Why do you believe in God, Jow Forums?

Why do you believe in God, Jow Forums?
I believe because no matter how I approach the subject it always seems to lead back to the fact that there must be some sapient, divine, and benevolent creator.
Pic unrelated.

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yes i believe in myself

>impersonating god
Morally corrupt faggot detected. Enjoy your Hell.

Agnostic but one of the things that keep me from atheism is simply the large body of extremely intelligent people who are theists and that there complex arguments and proofs out there.

It also helps that atheism has close to no philosophical tradition and thinkers

shut up JIDF


thanks i will

But God is certain, user.

>But God is certain, user.
Not so much unless you use a Jordan Peterson like understanding of it. I can see why one might say God is certain under particular ways of understanding though.

There is no way God cannot be certain. Consider Descartes' proof:
>Rivers must necessarily have riverbanks, and valleys must necessarily have mountains
>God is similar, in that he must necessarily be perfect
>Perfection implies existence
>Therefore, God exists
Prove me wrong.

Narrative is the fundamental structure of reality that we live in. Religion is the attempt to map the regularities of reality in a narrative form and Christianity is the most accurate mapping.

this we have so much to yet to discover about this world and ourselfs yet people want to claim that some things are certain.
for as much as we know we could have been placed here by ayylamaos,we can be in a simulation,there could be dimensions we can't even perceive.
but go on and tell me that god must be real and this particular brand

*tips fedora*

is this your whole argument?

The psychological reality of god is part of what points to the transcendent. God is literally truth.

Read the whole thread, retard.
Digits don't lie.

Because I believe in sin.
Sin doesn't make sense without God.

The fourth proof arises from the degrees that are found in things. A hierarchy of each quality. For there is found a greater and a less degree of goodness, truth, nobility, and the like. But more or less are terms spoken of various things as they approach in diverse ways toward something that is the greatest, just as in the case of hotter (more hot) that approaches nearer the greatest heat. In the hierarchy of complexity one might find a worm lower down, a dog higher, and a human higher than that. There exists therefore something that is the truest, most complex, best, and most noble, and in consequence, the greatest being. For what are the greatest truths are the greatest beings, as is said in the Metaphysics Bk. II. 2. What moreover is the greatest in its way, in another way is the cause of all things of its own kind (or genus); thus fire, which is the greatest heat, is the cause of all heat, as is said in the same book (cf. Plato and Aristotle). Therefore there exists something that is the cause of the existence of all things and of the goodness and of every perfection whatsoever—and this we call God.

List of Pro-White Atheists and Agnostics:
Alex Linder
Ben Klassen
Craig Cobb
Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Dr. William Luther Pierce
Matt Hale
Revilo Oliver
Tom Metzger
William Gayley Simpson
George Lincoln Rockwell
Chris Cantwell
Mike Enoch
Anatoly Karlin


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>Rivers must necessarily have riverbanks, and valleys must necessarily have mountains
>God is similar, in that he must necessarily be perfect
>Perfection implies existence
>Therefore, God exists
this is the biggest logic leap i have ever saw it would be enough to convince some child if you actually base your faith on this kind of logic as adult you should be ashamed of yourself

Furthermore, that we can perceive that there are greater and lesser morals is surely the imprint of god on our hearts.

>this is a big logical leap
Explain how. In what way?

>there must be some sapient, divine, and benevolent creator.

Think it through. It always seems to lead to the same conclusion.
Also see

God is the highest peak to the lowest valley, and if there exists the deepest evil, there must be the highest good.

So most of them are agnostic. Atheist btfo

that is nonsense and does not explain anything

In what way? Explain which part you're having trouble with.

>Narrative is the fundamental structure of reality that we live in
But that's wrong. We attempt to impose a narrative on many things that really don't follow the narrative we declare. Narrative is out attempt to put reality in order, but we consistently have inaccuracies in our process of narration and sometimes even have entirely false narratives (that we might even believe in!) Yet we continue to construct narratives because we cannot perceive the whole truth.

Jesus came unto his own people and they accepted him not. Judaism is a religion that exists in opposition to Christianity. Christianity did not come from Judaism. Christians are the true Israel because the jews rejected christ.

We construct narratives out of being because without narrative we can't even see. Without narrative we can not act in the world whatsoever.

>god is perfection
>therefore god must exist
how does it proves anything or provides any explanation?
from where you get the notion that god is perfect?
how do you define perfection?
how valleys and rivers have which are physical objects and the qualities you say they should necessary have come from them being physical in the first place.
its literally nonsense stringed together.
its the type of logic you would see from jehovah witnesses trying to convert little children.

The valleys and rivers are merely analogies.
Whatever created the universe must have been perfect. To create the universe would require an infinite amount of energy, which only a perfect being could create.
It's the type of logic you would see from a well-respected philosopher you fucking retard. Do you even read? I thought not.

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For me its not so much prooving wrong but seeing areas of uncertainty.

>There is no way God cannot be certain.
Well quite easily simply having different axioms, metaphysics and approaches to truth. Indeed its one of the reasons why for instance people can doubt the existence of a God.

