
Last year at a bar with mate. 2 men start giving him shit for 'looking at them wrong'. Friends a bit of a pussy so I stand up for him and tell them to fuck off or to come sort it outside (done boxing since 12, was a bit troubled through secondary and college so got into fights regularly). They didn't look intimidating at all.

The guy I confronted says some shit about me being a pussy, but he turns around and walks away. I thought that was the end of it.

>Fast forward to a couple drinks later, we're leaving the bar
>start walking down towards closest takeaway

The same 2 guys (now with a backup of 2 other scum) confront us. I'm not too scared at this point (the couple of drinks probably helped a bit), none of the guys are huge or anything.

Two of the fuckers pull out long fucking knives, shouting 'go on say something now'. The 2 with knives are holding them up to our faces and we're forced to take punches from the other 2 that pulled up. At the end they run off. We didn't even try to fight back with the fear that they would stab us, luckily they didn't

I've now become scared of confrontation, since something as petty as 'looking at someone wrong' means you can get stabbed. How are you supposed to defend yourself against trash that carry knives? It seems that if this happened 10 years ago it would have always just ended in a fist fight which I wouldve been fine with, now it seems that even young kids are carrying weapons. These fuckers were a bit younger than us too.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope those bastards had their knife carrying licenses with them.

Came here to tell you you knife is shit

It's becoming a problem I've noticed for now, fuckers ganging up.
Is there any solution to this? We know authorities don't do anything about these petty crimes.

You shoot them in the fucking face with your gun.
Oh wait...

Should've beaten them when they were only 2
Attack is best defence
Take that as a lesson to either carry a knife or baton with yourself or smash peoples heads when they look like they wanna start smth

>How are you supposed to defend yourself against trash that carry knives?
You hit first.

Also, lrn2dominance fights vs lethal fights.
>10 years ago it would have always just ended in a fist fight
That's a fight for social dominance, not too dangerous unless you're unlucky.
But people today do lethal fights with weapons, jumping on your heard when you're down etc.
You have to act accordingly.

>Is there any solution to this?
Get some friends.

does it work like this in america but people pull out guns?

Needing a knife means your a faggot to start with and cannot handle yourself.
4 on 2 means ultra faggots
Learn some martial arts and the knife will end up stuck in the originator.
End up badass old man --->

>How are you supposed to defend yourself against trash that carry knives?
Carry your own knife.

>How do you defend
Guns, batons, pepper sprays.
But I guess you can't use any of those.

carry a coin sap in your pocket. legal, easy to ditch. and it will drop the absolute fuck out of anyone slow enough to cop it to the head.

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>Two of the fuckers pull out long fucking knives
Hit them in the throat faggot. Do you know how many times you have to get stabbed to actually die?

t. not an internet hero edgelord, it's part of the black pill package

Idk what you're trying to meme. I dont use steak knives for self defense though.

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If it bothers you so much, you could always follow them home, wait til they fall asleep, and bash their heads in with a blunt object. Every somewhat intelligent adult male has about the same capacity for violence. There's no reason to prove it, and if you feel you have to it only proves your immaturity. Frankly I'm glad you learned your lesson without anyone getting seriously injured.

I don't understand, don't you have forward thinking knife control laws there? Those troubled young men shouldn't have been able to have dangerous weapons on their person, that's impossible. I think there's a hole on your story.

>gets caught by the poppers
>spend months in jail because you wanted to protect yourself
The UK law doesnt protect the ordinary citizen anymore.

Kill or be killed
That is what it has become.

when you must strike, do it with everything you've got, if they have weapons it might be your only chance

Problem is, you are letting troublemakers go unpunished, they won't learn or serve as an example of what can happen to wrong doers if there is no punishment

Goddamned Britain you must use guns against bydlo cattle scum.

>what it has become.
Implying that it hasn't always been that way

Your nerfy cushion comfy life is temporary desu

I get shit for being a paranoid fuck at bars for basically the same reason I DD and drink when we get back outside of a beer or double whiskey, give it time user and try to forget it's normal to be either out for blood or terrified that's fight or flight.

