I know you've worked in food at least once

Everyone has "that black person" story while working there.
Post 'em

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Sorry never worked in food, only factories and shiet.

>be me
>working at Red Robin
>black family comes in, 3 kids, just the mom
>oh boy here we go
>of course they're in my section
>greet them professionally, get their drinks
>sodas and iced teas
>come back with drinks and take their food order and the dad has joined after parking the car
>things seem fine, dare I let my guard down
>bring their food, check on them every so often, some refills of fries
>I bring the check, leave, expecting the worst
>come back, see nothing on the table
>check the computer
>they paid by credit card, bit over 15% tip, rounded it up to the dollar
>now I have to pay tax on the tip cause there's a paper trail

nope, it was always middle aged married white men with their obese wives and spics for me

>be me
>work at Mcdonald
>one day tyron comes in eith my girlfriend
>she freezes when she looks at me
>Tyrone fucks her in front of everyone
>i cried

Worked in a warehouse with blacks and indians.
The indians were surly fucks and the blacks would start dancing about the warehouse at any time.

I thought the black people dancing was a meme until I saw it IRL.

Why would you limit it to food? I've worked night security for 8 years in NY and I could tell you some fucking shit but nope sorry it's not the food industry because I'm not 14 years old.

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too lazy to greentext

work at pizza ranch as kid, nigger came in drunk and high as hell to work, started freaking the fuck out and dominance yelling when someone snitched on him, ended up shoving old white boss into wall, got the cops called on him super quick, left in handcuffs

Attached: time to start beating random niggers.webm (720x518, 2.8M)


>managing a nightclub
>called to front door
>belligerent nigger is trying to use a photocopy of a bus pass as ID
>lol NO
>nigger keeps flashing wad of hundreds
>tries to bribe doorman with $500
>right next to me
>have bouncers escort nog off the property
>15 minutes later
>security call to rooftop patio
>get there
>blood everywhere
>3 bouncers trying to secure nigger on the ground
>4th is administering first aid to screaming girl
>find bigass knife under table
>after dealing with ambulance, fire dept, police, go to office and talk to bartender
>review security video
>after being removed, nigger came up the alley from a block away
>used drainpipe to climb to roof
>moves through crowd to table with one girl sitting alone
>stabs her in the shoulder
>sits down and drinks her beer
>that’s when bouncers show up

His wad of hundreds was counterfeit and he had 13 outstanding warrants. So, besides all the paperwork and court shit I normally have to do after niggershines, I had to deal with the Secret Service for over 2 months because of the fake bills.

Besides using fake IDs and someone else’s ID (which every other group does as well), over the years I’ve had niggers try to use EBT cards, parking tickets, bond release forms, arrest records, junk mail, store loyalty cards, scratch lottery tickets, electric bills, liquor store receipts, a porno magazine, and a pack of cigarettes as ID to try to get into my nightclub.
Plus, photocopies of almost everything you could think of—the best was one guy who brought a photocopy of his daughter’s birth certificate that he’d laid a pistol and $67 next to when making the copy.

Niggers aren't quite human.

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This is just inhumane.... RACE WAR NOW!!

niggers are really fucking stupid, if God exists, he's a cruel bastard for making them

Attached: pathetic nigger suckerpunch.webm (640x640, 1.96M)

Didn't do food. But I used to work in an ice cream parlor. Only niggers I encountered were the rich ones. To this day, I'm still proud that I can make a mean sundae, and milkshakes too, even bought my own milkshake mixer after graduating college once I got my own pad.

>Niggers aren't quite human.

Sums it up.

>be me
>get hired as a waiter
>show up for first day
>lead is a nigger



I didn't work in food, but I used to work in an electronics warehouse that sold like 65" tv's and shit.

One day around 11am (so you know she wasn't working) a black woman came in and bought one of the biggest TV's we have, I'm talking around 60" and it was around €1500, paid entirely in cash. At first I was like "how did they get that money" then I brought it out to her car (which was a brand new 2016 Land Rover).

She opened up the back and there was 7 kids. She is getting children's allowance here off the dole for every head. It's around €100 a head I think. This lady is getting €700 a week just for popping out niglets.