Take a look at the example you posted for instance firstly just looking at it on the whole its based of an analogy to things which are extremely different to God. Rivers and valleys being things which occupy a material position and can be destroyed and created. Why is it reasonable to only allow a very limited analogy when it comes to our reasoning? The notion of perfection is likewise a far more difficult and complex (and often value heavy) idea than a riverbank.

Secondly and fatally within the arguments own reasoning is the idea that perfection implies existence - on what grounds can you establish this if its an axiom why not the axiom that perfection does not imply existence (see this is where values start leaking in unlike riverbanks)? Does this criteria apply to other perfect things?

>Narrative is the fundamental structure of reality that we live in in a narrative form
Its also something which places its foundation in subjective individuals who have limitations in their ability to perceive and understand reality which is why we have the notion of verisimilitude - things which appear true but are not.

Likewise I would say its part of the attempt in the same way that philosophy, science and mathematics are.

>Christianity is the most accurate mapping.
For some people it certainly is for others it is not. Something worth considering that the Ptolemaic understanding of the solar system which had the earth as the center of the solar system was the most accurate mapping of an aspect of reality for about 2000 years but was nevertheless ultimately false and only apparently true.

> Religion is the attempt to map the regularities of reality

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>but go on and tell me that god must be real and this particular brand
Well the whole point of agnosticism is not being able to answer this question with complete certainty.

Thats kind of what I meant by the Peterson way.

Whatever created the universe must have been perfect
i can create and im not perfect.
why are you so sure there is only one universe?
maybe there are multiple gods and multiple universes.
maybe "gods" were just another specie way higher then us on the hierarchy which went extinct long ago and created our universe long before that.
maybe we cannot even grasp the truth of this reality just how ants can't in any way or form fathom and grasp the reality as we see it.

Hitlerian National Socialism is the most accurate mapping. Life and society explicitly based on biological principles is the next step in understanding for mankind.

If someone doesnt believe in God they dont believe in righteous judgement. They dont want to be judged for thier actions. If you're a vile, scheming, manipulative sociopath ofcourse you dont want to fear about unbiased morals. Self-reflections fightens people because if they stepped foot into a real church and abided by its commandments they'd see that they're weak insecure faggots who need this current system to survive. They would've been fucking killed if things were at the mercy of town courts, it has nothing to do with in-group theory either, there are universal morals people would like to abide by, but the weak lust for power because they know they're weak.


>it always seems to lead back to the fact that there must be some sapient, divine, and benevolent creator.
And his name is Allah and Muhammad(pbuh) is his prophet.

>perfection implies existence
Right here. While it is okay to say this as a logical axiom, when one attempts to apply that to the real world, it fails miserably. Nothing in our observed world is ever perfect. In fact, I would argue the converse is true, perfection implies nonexistence.

The reason i believe in the devine is because of how complex our universe is. Look at how sci fi our study of physics is becoming. Also if there is a multiverse and the many worlds theory is correct the possibilities are limitless. I think atheism is a closed minded approach. Its more or less a bunch of butt hurt people rebelling against traditions.

I believe in God because of my personal experience with him.

you still here OP?

Nice strawman. Where did I mention leftists, exactly? Please point to this.

Because there need to be a set of morale standards, otherwise people act like chimps

I don’t believe in God, I know him through the Lord. All of the nazi larpers, communists, potheads, etc on this board are depressed and angry because they aren’t answering the Lord’s calling to them. They’re trying to fill a hole in their heart’s with man’s philosophies instead of walking with Christ. If they would only kneel before the most high, all degeneracy would disappear from this board immediately and Jow Forums could get back to identifying the wheat and the tares. You know I’m right.

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Red pilled

Any chance of you responding to or is that not the kind of disccusion you are after?

Because the Holy Spirit opened my heart to understand that Jesus Christ is God. I lean not on my own understanding. (Tried that and spent 10 years as an atheist, it didn't work.)

Then you weren't reasoning correctly. You must have made a mistake somewhere. Don't worry, as long as you reached the correct result then that's all that matters.

I dont, but Im convinced its imperative for the social fabric so Ill continue to LARP and fuck Christian chicks until I die. Do something Christfags.

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T. Satan

>Must be 18 to post here

Of course. You cannot avoid divine truth that has succeeded for all of time. Stray as you may, but at your own peril. Turning your back on God will lead to your inevitable destruction.

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>Living in the material realm
Would die like every other materialistic society that came before it, even without the US coming to BTFO it.

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>Nothing in our observed world is ever perfect.
>In fact, I would argue the converse is true, perfection implies nonexistence.
How so?

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Because if God doesn't exist it means you're just chemicals and nothing matters anyway. I'd rather be Christian and be wrong than atheist and be right. There are a ton of arguments that make compelling cases for why God exists but ultimately we just need to put our faith in the idea that all this means something. I've been through the edge nihilist atheist phase, it leads nowhere good.

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I need your patience and your ideas. Please help out by contributing here

You're a fucking heretic fuck off

It takes more faith to be an Atheist to be a Theist.
>be atheistfag
>believe impossibility that trillions of coincidences has led up to this point
>be christian
>have theology that supports Science AND theology
>world was made for us

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