Burger, it was a genuine question. Does the prevalence of guns mean that situations similar to OP happen except people pull guns?

Rape them. Rape them to death.

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bandana tied to a hefty masterlock in your back pocket, let the bandana hang out a bit to grab easily with hand and you got a make shift flail that a few hobos kill each other with every year in the US

Probably start by not holding your position when you know some mentally unstable faggots are lurking around
Either fuck them up and leave the scene, or immediately leave the scene

>giving those faggots that much time to setup an ambush
think ahead, dude

Typical beta response. Just don't get caught, that's all.

what you're saying is probably true, but would you risk your life holding your ground?

Potentially I guess but I've never seen it happen.
Drawing a gun in anger is a good way to get shot
Most people with legal guns carry for defense and will only draw when they need to
Even most criminals will not make idle threats with a gun
At least not in public

buy a gun user your smart you can probably find the dark web

Then give a description of them to the cops. Odds are they're young men getting their kicks the same way as OP, and they'll grow out of it too.


You had your first knife confrontation? Mine was like 8yrs old. Just get over it you fucking pussy or carry a knife. You're traumatized by having a normal experience. Also why didn't you run?
Either way the punches were a good lesson for you. If they wanted to stab you they would of. Learn akido or something.

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I was literally going to tell you to just carry a knife yourself, but then I saw your flag. Sucks, bro. If they pull a knife, but then you also pull a knife, they'll probably fuck off. Real pussies don't want to knife fight.

Even though we have laws here in Leafville (3.5 inc blade, if it folds it has to lock and take two hands to open) but guess what? It's easy AF to find and just have big knives. I have a machette in my car and just got a sweet 6 inch spring assisted stiletto that I carry. I have absolutely no intention of using them, but it's enough to scare someone if I have to, which never happens in Canada because I don't live in Toronto.

Maybe start taking classes based around defending against knives?

If he carries a towel on his head he can have a knife

OP literally don’t listen to these edgelords. You did the right thing and de-escalationis the very thing the preach when you get your concealed carry permit. They will tell you “you are now the least tough guy in the room because your job is to do everything in your power to not have to use your gun”. Additionally, knives fucking hurt I guarantee none of these armchair ninjas have ever had a blade penetrate them below their dermis. It’s fucking excruciating, you did the smart thing. That said if you do carry and somebody pulled a knife on you, being able to draw them them down with a concealed would have been your next move. t.fairlybigguy -ego is the enemy.

>Maybe start taking classes based around defending against knives?

You mean self defense against fresh fruits? It's UK man.

>think ahead, dude
Hardly in his mind when he's down 8 pints

>Traumatised by a normal experience.

Fuck, what shithole do you come from where having a knife drawn on you becomes a mundane occurance?

I've had knives pulled on me before because I'm a fucking idiot who can keep his mouth shut, but I'd never consider that a "normal experience".

maybe you should use a gun instead?

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>taking on fights having a numerical disadvantage
>taking on fights the enemy dictates
wew how can someone be such a tactical normie?

It wasn't a numerical disadvantage you melt. 2 of them against 2 of us in the beginning, then at the end of the night they jumped us as a group of 4. Nothing to 'take on' when you get jumped and don't expect it you fag.

Actually it's the opposite, look at newhamshire which has the highest person to gun ratio and has the loosest gun laws in the union and they have less crime then anyother place with stricket gun control like commiefornia illinois and so on who have the highest gun control and have may more homocides percapita then newhamshire.

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Unfortunately that's how it is now, add 3 to anyone you confront. Shitbags tend to travel in packs, and already know the old 'only fair fight is the one you lose' trick

This sorta thing happens pretty regularly on a night out though, usually people will talk shit but will back down (like these 2 did). I just wasn't expecting them to be waiting round the corner 2 hours later outside with knives because a random guy at a bar squared up to them and didn't take their shit.