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>Everyone has "that black person" story while working there.
Not all of us live in Muttistan.

That guy's hispanic, not black...look at his nose

I used to feel sorry for them - thought they had a raw deal. Then I began to learn the truth. Now I hate them for the perverse mockery of humanity that they are.

They're all slaves to me, I don't care if it's a taco nigger or a chicken wing eating felon

nope, thats a nigger

>Blacks within 100 ft of you
>Just relaxing
This dog chasing faggot got what was coming to him, desu.

Reminds me a bit of my story

>be me
>wageslave at McPekka (local burger joint)
>gf hates me but I buy her things all the time, including free food so she stays around
>one day a black chad walks in
>I can see the bulge from the moment he walks in
>I struggle to withhold my low self-esteem tears I'm only 10 cm if super hard
>He says I look like user
>ask how does he know
>says he is supposed to ask the most loser looking guy for free food for this blonde he is banging in the car
>I give him the most expensive burgers
>pay from my pocket
>ask him to driver her home safely

That's where i've got my nigger stories.

I used to not be completely racist where i wanted them out of the country. But from their stories I realized how hyper sexual and disgusting they are. I also realized that you can't depend on them to make any plans or to ever have your back.

Niggers talking about sex

Nigger: I lost my virginity when i was 11 we passed around a girl between the 7 of us

Me: wtf dud what if that was your daughter

Nigger: I'd tell her not to do that

Nigger: It's easy having sex just pick up a girl (sheboons) on the side of the road and take her back home. She'll usually taking two dicks with one of the bros too.

Nigger: There was this fine ass fox that came around and she sucked us all off there was about 12 of us.

Nigger: You don't understand man, it's too hard not too cheat you'll need to forgive your girl

I used to answer the phone at a pizza place and they don't deliver to certain areas because drivers been attacked by nogs and they bitch and complain but you cant say anything back

This is the best they can get. You can tell clearly as this family still had a father.

>That guy's hispanic, not black...
Found the kike.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, also known as the Hart–Celler Act, changed the way quotas were allocated by ending the National Origins Formula that had been in place in the United States since the Emergency Quota Act of 1921. Representative (((Emanuel Celler))) of New York proposed the bill, Senator Philip Hart of Michigan co-sponsored it, and Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts helped to promote it.

The Hart–Celler Act abolished the quota system based on national origins that had been American immigration policy since the 1920s. The 1965 Act marked a change from past U.S. policy which had discriminated against non-northern Europeans. In removing racial and national barriers the Act would significantly alter the demographic mix in the U.S.

Celler was born in Brooklyn, the son of Josephine (née Müller) and Henry H. Celler. All of his grandparents immigrated from Germany. His paternal grandparents and maternal grandmother were Jewish

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how have you not killed yourself yet

You could have green texted that, and I would have punched that guy too. Shit was annoying.

How do you even know what a Hispanic looks like?
This here, old sport, is a 68% West African Moon Cricket.
Niggardius disgustimis Maximus.

Nice try Nafri

Are you fucking serious?
You're shitposting right?

There will be no one to support her afterwards.

But I have.
Lavapies (niggetown in Madrid). A nigerian dies of a heart attack while being in view distance of the police. The officer tried to reanimate him while other policemen escort the ambulance.
Meanwhile, blacks start rioting and burning cans and shops and trying to assault a bank. Turns out the black who died was a surgeon on vacation and not one of their bros.

So I was working retail.

This older black gentleman, missing half of his teeth and driving a piece of shit car, comes walking in through the front door.

He's dragging in behind him with one arm, some retarded nigger boy moaning and stumbling around.

The black gentleman comes up to the counter and asks one of my coworkers where to find a certain product. My coworker points him in the direction of the correct aisle, it being one that the man had passed up while walking to the counter. The whole time the retarded nigger boy is moaning, and the older man is yelling at him to shut up and hurry up. "Com'on nao boi!"


"Ged o'er hurr!"

It goes on and on. Other, white, customers in the store are clearly concerned and try to leave as quickly as possible. A line queues up in front of the cash registers. The older black man, holding his products in one hand, gets tired of holding onto his retard and lets him go.

