When did Vice become so anti-Semitic, goy? They fall in line with the type of (((people))) who are quick to shout "bigotry" at any hint of minority criticism. Is it because Muslims are darker therefore more worthy of virtue signaling for?
The left is somehow more woke on israel than the left. How did this happen?
Carson Peterson
Than the right*
Robert Ramirez
Leftists have always been anti-Israel and anti-zionist. It might not be as direct in USA, but here our Jewish community has even publicly stated that all modern "antisemitism" is left wing.
Austin Perez
it was always like this why would lefties like a conservative, militaristic, nationalistic, imperalistic, religious country like israel? and thats not even taking their bleeding heart for palestine into account
Hunter Morgan
wtf I thought the shitlibs on vice hated israel
Wyatt Adams
Divide and conquer. Left vs right is utter fucking bullshit. Occupy Wallstreet had it right
Blake Morgan
It kinda makes sense when you realize that israel is how they see all ethnostates: violent and barbaric. I'd like to say they were taking a moral high ground, which is easy to do against israel, but it's really about the fact that Republicans (read neocons and dual citizen traitors and rich kikes) supports israel.
Carson Anderson
The Israel/Palestine conflict is a war of public opinion that Israel is not going to win.
It doesn't matter how many good goys they have in the media. No amount of spin can dispel the fact that Israel is committing acts of incremental genocide on the Palestinian people.