and kikes blaring all day that whites needs to be replaced.

I mean, isn't a school shooting just a shooting near or on school campuses?

Its not “make america okay again” this is what greatness looks like. Whats the greatest generation the greatest for?


wE NEED mORE!!!!

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A “school shooting” is anytime a bullet lands within a school zone

Yes it is. Alaska reporting in: we don’t give a fuck

you aren't superior at shit, fucking burger. Just a giant kiked meme country.

Pretty entertaining, though.

Looks like USA is number 1 again you jelly fags

Yes, I'm sure it's the guns and not the society

>The 33000 Muslim terror attacks since 2001, however, are just fine.

Not a single one in France?
Muh country of rights


Your point has nothing to do with mass shootings tho
fact is he shot up his school because he had no friends, zero likes on FB, and was being bullied by his coach.
That's why kids break , look at all the nonsense bullshit he was into just so he could feel like he belonged somewhere

Yes it is.


>Netherlands: 1
You wot?

and yet 98.78% of all of them were white LOL

>Confederate flag
>calls others burgers

Meme flags were a mistake

Upitty Southrons do still think they're another country.

Yes it is you pussy

Just looked it up, and it was a Moroccan that shot his headmaster in 2004.
His monkey friends from school stated that the headmaster disrespected him, so they understood why he did it. Absolutely disgusting.

Much like how the kike media hyping up the Zodiac killer caused a huge spike on serial killers in the 1970s-1980s

We made 2nd place guys, leaf power

I can't take screenshots of twitters with stereotypical cartoon avatars with s0yb0y glasses trying to make normie-tie logic killshots seriously anymore
All life has become a meme

Who is saying they are fine with terrorism and that it's a non issue?
Because i seem to remember 2 fucking wars, 1 that's still going on, a handful of conflicts, drone strikes, a bloated military budget, dead american soldiers, trillion dollar debt, and the erosion of my fuckin civil liberties since 2001 because of 33000 terrorist attacks
Shut. The. Fuck. Up

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>Solution: Decentralize Schooling


Fucking based! Keep white parents thinking about home schooling.

Now show the number of acid attacks and female circumcisions by country.

There's always Monday


They are counting random nig shootings etc on this. I find it hard to believe that those kinds of incidents haven’t happened at all at any of those nonUS schools.

you are not okay.

>erosion of my civil liberties
And guess what? The gubmint will burn down your entire neighborhood if they find out someone who lives 3 blocks away may or may not have a beanshooter. Giving gubmint more power means a first-class ticket to the gas chamber.

better up your game nigger
gonna get caught slippin'

>Restrictive gun laws
fix your shit