The retard immediately collapses to the floor, and begins rolling his head around like on a fucking swivel. Drool is coming out of his mouth and his eyes never focus on anything.

Eventually, it's the black man's turn in line. He grabs his little retarded nigger by the arm, and yells, "C'mon boi, let's go!"

The retard starts screaming, "Reearr... RAAAAAAAAA!!!"

It's my register. I suppress the urge to laugh. Barely suppress the urge to stare wide-eyed at the spectacle in front of me.

I wasn't sure with the po'-Southern-ebonic dialect, but I could have sworn the older man said, "C'mon nao don't shitchjer britches!" as he yanked the retarded boy up to the counter.

are you literally retarded or is it australian jew doublebait

>i will support niggerchoad's spawn and love it
jesus christ dude

This is that Finnish cuck-poster. He's been posting cuck fan-fic here for months.
The Finns are a strange group of people, they're one of the few 100% groups left in America, because they literally fuck their third cousins.
And they live in the northern most regions of the country.
The women are pretty fine for being inbred though.

As the man was trying to talk to me, and I nodded along, hardly understanding anything he said, the little retarded nigger started crawling around on the floor and then crawled behind the counter. The older black man pulled the belt off of his pants and started to beat the retarded nigger with it, yelling, "Damnit! Nao you gun don an shit yer britches! Get back over here boy! You shit yer britches, get over here!"

Suddenly, a terrible smell filled the whole store. I took a few more steps away from the two niggers and let the older one beat the retard back into submission. Eventually, the older guy got the situation back under control, and the retard was sitting at his feet, grabbing at his legs, but sitting still. The older guy paid for his stuff and dragged the retard, out of the store, both of them screaming the whole time on the way out.

I was left to clean up the shit stains on the floor.

No such thing as cuck, I do not own my woman sir, she is not property.

these seem like they're supposed to be a joke but considering they're from scandinavians I can believe that they actually happened, so I'm not sure what to think

That's right comrade, she is state property. To be given to the negro for the good of progress.

wait, what. you mean i just got justed by some elven headed asiatic slav nigger shitposter?
how have i missed this cunt?

>triggered Krauts, Bogans, Pajeets, Niggers, and Burgers with one poast
Well done.

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holy fuck this is a human mutt

They're absolutely real, if you want I can show you a pic of my tears that started again with a timestamp.

They complain about their food after they eat it and expect a refund and tip poorly. They expect to be waited on first no matter who was there first. Happens all the time.

If the bitch is not loyal to you, you dump the bitch.
You do not under any circumstances continue supporting or interacting with her. And you especially don't give a nigger fucking her anything.

You should have either beaten the shit out of him and told her you would beat the shit out of her if she ever did this again or told him to have the worthless whore and pay for your own damn food or a better thought, since you work in the food industry and can easily find a new job just tell him to get the hell out.

How are you such a cuck? Have some self respect son.

>didn't kill n igger.

do it, or ill kms for being a fucking disgrace to my country and falling for your gypsy tricks.
or have a beer and completely forget about it

tears of joy I should think? Yeah sure, show me the pic.

I worked in a nicer area when i was a waiter. The blacks that came in tended to be the best tippers and were whole families.

Still doesn't make up for the rest of the niggers out there though.

I work at KFC, we get "that black person" about 5 times a day.

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> Be me
Worked in a nandos, which is a popular chicken restaurant, think KFC with knives, forks and shitty latino decor and music.

I was pretty used to nigs complaining, trying to get out of paying, leaving disgusting messes. Probably not as bad as the Muslims who just treated you like shit, and complained more than the nigs.

The worst think that happened was a gang fight between nigs in the restaurant, during which random Muslims joined in with machetes and the only police response for like a half hour was two women officers.

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Happens to the best of us :*

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>Be me
>First day working as a dishwasher
>Show up get told where all the dishes go
>Meet the other dishwasher who was nignog
>Working beside him for 8 hours so I get to know him
>Tells me he's a felon for selling crack and heron
>Lived in the public government housing
>Crack head lady would show up
>Sell her crack and fuck all night
>Tells me sex is the best on crack
He was a pretty good guy during lunch break he asked me to sit with him

>be me
>Live 20 miles from literal Congo
>Land sweet entry level job at 21
>Factory is 90% black during my shift
>Start to understand the mid-tier nigger
>Lazy fuckers
>Unreasonably obstinate over trivial things
>Acknowledges that we don't like each other
>Actually like me more because they know I don't like them
>Sometimes go for drinks on lunch with them
>Meet their families at cookouts
>Stop hating niggers
>Start understanding the whole race thing
>Niggers are just not for the white man's world.

