my heart hurts.
fuck you america for seducing our white prince with your mutt creature
my heart hurts.
fuck you america for seducing our white prince with your mutt creature
Other urls found in this thread:
Enjoy your McRoyal Wedding!
america has been BLACKING the UK for over a century. Churchill was a pure blooded yankoid
>my heart hurts.
I feel for you.
>fuck you america for seducing our white prince
Sorry but your "white prince" is a dunce. He is dimwitted, arrogant, privileged, and hangs around trash. Birds of a feather.....They deserve each other. Oh, they are also both communists.
Just sorry to see the destruction of yet another Western Civilization tradition. RIP British Royal Monarchy.
Your entire country burns, your sacred lands lie in ruins, and your ancestors are turning in their graves, while you sit back idley doing nothing as your nation denies the basic liberties and freedoms known to every man from its citizenry, and invaders rape and pillage your women and country.
Cheers about ze royale with cheese wedding though m8.
Your prince is a crypto-kike which is why he is being blanda'd up for the sake of propaganda.
Harry isn't even Charles's son
>tfw you were just in time to see atrocida britanica being born
Now you get colonized! JK seriously what a timeline!!! AHHH!
and it's beautiful
His mother was a racemixing whore, no reason for at least one of her sons to follow suit
Thats moscow
Looks just like Vancouver
Look @ the amount of people waiting for this shitshow.
and this shit gets born
Honestly she looks pretty fucking White
Cali girl tan goin on
I know... I know... not even a slut would go for a CWC guy like me...
But the fact remains she's a porno sluuuuuuuuuut.
Why can't you realise that you have a puppet government and the Royal family are hostages, slaves to the Rothschilds. Do you really think Harry chose her and she wasn't forced on him as some kind of degenerate race mixing propagander
>Honestly she looks pretty fucking White
>Honestly she looks pretty fucking White
does she at least sound british?
Churchill was a pure blooded Kike shill.
We basically have the exact opposite. At least the subhumans are kept in check.
Celtics aren't White.
Isn't she too old to have kids? She's like almost 40... What autistic mutt goblin would crawl out of her vagoo...
wtf do you think?
quit crying about spilt genes and bump this thread
Der ewige mutt
>holy shit it's real
jews really don't give a shit anymore, this will be their downfall
This. Fuck your women though. Let them be raped. They are the ones that caused this problem, then and their betamale orbiters.
I know for a fact Englands still got tons of rough and tough men outside london. Fucking wake up.
British police need to learn from American police on how to deal with niggers. Brits still think that niggers are civilized humans that can be reasoned with.
>Nigger nose, black eyes, dark skin, velcro hair
Pick one and one only
She's only half, the same as Obama.
Don't be fooled by plastic surgery and skin bleach.
she tooooooooo old to have kids and harry's junk is all gunked up from being a man whore he probs shooting blanks, if his balls aint outright fell off by now. chillax fagit.
Well at least we now know you Brits like your women like you like your tea.
>she looks pretty fucking White
Harry isn't even a royal.
Incels VS Alpha:
Perfect woman:
Hey man, if your prince can't resist some worn out nigger pussy from across the ocean it probably has more to do with him than anything. If it weren't this nigger it'd be another from Africa or London.
her mom is half, that makes her a quarter.
How many times do i have to day this.
Blaming women is like blaming your puppy for pissing on the rug.
It hasn't been trained properly.
The poor state of women is a reflection of the poor status of men. The fault always lies with you.
Don't react to jewish feminism by losing what makes you a man. Thats how they win.
I'm laughing my ass off. I'm also going to bed and going to sleep through the event.
Meme the shit out of it and use it to shame white women into not having nigger babies.
Globalist sham wedding designed to make us accept the new order of things.
t. mutt desperate to be accepted as white
It's probably a bad idea to accept people like Fuentes. Sends the wrong signals.
looks portuguese
>Globalist sham wedding designed to make us accept the new order of things.
This is now an American music thread.
Fuck the bongs post culture.
Oh the life of a Cowboy
She looks like a nigger. Probably like you.
You saying Brittany Venti was a... quadroon?
Free Big Mac to every attendee
Quads confirm what we all know.
No one cares.
You're welcome. This is pay back for John Oliver & the war of 1812 ya wanka
Some classy WW1 choir
How will the quintessentially British royal family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha ever recover?
Whiter than most Euros today.
>muh prince
>muh royal family
kek pathetic faggots
I hope the uk gets fucking nuked, godspeed iran
Here's some live footage of the celebrations in the UK:
You've never heard it like this.
Truly the star spangled soprano.
The American copy is better
Change my mind
I'm probably more White than both of you. If you don't have blue eyes or have 1% jew dna then well....
I hope the entire family dies.
On the issue of race mixing I was wondering if it is acceptable to mix with Chilean?
Stand up white man
Do it for polly.
I've left my old mother to weep and a-moan. I am a rebel soldier and far from my home.
Sometimes I expect over half this board are mulattoes and mestizos trying to figure out if they would be accepted as white or not and and just larping "racist white person" to pass the time.
Why didn't he marry Brooke Little or somebody? He could have gotten her.
We wuz royalty and shit
At least their kids won't be hemophiliacs and they willl have a 50/50 shot at normal looking teeth.
Fuck you and your entire country. A terror attack in the US cannot come fucking quick enough.
This is now a Jow Forums humor thread.
The Royal Wedding looks very festive! I had heard there were a lot of hats, but I thought they'd be more elaborate.
The south still stands.
Brits BTFO
Honest question bongs... why is he doing this? Can't that old lady stop him? Shouldn't public option be outraged?
Sorry, but it's Harry's fault. Think he's doing it to get revenge on the queen for having his mother killed?
Why didn't he marry Jaye Rose? She's kind of cute.
If America didn't exist, then the Rothschilds would make your cuck prince marry and Algerian or something.
You faggots are ruled by a Jewish banker family.
(((Terror attack)))
You mean a chance to steal oil and bomb muzzies
She's 33% Nigger. She's a NILF.