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why do tv stations talk like teenage girls now?
Your Tv licence pays for this. Sad!
Because they employ women who never evolve past talking like teenagers.
Afternoon vs early hours
because (((they))) want to infantilize public discourse
just saying what?
Imagine still being this hung up on an election must be a slow day
>big black cock three
Does Trump support this disgusting racism?
You wot m8
Just sayin :)
WTF? I'm with her now.
it's the propaganda branch's way of trying to seem benign and on the same level as the reader
"meme"s became a tool of theirs to disarm suspicions among people
Can anyone actually calculate he distance of the UK image. Perspective can really affect things.
Teenagers use emojis not emoticons, this just shows how out of touch they really are
even disney is endorsing dude nihilism lmao
Fucking putrid anglo trash, holy shit. We've never stopped being at war with the crown
Imagine having to pee
Women in general are nothing but overgrown children. It's why they say women mature faster - females don't have to develop past childhood.
bbc3 is a channel that airs programmes for teen girls and normie documentarys. It's pure aids.
just sayin
What the fuck.
I literally heard my 10 year old cousin repeating this "I'm dead inside" bullshit among her friends about a year ago.
They'd say it often.
What the fuck.
Ratings system
U think they had porter loos back then?
Not true, they used to.
They were the champions of the people in the past, they were the ones who were extremely race aware-
They have been totally brainwashed though, really hilarious.
Less resistant when being despondent to existing is the norm
>flag checks out
Depression is a meme now
Holy fuck. Here come the triggered trumpcuck MAGA-PEDOs,
Yeah they did have porter loos, there was also a load of security, I got back 20 minutes ago and it was insane how many Canadians and Americans were there, I spoke to a man and his wife from Arizona and I asked them if they were on holiday and they said they had come specifically for the wedding and they arrived in London two days ago.
Wtf Americans? You're supposed to hate the monarchy!
Indeed, demoralization.
they implanted their bloodlines here, we never stopped answering to them
What is this post
I'm more upset at the use of emoticons
They are German and have more German heritage than you trashy mutts do.
Fucking learn to read you stupid nigger arse pirate.
that's a very disturbing virus being spread. The social engineers are deeply nefarious
I don't know what the fuck it is, but it's not that.
My relatives are leafs and her folk let her watch whatever bullshit she finds on youtube and Disney channel.
It's disgusting.
I tried warning the fuckers but they reacted like liberals.
They weren't like this when they were still back home.
It's like they got brainwashed.
From Hitler's Rally? Did Winston send you?
>Nazi Germany image
>"U think they had porter loos back then?"
>Goes into discussion about how he got back from there 20 minutes ago
Yes I'm a time traveller.
Jesus he should have just pissed in a bush at that point man. I've shat on a rattlesnake during a FTX waiting on the laterine. Pretty sure Adolf would understand
subliminal mental programming conditioning automatic responses . I wouldn't let children anywhere near television or popular media
still president of the world. stings a little?
Just saying
these marxist cucks are still pushing that fake picture from before the inaug started?
it's impossible to win against this bullshit if they have all the media under their control
Different scale... And dumb comparison
This is a breach of BBC's impartiality guidelines, please report.
it doesn't rely on ad revenue. it is paid by the license fee.
>supposed to hate the monarchy
The monarchy hasn't posed a threat to us in well over 200 years
They are little more than a novelty to us
A relic of the past
Most Americans are tickled that you still have Kings and queens and shite
They are still using the pic taken hours before the event and was already debunked years ago? Not bad for a public-funded broadcaster.
imagine that
See, Trump is Hitler because he wants to enforce federal border law, and that makes him racist because the illegal immigrants are all mexican
>A relic of the past
how do i know youre bluepilled?
Do you have a loicense for that tweet?
Bataclan Concert Hall, shortly before the Mossad orchestrated human sacrifice
Why don't you explain it to me
I'd love to hear how being subjugated by inbred retards is beneficial to you
Or are you saying that the monarchy is at all relevant in current year
Eat that Drumpfkins
My sister is a therapist for depressed and fucked up kids, the internet is killing them inside. This site has a lot to answer for.
this makes me shareblue? okay than
Excuse me chink go back to your trap gf .
the media curates what women should act like.
the first democracy treated women as equals
but history was obfuscated it
I've been on the internet since I was a young child, and on the chans since I was 14 years old (turning 28 this year). I definitely would have become a well-adjusted person more quickly without the internet and this site in particular, but I'd be much more ignorant. I've passed through the crucible and come out on the other side.
Jesus christ, is that the only picture from that day?
That twitter feed just shows how easy it is pandering to far left retards. Wish it was my job 2bqhwy
When did states get flags?!?!
Okay THEN.
Than is a conjunction used in comparisons:
Better late THAN never.
You can do better THAN that.
Then is a point in time:
Go home, THEN call me.
Wash the dishes, THEN go to bed
It's always about my man. No matter where in the World you go or what's going on NOTHING can go on without it being aboutTRUMP FIRST! MY PRESIDENT!
Looks pretty packed to me
>pic related
You wish you had a trap gf.
It's a shame retards actually fall for this lil scheme. The picture was taken hours before the ceremony began, well before everyone arrived. Trump packed the crowd, as can be seen in a million other videos and pictures. Packed it to the brim.
I love this movie.
Do you believe in coincidences?
Its 2018 faggot
>the (((Tribe))) will try and spin this
This is just getting ridiculous now. Like, I would understand even comparing to Obama's inauguration, but a royal wedding? How are those two things even comparable?