A brief history of the 1924 eruption >volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/kilauea/geo_hist_1924_halemaumau.html
Animation of worst(best) case scenario >youtube.com/watch?v=VvMUJKFjAiA&feature=youtu.be&t=197
LIVESTREAMS: (should all be liv unless marked otherwise) dashboards >youtube.com/watch?v=sOPR2k8ROcg >youtube.com/watch?v=L67mvS7g5Mc Fissures >/civilbeat/videos/1952011784831540/ (add faceberg to this) >youtube.com/watch?v=SEcLitBiGhY (also civilbeat) >youtube.com/watch?v=cAZKIDok3gg (archive) >youtube.com/watch?v=71zoPY56NM4 (napping) >youtube.com/watch?v=-9PcgTQDJSc (/pineystream/ archive) >livestormchasing.com/stream/Brandon.Clement (/pineystream/ /ded/) Quake watch >youtube.com/watch?v=-hC9bhSHInA directory of all observatory webcams (most /ded/) >hvo.wr.usgs.gov/cams/
UPDATES: Running updates >volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/kilauea/status.html (USGS: main site, many external links) >nps.gov/havo/planyourvisit/lava2.htm (NPS: national park updates) >hawaiicounty.gov/active-alerts (Hawaii emergency alerts) News on the caldera > archive.is/BgO7E (BIVN: changes in caldera floor, satellite images) News on the Geothermal plant >archive.is/C37ao (zerohedge: NG whistleblower about danger) >archive.is/mYh2i (CBS: growing concerns about kike geothermal plant)
Notable events of the past few days includes, but is not limited to: >lava lake has drained below the surface, pressure within the magma chamber rising >level of the magma chamber is currently unknown >steam pressure is currently building in the chamber, similar to the 1924 eruption >Large steam explosion on the 17th, probably caused by the rain unrelated to pressure buildup >massive and rapid expansion of the summit vent over the past days >large series of small earthquakes over the past days >currently 22 fissures open, not all active >active lava flow at fissure 17 >Kike-owned extraction geothermal plant in area, unconfirmed reports of possible catastrophic failure within 48 hours >current status of alert is red warning, major event imminent >intense autism storm is brewing
Kike's geothermal plant >archive.is/WYbDB >wikipedia.org/wiki/Ormat_Technologies >news.ucsc.edu/2013/07/geothermal-earthquakes.html >catalog.data.gov/dataset/microearthquake-studies-at-the-salton-sea-geothermal-field >archive.is/C37ao (zerohedge: NG whistleblower about danger) >archive.is/mYh2i (CBS: growing concerns about kike geothermal plant)
MUSIC: THREAD THEME PLAYLIST: >youtube.com/watch?v=vXe48Yiyyyg&list=PLAbsDRKQvbS78YrXPh4jSSMR9vnkAMhCY /COMFY/ VOLCANO PLAYLIST Currently empty post songs to add
someone should put a screenshot of the lava stream and put it on the op pic
Isaiah Turner
Watching live stream video on jewbook with my non-troll account logged on, i see chat and cannot resist the urge got some kind of warning for hate speech. I got some important personal things on my non-troll account. Shit, the war on trolling is getting worst...fucking kikes.
22 Fissures now Fissures are becoming one Another ash eruption at the main volcano Fissures are spewing lava stronger then ever Fissures getting closer to Geo-thermal plant Geo-thermal plant full of explosive chemicals it's-happening.jpgpnggif
>not only has the jews at this geothermal plant been publically admitting they have been injecting MORE water into the lava underground from their wells, but now they've put 30k gallons of diesel? "solvents for powering turbines" right in the path of the lava ALOHA-GOY NOTHING HAPPENING HERE DONT LOOK GOY
So can you guys address me to reference pictures to Pepe (as in this legend's lore, that is, I of course know how he looks originally) and Pele? Someone asked for a family picture of some sort. ?
Joshua Campbell
Can someone tell me why the USGS site says this?
"M 3.0 Chemical Explosion - 5km WSW of Volcano, Hawaii"
Ryder Davis
you wut m8
Henry Williams
>posting an arrow character next to the thread number link
Exactly what it says. Some form of explosion that registered as a 3.0, which comes under chemicals, i.e., HE, gas, and so on. That's around 1/2 a ton of TNT in power IIRC.
I'll try. In the meantime can you help me with this? I mean the canon clothes (like a robe of some sort probably?) for Pepe and how Pele looks?
Daniel Morgan
>Fissures are becoming one Any info on this? I just know of the map that shows their location but haven't seen anything about them becoming one.
Gavin Cook
Will have to wait till morning.
If some fissures join up, there's a chance. One fissure was on the reverse slope of the same hill, and another was on the side of the tree but some hundreds of yards away.
Jack Gonzalez
Pepe is known as the envoy/reincarnation of an Egyptian god named Kek, kind of like Yugi is in Yugioh
And through the power of digits, is able to use Kek's power to help him do whatever Kek needs him to do bless the world with hilarity and chaos.
Right now he is taking a trip in Hawaii. And so far in our meme lore has made a family along the way, who holds great memetic power since Kek's destiny runs through their veins the same.
There's several hot spots in the area; he's focusing on this active fissure at the moment. Hell, there's a lava lake off to the right in the distance.
There's some vents that send flaming boulders hundreds of yards into the air -- they're often the loud explosions you hear.
Daniel Gomez
And as for Pele, though she is known as the goddess of the Hula, a common wrongful depiction of her is in Hula dress when she is traditionally known to be in a very modest long flowing red dress.
I imagine there is quite a bit built up around 17. It's probably looking like a mini volcano over there.
Thomas Sanchez
would be neat to compress the 4 hour video into 20 seconds of rock growth
Dylan Myers
It is through the long flowing red dress we will be able to destinctly tell whether we are looking at Pele or Pelepe, who we have all agreed wears the very skimpy hula dress like her sister
In terms of personality, Pele is known to be very jealous through tales where she tortures cheating men by turning them into parts of nature for them to be stuck as for eternity, so in meme lore she would be very watchful of Pepe. She is also known for being a big drunkard of gin and will bless anyone for a day who pours one out in her name, so in meme lore this should be a ritual.