Here are the places where you went wrong:

1. Intial confrentation
If you are a well adjusted adult and dont want a violent conflict you should consider leaving when someone gets unnessesarily aggressive. Esp at a bar. There is no honor or pride at stake, its just practical and bars are full of degenerates.

2. Asuming you dont leave, once this turns into a stand off you must take decisive action. The kind of guy that picks fights with strangers is not going to have a change of heart and decide he has been bested and just leave. If a stranger tries to fight you you with leave or fuck them up.

Like clockwork, when i see a guy starting fights at the bars, the formula goes like this
>act agressive
>get backed down
>sooth wounded ego by taking a cheap shot or setting up an ambush where odds are in his favor
The good news is this usually ends in the trouble maker getting routed , but not after he has assualted a usually mostly innocent person.

The point is, either remove your self or remove the threat.

Life is a game, play hard

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>be british
>2 muslims with 1 anglo faggot a women start shit fuck off after a pint
>friend whose with me tries to switch sides because anglos backstab each other for status
>walk outside all that lot standing there with knives
>oh well got deodrant in pocket with chlorine and got a sword because of law knights law
>all proceed to pull ugly faces and make ugly stares until anglo women blows everyone in the street and everyone returns to hovels

About 20 years ago my friend was threatened by a local gang, he went home got his samurai sword and chased them, even gave one a slice from it.

I remember thinking Bill you've done it now!
But there was amazingly never any comeback from the gang or the police.

Here, let me break it down for you since you don't seem to be very bright.

I have a job, doing a part time uni course on top. If I get caught carrying a knife I get a criminal conviction and all my future prospects are gone. Life ruined.

Scum like the ones that carry knives have got fuck all to lose. Their life is already shit, prison is probably a common thing in their families, and one more conviction is nothing to them.

For a normal member of society carrying a knife just in case this sort of situation happens is just not worth it.

>Fuck, what shithole do you come from where having a knife drawn on you becomes a mundane occurance?

>I've had knives pulled on me before because I'm a fucking idiot who can keep his mouth shut, but I'd never consider that a "normal experience".
Do you not see the inconsistency in that statement? Better sharpen that butter knife, bro.

>If you are a well adjusted adult and dont want a violent conflict you should consider leaving when someone gets unnessesarily aggressive.

You're a massive fucking faggot.

>There is no honor or pride at stake
Is that what your mom told you? lol

at least not between armed people (nigs are not "people").
instead i treat with courtesy and they do the same. if not, i try to be patient with idiots.
no one really has started a fight with me. ever.
i should work out more (1/month is not enough), but it would be for an apocalypse more than everyday life.

>Do you not see the inconsistency in that statement?

No. Most people keep their mouths shut. Nor has it happened to me enough times to become a mundane occurance, but still more so than the av-er-age bear.

What is there that is inconsistent?

Best thing to do is to avoid going bars or public spaces at night on weekends. End of story.
Instead you can:
> drink at home in your underpants
> shitpost till you drop
> wake up in hangover, call your GF to come over and have some sweet loving
> continue drinking, go to a bar in the afternoon, no troublemakers
> stock some more booze from the store
> leave the bar before 22.00 o'clock.

Bars and clubs are fucking annoying places anyway at night. Can't hear a goddamn thing what someone tries to say to you, music is absolute crap, lining for the booze like 10 min to half an hour or so. Line to take a piss.. Fuck that. Waste of quality drinking time and money.

>For a normal member of society carrying a knife just in case this sort of situation happens is just not worth it.
Your society is over, man. You will never live a peaceful life in the shire. At least carry something

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Jif lemon is easy to carry around & hurts if you 'accidentally' squirt it in your eyes.

Also having some sand in your pocket can temporarily disable yourself if you 'accidentally' get it in your eyes.

Also, since smoking is banned now, the smell in the clubs is absolutely hideous and devastating. Smell of stale beer mixed with perfume and thick cloud of farts. Disgusting fucking shit.

The fact that it's happened more than once? The fact that you're traumatized by it? The fact that you're still making excuses when you are in a world that is going to kill you? The fact that you follow the laws so closely that you are so fucking defenseless another man can just punch you over and over again in the face?
What's it going to take? I hope your future office cubical is worth your entire being. That is until the Muslims burn your fucking society down because you're all too fucking pussified to even exist anymore.