The strangest fucking phenomenon with them, is when in a big group, they suddenly build some kind of collective energy, and then just start jumping up and down, jiving around and screaming and shouting incoherently.
That's what really redpilled me before I knew what a redpill was.
When me and two other white kids are standing there, surrounded by blacks who just suddenly all started thinking the same thing.
"Let's jump around and ooga booga because......"
Fucking niggers man, really something.

This creature went to prison for this. I forget how to find the link, but it's out there.

>TFW you know the Finngolian is full of shit, but the bong might just be this fucking pathetic.

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First job was food preparation at this convenience store type of place. It was in a rest stop so it wasn't like 7/11 but it was shitty. Worked with an undocumented loser who couldn't speak any Engrish or teach me anything about the job so I flipped out and quit the second day. Second job was working at a deli where the customers--who weren't really even black-- always had a fucking issue with some dumb shit and one coworker who complained all the time about "cleanliness"

Third job was the same place as second but in a different position. Did cleaning and janitorial stuff. Had a coworker who was again Mexican or some Hispanic type of shit go off on me because I asked him a simple question. So yeah, fuck retail. Bottom feeding little asswipes take those jobs.

I've only really had two hospos jobs and one of them barely counts.

1. I worked as a kitchenhand in a pub that was in the banking district of my city. All we got were rich businessmen who wanted to drop a lot of money on lunch but still eat familiar foods (pies, parmas, steaks chips etc.) Mind you the pub grub we made was worth it.

2. I worked at a mate's family restaurant in a country town for a sort of holiday stay with his family. The most egregious customers we had were country people who thought they were cultured. The food was really good but we served some cheap wine because cheap wine is Australia is actually alright. If you want some good shit for a special occasion, bring your own bottle.

Absolutely no niggers or children and I am very grateful.

I have a friend who worked at a Nando's chain for all of about a week and got told off by powertripping franchise managers and had to deal with nigger families constantly trying to get more food and acting like retards in the restaurant. I really don't envy her at all.

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t's this kind of thinking that has resulted in the degeneration of our civilization. It's what allows women to keep having these hair brained delusions that they are anything but homemakers. It's why we are in place in this society because we forget that the women, though we should care for them and love them, are also not able to run society or realize what is in their best interest. They did not evolve to be the decision makers, the nation builders, the workers, ect. They are largely empathetic creatures who should be cared for.

Women running society throughout history has always led to collapse and it will be no different now.

There was this one time when a nigger was robbing our store (neither the first nor last)...

The nigger had parked not in a parking spot, but actually backed up onto the wheelchair ramp leading to the doors. He walked in, grabbed a very expensive item, and then ran outside and threw the item in the backseat of his car.

The store manager quickly walked outside to the front of the car to take a picture of the license plate. The nigger then proceeded to slam on the accelerator and run into this 50yo white man. The manager dropped his phone and instinctively grabbed onto the hood of the car to keep from being run over, proceeding to pull himself up the hood and then roll off to the side, while the nigger was accelerating out of the parking lot into open traffic.

As the manager rolled off of the hood, the nigger actually turned to try to run him over anyway and ended up hitting him pretty hard with the side view mirror. I saw the whole thing, memorized the license plate, called the cops and gave my statement. Last I heard, that nigger was in jail, waiting to be sentenced to a prison term.

Youve been had by a race so autistic and cringey that they actually learned that made up Tolkien language, and agreed to make it their national language instead of their native Mongolian.
Have another foster's m8, it's early yet.

Why did u stop having kids Steffano?

Now you’re getting genocides like most cucks who stopped breeding.

Inb4 “ muh Jewish culture says having more than one children is for uneducated and poor ppl!!”

Muh overpopulation!! Muh earth resources.

