Is this sexism?

Characters who are supposed to be fit.

Still have fatty bums.

Only reason is to make them look sexier.

Is this sexism?

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This can't keep going on like this Sybb. You have to stop.

no, its just sexual appeal.

Not all characters automatically have aesthetic figures because they're female


it's sexy that's for sure

What are squats


Protip: women who work out even a little bit will always have better buttocks than women who don't.

Squats do wonders ladies.

Samus needs to stick to the Power Suit. Tharja tho...

It's a game, who gives a shit

People who don't even play games.

Fourth Post Best Post

These ladies have not done their squats, that's why their butts are fat

fit girls have big butts

Fit women loss boobs no ass

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You're right. But I still don't understand why depicting a woman with a sexy butt would be sexist

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Big bums are not fit. Stop this fucking lie already.


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SAGE everything that has SJW buzzwords in it, it's from the enemy
Get a grip Anons.

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Because that sexy butt is fat while the woman is supposed to be fit.

But fit butts are not sexy on women, that's why they make them fat instead.

That looks fake as fuck, user

Everything is sexist to them, Anita said so herself.

A chick doing squats everyday and eating a shit ton of protein probably could get to that level of ass while staying thin but it would be very hard

Attached: fit.png (675x1220, 1.29M)

Your butt doesn't get Samus level big with just squats. You need a lot of booty flab to get to that size.

You don't get a butt like that without doing a lot of squats.

Yes you do, because it's a fat ass.

Yeah, it do.

Attached: squats.jpg (1613x907, 225K)

Nope. It's a big ass.

Attached: big ass.jpg (1704x959, 407K)

Is this whole thread a troll where you try to see how many booty pics you can get?

Because I approve.

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These butts are fat. Having good muscle underneath doesn't make the butt less fat.


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Yes. Absolutely. I agree now. I invite anyone to prove us wrong.

>Is this sexism?
No, it's just a fucking character that will die

Samus was originally Amazon tier

Attached: PowerSuit_Diagram.jpg (1224x1816, 1.18M)

Now post Chun-li

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No its kike propaganda to get us used to liking fatties.
Winner is always the thinner

Thats a big girl

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>Average guy

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Anita needs an ass reaming in handcuffs.

Who gives a shit?

Average guy is 5'10"

Sexism? No. It's capitalism, it's a privately owned company creating products intended for a target consumer group (young males who like to looks at girls butts).

Healthy women store fat on their asses. A juicy ass on an otherwise fit body is a sign of good health

Paco, why do you post about vidya when you don't even play??

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Of course it's sexism and here's why:

Tharja and Samus are both fit. That would logically mean they have fit butts as well. But fit butts don't look very sexy.

And here's where the sexism kicks in. Instead of making Samus's and Tharja's butt look fit, they make them look fat to make them look sexier.

With other words, sex appeal takes priority to making the butts look believable for these characters. That's the sexism. Sex appeal on women=more important than anything else=women are only appreciated and valued for their looks=they can't prove themselves capable as men can, because their looks will always be the focus.

So yes, OP pic is sexism because both those characters should logically have firm butts and not those fatty cheeks they have now.

This, Mexico, this.

What's wrong with being sexy?

Average nip.


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>Is this sexism?
Who cares?

Isn't it the opposite of sexism to appreciate and celebrate the female form?

If it's sexism, who is the victim of portraying women with very womanly features?

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Ugly cunts.

you misspelled 6'10" manlet

and heterosexual men

you are a fat fag who lives in his mom's basement if you really think that.
Fat asses equals total ugliness.

>oh, it's another "gaymers never opened a comic book in the last 30 years" episode

When the hell was Tharja supposed to be fit?

She just sits around on her ass all day reading tomes and casting hexes. While still slim, she is probably doughy soft with no muscle at all.

1. How is it sexism? It's a video game with fictional characters.

2. How is it sexism? These women chose to wear these costumes in their universe.

3. How is it sexism? Why do you find any way to get me to reply to your shitpost?

women have more fat cells around their thighs and backside than men do. When they get slim the ass and legs are the last place to lean out.

With guys its the lower abs, that's why so many thin guys still have a gut even if their arms, shoulders and chest have muscle definition.

indirect fit shaming is hiding reality from fat fucks.

fit person shows body
men acknowledge the superiority of fit women.
fatfucks angry
fatfucks say culture sexualizes them
men dont ackowledge fatfuck
fatfucks pretend they dont want want to be sexualized
convince fit people that displaying their superiority is part of evil patriarchy's secret plan to use them
fit people stop showing how superior they are
fatfuck start slut walks
fatfucks redefine beauty as morbid obesity
get men to convince themselves they are sexist for liking superior qualities.
fatfucks still undesireable

do squats
show off your gains
give fatfucks crippling depression.

>Is this sexism?
only if your weight in kilograms is 3 digits

Wrong. You cant target fat deposits with exercise. Your genes determine where you store fat and where you lose it.

>an intergalactic bounty hunter and an obsessive witch don’t set realistic standards for women

Everything is sexism when your a fat pig with short blue hair.
You will die all alone unless you repent and show men your fealty.
Or die alone.

You suck at life for even knowing any of that

>fatty bums
please helium yourself

Attached: kill myself helium balloon.jpg (866x1300, 225K)

Girls of the level of fitness shown don't exist anyway, might as well give them great asses.

Squats are primarily a quad exercise and regardless women's asses are not muscular.

What are glutes

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>fatty bum
Not even thicc

Booty from a distance

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I'd sex with solid snake

Men put hot women in their video games which primary target audience are other Men, what a shock.

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Video Games are degenerate you say? I am so surprised!

At my gym there are several. There are machines straight up for it. Are you the same white roastie that makes the anti asian girl threads?

So is that what I can blame for having zero fat on my arms and legs, but a developing gut?

You have never done a super spartan type race. You do not know what fitness is. You are just talking shit.

Women on Instagram are spreading their ass cheeks for the whole world to see. Is that sexism or empowering?

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holy shit those are some busted thousand cock faces

Yes plus the fact that you're a man who is more likely to store fat on his guy while grills store fat on their legs and ass

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i wish a fit girl with a fat bum would sit on my wee wee

>this entire thread

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>virgin OP has never seen a fit woman in his life
its called muscle tissue you dumbfuck

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>Characters who are supposed to be fit.
>Still have fatty bums.

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samus aryan is hot

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An Instagram classic, butt selfie on toilet mirror.

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>celebrating sexuality, beauty, humanity is sexism
this shit is nothing more than repackaged SIN put in absence of a religious argument. it's cancerous newspeak
>no making things look aesthetic or pleasuring to each person's interest
punishing people's expression in the name of sexism is little more than zealous moralizing

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. How is it sexism? It's a video game with fictional characters.
implying videogames can't be designed with the intention to being sexist.

. How is it sexism? These women chose to wear these costumes in their universe.
it's not sexist, it's pandering to appeal to a male audience based on a design that emphasies the sexual attraction over a realistic portrayl. Don't get me wrong as a designer/ concept artist myself, this is cool with me but when you decide what your target audience is then don'T act stupid / suprised when the people outside the target audience say "this is offputtung to me."

. How is it sexism? Why do you find any way to get me to reply to your shitpost?