We all are, whether or not we would like to admit, a subbranch of Jow Forums, home of weirdest porn to exist our planet.
Sexual fetishes, are they our human right? Do we need them? Should we get rid of them? What use do they have?
Sexual fetishism
Fetishes are a perversion of male and female reproduction. Yes, we can do without them.
Pic related.
I have an intense fart fetish. I have had several girls fart in my face. I will embrace a lot of the things Jow Forums commonly believes but none of you faggots are gonna get me to stop sniffing girl farts.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying sex.
Sage this inane fucker, non political
My fetish is dressing like a girl
It's actually more of an orientation than it is a fetish. It's not really a kink. It's the only way I can get aroused and it's always been this way since puberty.
Help me Jow Forums
yup, gotta keep her fed on beans, eggs, steak, and alot of greens with ranch dressing.. anything to keep that tank full
like, if you can't handle your women's braps..
how are you going to handle her birthing your children and pooping at the same time?
if you can not even handle a brap?
Fuck off fetish freak. Only degenerates have sexual fetishes.
There is a limit to it. We can do without a lot of disgusting degenerative fetishism. However if someone likes feet and gets a girl to give him a foot job once in a while in their own privacy I don't care. However if the dude gets shit in his mouth he might as well be executed.
female cannot have fetish. their mind is too simple to develop such pervesions
That's nonsense.
If it is kept to themselves and within the confines of a monogamous relationship
How intense is your fetish?
that's so fucking hot
have you ever read a book of medicine?
Whose book are you reading? Galen?
Women have fetishes too. Why would they be into bondage and shieet?
I like cute furry girls that shit themselves.
>Why would they be into bondage and shieet?
They only do it to please their parteners
Also let's exclude S&M, have you ever seen a woman feet feticist?
Every time I see a girl I'm attracted to, the immediate first place my mind goes is her pushing out fat beefy farts. It is a deep, powerful desire. I'm a pretty good looking guy so I've managed to get past romantic partners to indulge me in this fetish.
>Sexual fetishes, are they our human right?
Go back to hell.
N-no it isn't! It's awful...
I always wanted to date girls like a normal guy, but whenever we were alone, I'd try to get them to do my nails and dress me up in their prettiest clothes. Every single time it happened, they'd lose all romantic interest in me. I just couldn't help myself...
Yes, there are girls with foot fetishes.
my kink is to have a stable relation where I, my wife and my children work together to glorify the family name and my country.
No there aren't and you are stupid. stop it
>The prevalence of fetishism is not known with certainty.[15] The majority of fetishists are male.
btfo. now go away
Enjoy your pink-eye
Best post
I got huge tickling fetish. I believe I have it because of my premature puberty and far too early sexual awakening. I was a horny kid who had never even heard about sex and would not in years, so I guess my mind just dealt with it by putting "tickling women" where fucking them should be.
>the majority of niggers is stupid
see, this is how stupid you sound
Wrong. It very political. With such high prevalence of sexual fetishism, it certainly has its effects on human made politics. It is undeniable.
The argument you made was that no women had fetishes, while you provided a source that said only the majority of fetishists were male. Majority =/= all.
They are the absolute minority. 99% of women fetishist are fetishsist just because they saw 50 shades of grey lmao
Any diaperfags in this thread? I have to say, having a girl into DDLG is an amazing thing!
>Stop liking what I don't like!
Somebody is getting cranky. Do you need a change, a spanking or maybe both?
Even if that was true, it wouldn't invalidate it.
That seems very powerful goal, to be living for a cause (a cause that ultimately do not exist) so futile running into unseeable goal....hmmm it can be thinked as a kink. But i think fetishes are not collective, fetishes are very private.
owo that's so hot
I love being spanked
You don't really need sex for anything else than breeding or pair-bonding. And you can't pair-bond few times a week. That just turns into a meaningless release. You don't need fucking fetishes and they're even worse if satisfying them is possible. If not, notice their effect on your thoughts and behavior. If you don't like what it does, let it go of your mind. Never dwell on it if the fetish is potentially detrimental to quality of your life.
I wish to impregnate a cartoon horse but if I do not obsess, I don't think it will influence my life and all. General hornyness and stupid desires of sexual domination while that's not what do irl should be dealt with by not stroking myself for a stupid reason like that.
DLfag here but it's more of a comfortable article of clothing for both of us.
Nothing like having a bright red ass!
>You don't need fucking fetishes
Fetishes are a form of pair-bonding.
That only proves what I said before, that basically women become fetishist just to please their partners and/or becasue they saw it in a movie
are they wearing fucking diapers
Amen, brother
because it's cute
yes. One of the best fetishes out there.
I have a facesitting/ass eating fetish, how degenerate am I? Should I be killed?
This is poetry
yes, there is nothing quite like having you diaper changed by someone you love and nothing brings you closer to some one like cleaning their ass after they shit in their diaper.
That's hot. Just add farts and you're me
No farts are disgusting, I like a woman's ass not the idea of what comes out of it. Honestly I think it fucking sucks that literal farts and shit come out of the hottest part of a woman's body
Your loss, pussy
I am somewhere in the middle. I like a woman's ass when it is sweaty. Don't want fart and poops, but I still like me some stank.
Are you guys able to masturbate to normal porn or only to your fetish?
99% of the times I don't get hard if it's not spanking
>pair-bonding while shitting on each other
Maybe, but it's fucked up individuals having a fucked up relationship. You can argue that these practices are more intimate, practitioners become more regressive and open to suggestion. That's not what an adult man wants.
