A Pobeda Boeing 737 reported to have 170 people on board has landed in Moscow with only one working engine. The plane had to turn around mid-flight en route to the Russian city of Astrakhan after its right engine failed.
The plane took off from Vnukovo at 7:15am local time (4:15 GMT) and started losing altitude and speed less than an hour later. It descended by 2,000 meters in 20 minutes, according to Flightaware.
If our intel agency was worth a damn it would be called niggernado so that even if it leaked, news reporters would have trouble reporting on it, and people would have trouble talking about it in public.
Justin Adams
was he wearing his bear suit? was his cock exposed? Then how would I recognize him?! fuck off!
Levi Edwards
>man goes on rant and shoots at building usually it's drugs/alcohol/etc.
Jaxon Sanders
i don't even know who Seth Abramson is but i want to bash his fucking face in for telling one of the most unconvincing lies i've ever heard. I know who Strzok is, and there is ZERO chance he was doing anything to protect trump.
Makes you wonder why the DNC didn't let the beloved and trusted FBI examine their "hacked" server. They sure hate when they get snooped on.
Grayson Bennett
>Strzok was secretly protecting Trump from the operation to investigate Trump that was also really to protect Trump but there are unrelated rogue agents that are totally different guys who are actually to blame for the protective wiretapping of Trump
Trump did not only beat: The democratic establishment The republican establishment The bushes The clintons Obama Nevertrump faggots libtards and feminists niggers spics every foreign world leader voter fraud every celebrity on the planet "scientists" jews sandniggers every late night talk show host
But also the FBI AND the CIA? Damn
Jace Jenkins
>left preaches sex education >ridicules you when you ask questions
Strzoks hate filled texts railing against Trump were just his was of mentally compensating for protecting Trump.
Aiden Williams
>robots and ai free white people from working jobs that said technology can replace >whites have a ton more free time >whites start having big families again >white race saved?
>Identifying the FBI source the FBI specifically leaked to the NTY and WaPo ahead of an IG report as damage control could be a crime >Number of leaks prosecuted against FBI leakers since 2016: 0 I wouldn't worry too much.
Nathaniel Young
It's a kind of STI. Can cause cancer. You usually get an injection for it in high school. Maybe you guys don't, I don't know.
Jace Lopez
I think he’s a closet fag, something about him. Also senator swallowell too
These morons act like Trump was being 'protected' by not having Crossfire Hurricane exposed. But the FBI and DOJ are the ones who'd be hurt by Crossfire being exposed because there was no basis for it. These fucking people are so stupid.
You'll never believe what I heard the other day. Get this. Some indian guy wrote an article about spy stuff. You know, like cia kinda talk. And wouldn't you know it, his opinion WAS SHIT.
Human Papilloma Virus. It's the reason women get pap smears, so they don't get cervical cancer. It can present as warts, and men carry it as well. If it gets in a man's throat, he could get throat cancer, so maybe don't suck too much dirty dick. Here's an unrelated photo of Micheal Douglas.