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Maybe Amazon will get those drones working well enough to deliver entire crates of booze to our doors.

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>Best thing to do is to avoid going bars or public spaces at night on weekends.

WTF is happening to Europeans? My God!

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lolno. not knowing whether you might be carrying is what keeps the faggots from pulling out a knife and letting their friends go to town on your face.
>unless you live somewhere cucked like chicongo or nyc or commiefornia

Don't go to places where you're likely to encounter drunk people, or get drunk in public yourself. That's for mono-cultural high trust societies only.

First: checked.
Second: these are my favorite memes of all time. is there a name for the broad category of them. i want them all, i want to start a folder for them. terrorist headlines with orcs.

carry weapons, or die like pigs. that's the simplies t fact of the universe.

>Don't go to places where you're likely to encounter drunk people, or get drunk in public yourself. That's for mono-cultural high trust societies only.
Another faggot.

I don't know what's going on with Jow Forums lately. It's like a haven for cowardly betas now.


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Thank God!

It took a fucking Brazillian to act like a man in this thread. I thought I was alone.

You did good user. Just had bad luck running into the really bad sort. Lucky you got out without serious injury.

>You did good user. Just had bad luck running into the really bad sort. Lucky you got out without serious injury.

Every post is a beta male!

That would be a dream come true.

I explained myself. If you are able to coupe with that what actually happens in the bars and clubs on weekend nights, suit yourself. I find it absolutely disgusting.

>The fact that it's happened more than once?

Shit has happened to *me* more than once.

>The fact that you're traumatized by it?

That's the OP. Ok, I'm convinced you're responding to me thinking I'm somebody else, now.

Most of our bar fights are just that. It’s only when you involve blacks and spics do they get emotional enough to pull out a gun.

Get a high powered flashlight like the E1D LED Defender, you will literally blind their asses. You have to be quick on the draw though.

>make orcs ashy white instead of green

Fuck off nigger. Anybody can lie about being alpha on the Internet you stupid kike.

move someplace that allows you to carry firearms.

Clubs are shit. Niggers and literal whores everywhere. Niggerbeats blaring over the speakers.... Why would you like that? Honestly

How about you do us a favor and check yourself back into jail, or back into the zoo with the other shitflinging monkeys.

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From my expierience. Guns aren't usually pulled at barfights but they are pretty frequently used in road rage incidents.

Also, it's legal to carry a lock-blade up to 3" in Britain.

Oh shit, apparently you can't have a lock, folding still works though.

De-escalate rather than attack them. There is a better way to go about that. If you kicked their ass the first time their friends would have stabbed you later.

You can tell them you aren't interested in fighting them without looking like a mega-bitch.

I'll fight when there's something worth fighting for. Not some bullshit nigger squabble over a spilt drink or some other nonsense.

>being at a bar
>being outside
>being in public at all
kys get bombed by mudslimes you neurotypical degenerate weakling


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That is literally the gayest self-defense implement that I have ever seen in my entire life

>I explained myself. If you are able to coupe with that what actually happens in the bars and clubs on weekend nights, suit yourself. I find it absolutely disgusting.
Hide from public places, cuck. You're the last generation

Here, kid. This is what we call in America a, "nigger be good stick". Put one in your car. Or get a small ball pin for your jacket and tell the cops you're just off work. Also your jacket is a natural defense against knife attacks. Just stop being defenseless. Your government has brainwashed this into you.

>Fuck off nigger. Anybody can lie about being alpha on the Internet you stupid kike.
Anyone can not post like a beta too. It's in your inclanation to do so, not mine. Stop talking like a fucking soccor mom and it might spill over into the real world and improve your pathetic instincts.

He was a pub.

How about you do us all a favor and never become a father. Because you're not a man and will never be one.

>I'll fight when there's something worth fighting for.
No, user. You won't. And you won't be ready for it.