Lmao. Played urself.

Jokes on him, i was only pretending to be retarded
and eeeewwww fosters

>22 years old
>doing minimum wage agency work
>get hired to flip burgers at a football stadium
>all I have to do is place burgers on a conveyor belt which heats them
>burgers then end up on a metal plate
>I am convinced this metal plate should be warm
>black supervisor comes over and says it's fine
>burgers look pretty raw but whatever
>do this for about three hours
>press a button on the burger flipping machine and the metal plate heats up
>burgers look healthy now
>almost closing up time

Probably made a lot of people sick that day desu

Damn. You've seen some shit.

It's also interesting that a nightclub owner visits Jow Forums considering we're all meant to be introverted /nofun/ /nopartying/ incels.

I remember the first time I fell for some weak bait.

Owned a food service establishment. Hired nothing but young ( highschool) pretty smart white girls . Customer base was 97% white. My female family members constantly shamed me ( called me racist) for only hiring WHITE . I explained ALL of the stereotypical reasons for my hiring practices. Suffered a back injury and couldnt get out of bed for a month. In that time frame THEY ( female family ) stepped up to run business. Then they DID IT . Hired a BLACK girl . WTF the massive doses of opiods were not enough to calm my rage.
Within a week the cash registers were short, things were missing customers were complaining directly to me about ATTITUDE/BAD SERVICE. By week 2 the white girls were calling me ( while i was still bed ridden) to inform me that the NEW Black girl was stealing their tips.. Week 3 the "Help Handicapped" coin jar was missing. Week4 my framed "FIRST $1.00/$5.00/$10.00. That proudly hung on my wall for 20 years was GONE.
I hobbled out of bed went to police station spoke with Cheif explained situation, for future shitstorm , then fired her. The RACIST shit started, but cheif stomped it with the overwhelming evidence.

>I know you've worked

Fat black guy could barely breathe, he ended up stealing some waitresses phone, and uploaded a pic of himself to her Facebook on accident, and was caught.

Well, I debated on whether or not it was bait. But I bit anyway. Because on this forum and in real life you can never really tell.

Unfortunately nowadays what once was bait is reality. It's sad really. 10 years ago I would have never believed it to be true but with the rise of the basedboys... You really have to wonder.

The nogs at my warehouse always come in drunk, and bitch and complain about us receivers getting off work before them.

20, Waiter, Australia
>Be me
>Working at high class coastal restaurant
>Regular bookings from upper-class and govt. departments during holiday seasons
>New Years party booking begin
>Waiting on NYE, local University has booked 2nd floor out
>Guests are half Asian, half negro
>Huwhite basedboy in charge of event, last minute change for guten/dairy free guests
>Night goes O.K. until nigger orders chicken for entree and main, instead of choosing from set menu
>chefs overwhelmed and kitchen temp. is peaking
>Somehow get new gluten/dairy free meals and special negro feast out in time
>11:30pm, guests have long since finished mudcake dessert and are still drinking
>nigger grabs my arm as I begin clearing as guests leave
>"Ay, mane! Can I finna grab, a, uh, dessert?"
>service ended an hour ago, but I can cut cake
>"What would you like?"
>negro gets a wild look in its eye as it browses menu
>"Ay, uh, hol up, lemme finna grab sum o dat Toe foo and watermelon salad"
>"I'm very sorry, but the kitchen has closed."
>The negro looks at me in disgust, whilst remainder of drunk guests stare at me waiting
>"Let me go ask the chef"
>Chef tells me to get fucked
>Negro and drunk guests ask for my manager
>They tell my manager I've been slow and inattentive all night
>They imply I've been racially descriminating against negro due to their last minute change from the set menu
>Major mental gymnastics
>Manager let's me know they're barred from anymore drinks and asks me to apologise
>I do, manager thanks me and asked them quietly to leave
>Every single one of them leaves a negative review as they leave
>Manager empties review box into trash

