This California guy puts 2 fingers into an unconcious adult woman and all hell breaks loose. Refugees literally rape children with their dicks and barely get a slap on the wrist. At what point does the left acknowledge their lunacy?

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Jews kept cramming garbage and lies into the left over and over until they believed it all.

this guy is white and literally raped a woman and got off in 6 months, why the fuck do you not think that deserves some scrutinizing?

OP, his sentencing is probably based around his crime. Don't do stupid shit, and you probably won't get arrested.

Yeah but he’s a fucking white male

This is a thread talking about fairness. Refugees are raping children and also adult women and get lesser prison sentences. Why are non white immigrants recieving special treatment?

It’s the Jewish media promoting hatred against whites. Nothing new really.

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Lol fingering a drunk girl who later decides to tell the world she was passed out is not rape

>At what point does the left acknowledge their lunacy?
never. additionally you're a racist for even mentioning it.

He got off because he was from a powerful family. That's how it works. It has nothing to do with race or the specific crime being committed. Do you seriously think you or I would have a fighting chance if we were the ones that did it? We'd be in prison for the better part of our lives.


Nope. Penetrated with 2 fingers.


Nope. She gave consent before passing out.


Literally neck yourself, Ackbar.

The rapefugee shit is predominantly kike propaganda there is no proof its actually happening

>Liberal logic: If they vote for us, we don't care if they're animals.

According to defranco it wasn't fingers, anyone got a source on the fingers?

Children are only 1/3 of a person so they should only get 1/3 of the sentence :^)

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its because people are tired of rich white kids getting away with everything. The "affluenza" kid literally got away with murder, so people understandably where not going to let this kid off easy.

>Refugees literally rape children
[Citation needed]

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>At what point does the left acknowledge their lunacy?

You'd blame your own dick falling off from atrophy on the left. Get a life you basement dwelling faggot.

>Leftist calling someone a faggot

You're going to lose massive virtue signalling points talking like that mohammad...

There's evidence in this thread. Learn to read nigger.

happened in finland. a refugee buggered a 10-year old and as sweden has shown us the way he didn't get a sentence because apparently she consented or some shit. I didn't really follow the case much but people were buttmad about it.

>This California guy puts 2 fingers into an unconcious adult woman

Thats not rape, that's molestation.

go back to wanking over lauren southern you loser


He prob didn't rape her. I think they were both drunk and got together/

This whole thread is a shitpost, the shills are absolutely out in full force at all times nowadays. I don’t even think it’s real shills anymore. Just an AI that has figured out the best way to get responses and kill threads.
Sad sad board nowadays

>It's okay to rape our daughters and wives as long as you're not black

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here come the faggots

Except leftists are letting non whites rape women and children with little to no repercussions...

Ya dude! It's them libtards! Amirite pedes XD?

Simply put, Muslims are breeding armies for the Jews. They don't care about women's rights. Their endgame is the end of the white race to avenge their disgraced relatives in the camps, and they need numbers for results.

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It's an anti-tank missile though

>Except leftists are letting non whites rape women and children with little to no repercussions...
The majority of people in prison are nonwhites....

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t. Moshi Shekelstein

>hurr muh leftists
How fucking rotten is your brain retard?
Will you blame leftists and antifa too when your wife fucks the doctor?