>not hiding from life
>kys get bombed by mudslimes you neurotypical degenerate weakling
I'm starting to get feels for you Eurofags. Stop it. I can't believe you're all this cucked and beta.

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Kek. Same thing happened on the train a few weeks ago in London. As I was getting on the train a nigger told me I was looking at him the wrong way because I’d just been on a 16 hour bus journey from Scotland and my eyes were bloodshot. I told him I had no idea what he’s talking about. He starts chiding me for being a racist and his white tattooed white friend start mimicking everything he says like a retarded chimp (pic related).

He gets up from his chair and tells me he’s going to fight me. I know he’s bluffing as there are cameras so I tell him to go ahead. He moves towards me and his tattooed white friend starts restraining his arms. After a few minutes of flexing and calling me a pussy he asks me to shake his hand to prove I’m not a racist. As he’s getting off the train he says “I know you still a racis”.

As soon as I get on the next train the first thing I see is a moderately attractive white girl with a hood rat, pants at the knees, Ebonics speaking nigger.

London is basically a sex tourism destination for niggers and arabs at this point. I wouldn’t even call that an overstatement. Living here is misery.

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ju jitsu

I don't know, Bong, maybe carry a weapon yourself? Start learning how knife fighting works? Don't carry a knife; knife is a shit melee weapon with a short range, meant for stealth and work, not best for fighting. Carry a club. Everything is a club so just pick one up. Bash their skulls in, but remember to stop up the knife arm first. Have a happy chav bashing, friendo.

There is weaponry intended to inflict the strongest pain the body can generate without dealing a single bit of damage. You want pepperspray, 15% / military grade / police grade / 3Mil Scoville (all same) people will drop like flies. Loud flies. I also carry a switchblade incase it ain't enough and I need to Coup de Grace their orange sprayed ass.

but, best advice of all: don't be a normie and un-learn nightlife + going out.

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>ju jitsu
Not good for weapon attacks

Always expect that sort of bullshit when you confront anyone anywhere and it doesn't end then and there.
Had that shit happen to me many moons ago.
Ended up getting jumped by 3 dudes.
Although all 3 of them couldn't put me down.
Knew who they all were.
Hit the weights harder and found em all out without backup.
Put the word out if anyone saw em let me know when and where.
At the end of the day I beat the fucking brakes off 2 of them.
The 3rd and initial antagonist bitched out and ran like a faggot when I spotted him out.

If you need an improvised weapon.
Lock in a sock or bandanna.
Credit card knives. Can even custom order them with your name on it. Looks legit.
Google Sap Cap. Slap a custom patch on it of whatever so it looks even more like an ordinary baseball cap.
Plenty of shit laying around.
Beer bottle? Just break the damn thing and you now have a nigger knife.
Also remember to fight dirty if it comes to a street scrap. A quick hard stomp to the ankle if they're attempting to bowl you over or restrain you. You stomp on and break their ankle, 2-3 toes or top of their foot bones then they're not standing anymore.
A fast eye gouge. Push your thumb in like you're trying to touch their brains. Aim for the inside (think tear duct) Curl thumb around, pull out. Pop that eye out of socket and they're done for. They'll get hit with instant vertigo because their brain can't figure out which way is forward or down. Done in one action.
Fuck shitty boxing.
A strike to the throat = attacker is done
A hammerfist to the collarbone. Hit that muscle mass between the neck and shoulders = it jars the muscle and "frogs" it. That arm is useless for a couple seconds and not to mention extremely painful.
A nice practiced hammerfist strike to the ribs if they're trying to get all grabby. If you hit hard enough you can break ribs. At the least knock their breath out of them.
A palm strike to the chin, dig those fingers in, rake their face like your trying to pull it off.
Pic related

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Readier than most.

Oops wrong pic

Vid related:

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Nope. You're not ready.

"Only do'er learns"
Bruce Lee

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>Do you know how many times you have to get stabbed to actually die?

>A strike to the throat = attacker is done
You've never done that. Stop larping. It's hard as fuck and only works if you're lucky.