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>black guy is standing off to the side of the line like he's reading the menu or something
>there is an obvious line and it is very obviously moving straight forward and he is totally not in it whatsoever, he is off to the side
>suddenly slams hands on counter
>friend later pointed out that i missed my opportunity to say "no, you look like a spook"
>anyway, ask what his problem is. he says he's been standing there and i've ignored him
>sir there is a line behind the register and you are not in line, I thought you were looking at the menu
>demands to speak to the manager
>manager comes out, takes an immediate dislike to this guy's disrespect
>they get in a fucking shouting match in front of like 25 customers
>black guy storms off
>my boss shouts out "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" since it's christmas eve
>black guy turns around, double middle finger, "MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU MOTHAFUCKA BUT WE DON'T SERVE THE SAME GOD"

Wish I could afford to do that

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>i was only pretending to be retarded

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coastal my ass. inner city metro sounds like. darling harbour or st kilda is my guess. donovans or stokehouse?

>selling heron

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The American pavement ape calls it "heron" (pronounced hair-on)

>Working in 51% black city, Cincinigger
>Kitchen staff at criminally insane hospital
>niggers on staff dont understand the people on the otherside of the glass are mentally retarded/insane

>One woman, carla, new retard, walks food onto a unit.
>Gets chatted up by a therapeutic worker
>He walks her to the unit's kitchen door
>he walks her to the unit's exit door
>Holds the door for her
>Holds the 2nd door for her
>now in the hallway
>she swipes for the door to the parking lot for some reason


Fucking moron was talking to an inmate and almost let him out the door, in house cop tackled him from the side/back.


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Heroin has many names bud

Also she got fired

not surprising, knuckle guards are usually regarded as weapons by the penal/judiciary system so whatever he got charged with would have been far more serious than assault.

No, he didn't. Another kid went to prison for punching a different kid and then this webm was attached to the story

we have no update on this situation but he's on film committing a felony so 99.9% chance hes gonna be gone too.

Ever known anyone with an assault on their record? They can't get a job. Imagine what it's like to have a fuckin felony brass knuckles assault on your record.

Didn’t happen to me specifically, happened to my friend who was a delivery driver while I was the manager
>be friend
>be pizza delivery driver
>go to address in ghetto part of town
>be delivering an order that comes to $21 and change (basically just over the minimum delivery amount)
>guy answers door
>”21.xx? Maaaan that’s expensive”
>customer slaps a $20 bill in hand
>goes to close the door
>”excuse me the order was $21.xx”
>customer rolls his eyes, looks inside and asks a friend if he has a dollar
>puts a dollar in hand
>starts closing door
>you still owe me “$.xx”
>”man are you for real?”
>”yeah, I am.”
>customer scrambles to find two quarters
>begrudgingly pays the full amount of the bill

Surprisingly that was the only incident we ever had of a customer basically unwilling to pay the bill, even after being a driver for and later overseer as a manager of thousands of deliveries. I hate entitled millennials who recite the “if you’re too broke to tip you’re too broke to go out to eat” line because as someone who subsisted on tips I recognize that tipping is a huge luxury and is in no way expected or required, even when you’re a delivery driver and you’re paying for your own gas and car maintenance, but if you can’t afford the base bill you definitely are too broke to go out to eat (or order delivery). I’ve never heard of a store that didn’t tell you the price at the time of placing the order so there’s no excuse not to have the money ready when the driver gets there 20 minutes later. I can even handle complaining about the price of the food, just as long as you can put the amount of the bill in my hand as you’re doing it.

My version's funnier.


I've always wondered about this, what the fuck do you do once you're a felon?
The army won't take you outside of war, you're privately unemployable, your only choices are terrible gov sanctioned slave labour, become a hermit or turn to crime

commit more felonies. that's basically it

when working as a lifeguard in a i literally had a Indian shit in the pool. he left before i noticed.

Ya hona, muh felny conv-conv-convishin is prevennin me fruh gehin a jahb. I was jus a keed.


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Please, it‘s harebrained, not hair brained. I apologize for being a language nazi on this occasion, but it is essential that all words or metaphors describing intelligence, wisdom or knowledge are spelled correctly. We cannot open our flank to the enemy when we are fighting leftist scum on the internet, so we have to be critical among friends.

>and then everyone clapped

Sure user, that happened.

see, fags liek you a diamond dozen. u're always shitting on people's grammer on porpoise

but I didnt, and never met niggers in any of my jobs