Try going a number of days without fapping
>people develop a fetish because they saw it somewhere
That's exactly how it fucking works you goalpost moving shitlord.
You're assuming, as all social engineers do, that you CAN get rid of them. They crop up as a natural human reaction. Does that make them right? Does that make them Ethical? Does that make them harmless? Does that make them harmful? All irrelevant questions. They exist and will always exist until humans stop being humans.
Women are human and they also masturbate.
I had a female friend who watched bdsm hentai (I unlocked her phone), and a lot of girls today love yaoi.
Yes, YAOI. They go wet viewing two men having sex.
That or they read a fanfic in wattpad.
That is a fetish, isnt it?
Protip: Every young girl has some bisexual behaviour. At least in my school.
Fetishes are for degenerates who can't enjoy vanilla sex. Also sex is only for procreation.
Would you prefer to be spanked by a woman or man?
I can do regular porn, but nine times out of ten I'm watching fart porn.
>you can only have one type of sex ever
You want to know how I know you're a virgin?
What do you mean? For example, it's well known that Napoleon Bonaparte like it when his woman didn't bathe for a long time because he liked them dirty and smelly. Where, in his day, would have he seen something like this? Sometimes it's just acquired through circumstance.
I can jerk it to normal porn but it's just a release, I'm not that into it but it's ok.
>That's not what an adult man wants.
An adult man wants a woman who will bond with him on a level no other would or could, caring about being "adult" is childish because a real man thinks and acts for himself.
no you stupid. I was a spanking fetiscist since I was 5 years old
Also jumping the "S&M i'm so kinky xd" bandwagon isn't "developing" a fetish
Are you actually gay?
as men its my goal that my wife, kin and countrymen may flower and prosper, I get all the satisfaction of life from these matters
Also, young girl = between 13 and 18 years old.
do fat chicks count as fetish?
I haven't found myself a competent bride so you're right.
I was a cross dresser but then I medically transitioned from male to female. Now I don’t have any fetishes.
Sexual imprinting occurs through nurture and nature usually at a young age. This can be from environmental factors or familial behaviors including trauma.
I'm really into armpits and midrifts/stomachs more then anything else
a woman
no i just like this memeflag
How fat? Post pic. There's a fine line between high test and fetish.
You had autogynophillia, you fulfilled you fetish.
I love my underwears. Don't burn them!
>tfw brap meme fucked us all in the head
You were spanked as a child just like me. Maybe only once or twice or maybe daily but something in our brains connected spanking with sexual development. I didn't realize my spanking fetish till recently and it's obvious it stems from trauma like I'm finally taking control over it. Weird to think about but accept it.
Im not super wild the weirdest shit i used to get off to are fursuits on women, yiff, gentle lolicon stuff (small bodies and short women prefer that mature if possible) , vanilla anal stuff, specific types of clothing on women, like very girly clothing, stockings, i like clothing with fur on them too and maybe some latex stuff, light bondage, gentle femdom, feet and armpits. (But majority of these are just fetishes i only care for when my wife does it for me)
I fap more often without porn than with it desu
Girls are often very likely to be bisexual to a degree
Do you have a fetish for spanking a girl, or being spanked by one? I find both hot, in fact spanking is proabably my secondary fetish
>Tfw i often joked in my head like "Pol is addicted to the braps they cant live without them!" but some of you fags truely are into that shit. Not that im normal but still lmao.
Being attracted to non-white women is probably my strangest fetish satan
Im into both but i also dont mind getting slapped. We're men so we can take it rough thats what were built for.
I've tried it doesn't work. I have this fetish since i was 5
Actually I was never beaten by my parents
I've been into farts since before it was a Jow Forums meme. I was jerking it to girl toots since elementary school.
An adult man wants a suitable mother for his children. Give her a massage or something nice, not coax her to shit her diapers like a babby. She's not a fucking babby. Neither are you a diarrhea vacuum, or anything that soaks up strong or vile stimuli like his life depends on it.
Both. Depends on my mood.
>I've tried it doesn't work.
It's a pretty common one, wouldn't worry about it.
I can get off to fantasies of normal sex and other vanilla lewdness and like it, but I just somehow can't get into regular porn at all. It doesn't feel exciting in slightest to watch other people engaging in sex. Fetish material (tickling) on the other is a different story, I sure can fap to that.
>I was never beaten
I said spanked, you fucking faggot. Someone spanked you or you saw it in a movie like Videodrome.
I was never spanked as a child "threatened with it but that's all it took for me to behave" What I like about spanking is the sting and the sight of a bright red butt
Not him but I like both but prefer to be spanked.
I like Asian women, specifically their eyes, a pronounced epicanthic is really sexy.
>a suitable mother for his children
a that is a woman who is compatible with your personality and lifestyle. In my case it's a fellow diaper wearer.
Dont really get why people like tickling, why tickle if you can lick her entire body and taste it.
>be late 20's turbobeta
>5'3'' manlet
>3.9 dicklet
If I watch porn, I can't self insert. It just doesn't make sense that a woman (or man for that matter) would want something with me. It just seems more plausible to be magically transformed into a woman (like in a gender bender doujin) than having sex with another person. If I jerk of to 3D, it's only sph joi. I'm broken lads. Once I finish my JRPGs, I'm wearing the necklace of rope.
Cant you find a woman thats like 5,0ft or shorter? might fix your problems and then you dont need to worry bout your dick.