Attached: ffge.png (601x421, 403K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone post the the nazi germany image

Any word on those refugees?

Attached: mc.png (493x591, 38K)

She sure loves to hate.

You mean this one?

Attached: EIN.jpg (901x576, 413K)

This one?

Attached: VOLK.jpg (1247x876, 236K)

Attached: 131101-adolf-hitler-harvest-festival.jpg (1500x991, 562K)


Or this?

Attached: EIN-BRRRR.jpg (712x967, 83K)

Bong stop posting your victims.

Attached: REICH.jpg (1200x1622, 213K)

>left, no power
>right, most powerful man on earth

Wew lad

Based der ewige anglo strikes again, honestly even the leafs are of noble and astute character compared to you eternal cucholds.

Attached: 1504808598111.png (800x2048, 357K)

What about this?

Attached: dead communist hungary.jpg (700x499, 94K)


Or this

Attached: dead communist hungary2.jpg (690x1024, 283K)

Attached: EIN_.jpg (2048x2709, 343K)

or this?

Attached: dead communist hungary3.jpg (583x494, 101K)

Attached: FUHRER.jpg (460x447, 58K)

woopsie Nationalists win again

Attached: dead communist hungary4.jpg (463x704, 60K)

Actually the Germans in the second pic were killed by Americans.

Attached: Victims of nationalisim.jpg (900x1145, 149K)

Attached: 26-nazi-ap.jpg (620x465, 59K)

That's actually impressive for Trump, given that DC is 98% Democrat.

bye bye lenin

Attached: Communisim statue.jpg (251x227, 22K)

I honestly - without joking in any way what so ever - super duper unironically - hope that your inbred island ceases to exist within reasonable time. How I don't care, but anglos are scum. You always have been, and you deserve the worst.

>nationalists win again
Yeah if you kill yourself before the war ends, like Hitler.

Attached: waaaaahrmacht.jpg (555x462, 151K)

Lol I'm not an Anglo.

>I'm gonna ge-

Attached: follow your leader.jpg (1024x766, 373K)

>posts a picture of a hohol invading Finland in the imperialistic ambitions of a jewish soviet union
>victims of nationalism

They can't be victims if they start the war.

Flag checks out.

Attached: anglo2.png (473x538, 247K)

it's tongue in cheek

>Yeah if you kill yourself before the war ends, like Hitler.
>Being this retarded

Attached: columbia.jpg (650x366, 41K)

Dunno as a non-British gentleman, I feel much more unsafe around white Brits than around Pakistanis and blacks.

Leave it to a limey to have a folder filled with dead Germans.
Please dump your blacked stash as well while you're at it.

Attached: Inaugration.jpg (771x945, 316K)

at least trump was fairly elected

most invaders feel intimidated by the natives

You'd know about that, wouldn't you? Unless you're a Maori.

>brit posting dead germans while they just welcomed a divorced american commoner mutt into the royal family

Attached: 1525161865800.gif (245x250, 1.76M)

Dunno as a non-British gentleman, I feel much more unsafe around white Brits than around Pakistanis and blacks.

Attached: merchant says.jpg (754x585, 233K)

sage all memeflaggot slide threads.

Lemme stop you there, Slovene.

thats a soviet soldier from the winter war

Someone should retweet this to Rowling. So much love in this picture!

Maori are part of the crown nig.

Lol and he's a monarchist bootlicker.

>getting angry over facts
you going to coon out in a church next?

that's a Russian


>hates white British people
>still leeches off them

Why don't you kys you dumb cunt

>as a British gentlemen

Attached: 33B8D7F0-1EA8-46BF-96AE-6FB3929C0E01.jpg (933x1024, 211K)

When did I say I hate white British people? They're ugly as fuck (well, only the English ones, Welsh and Scots can actually walk by a mirror without breaking it), but I don't hate them.
Lol that's why Europeans come over and do the really hard work you lazy fat fucks are too stingy or too pampered to do? Get outta here, this country would be crumbling without immigrants. Most of you agree too.

Hi, Jacob.

Attached: the-bodies-of-the-dead-lie-awaiting-burial-in-a-mass-grave-at-the-D987MY.jpg (1292x1390, 285K)

was it worth it?

Attached: progressive world.png (1640x562, 2M)

Attached: 1467049956998.jpg (500x312, 55K)

Those pics don't hold a candle to the carnage caused by the Germans.
>wow one act of terror negates the entirety of modern society
Lol I know Portugal isn't famed for its high IQ, but try to think once and a while.
>country was invaded by Germans and he is sucking weinerschnitzel right now
Typical of Greeks. Who can blame you? I'd feel lost without a dick to suck after the Turks left Greece (not their genetics though).

>Typical of Greeks. Who can blame you? I'd feel lost without a dick to suck after the Turks left Greece (not their genetics though).
Alright fuck you user for the rest of your posts but this was pretty funny

>wow one act of terror negates the entirety of modern society
you got it 100% wrong. the modern, western and progressive society is reaping what they sow and i couldn't be happier. white, liberal people deserve what's happening to them

The "White Terror", a series of anti-Communist lynch mobs

Lol sounds like you hate white people more than the terrorists do. I thought you were a white (well, whatever passes for "white" in Moortugal) nationalist?

unironically Nazi Germany was all about love

>Typical of Greeks. Who can blame you? I'd feel lost without a dick to suck after the Turks left Greece (not their genetics though).
Genetics prove you wrong, so your kind doesn't get any rage from me.
All your kind will get is bullets.

Behold! The sóyboy--I mean National Socialist army arrives!

Attached: lolfuck.jpg (1374x1031, 120K)

Attached: Punch a Na-.gif (400x225, 2.98M)

Attached: 1526664256965.jpg (500x533, 28K)

Oh, you’re Pakistani

i hate the ones who created and are creating and enabling all this mess.
i'm white but not nationalist, just plain misanthrope

Antifa are bullies. Naziboys are worse, because they are bullies behind their keyboards. Irl they are complete cucks.

Attached: national blobshevism.jpg (2048x1538, 505K)

What happened here?

>she thinks they are 'in love'
holy fuck the disconnect from reality is amazing

onions no pasaran cuck got his glasses sent into orbit by a casual protesting muslim bomb attacks.

Fuck you boomer faggot, killing Germans is what got us into this fucking mess

Wow its almost like nonpartisan events have greater likelihood of higher attendance? Hmmm


Attached: 1526665915656.jpg (480x440, 140K)

>Blaming an island (though we're over multiple and the inbred part is American education tier of historical understanding) for an immigrants actions
Good god.

If you are against Muslim immigration, how does killing Germans affect that? You know you could have fought against the Germans and then not import any non-whites? Right?

Imagine being this much of a faggot

>you could have
Yes goy, feel bad because of your country's past actions that were your fault instead of taking action now!

Attached: rus.png (720x1280, 989K)

The concept of "cuck" refers to those who go against the interests of their own race/ethnicity.
For example, white men supporting affirmative action, diversity hire, massive low iq immigration... Those are cucks since they are "cucking" his own race to the benefit of others.

>Nazi germany was all about love

Attached: EC906119-F2CE-4FC1-A2AD-56E5FC093217.jpg (400x452, 86K)

You're a cuck. You are scared around black people.

That's being smart, not a cuck.

>A bunch of jobless dems in the urban NE can easily make it to DC for a waste of time while Trump voters from around the country actually have to be at work during the inauguration.
Really activates those almonds

>Don't fight in WW2
>Don't lose colonies.
>Germany wins, hence strong era of nationalism begins
>European countries stay white
>No excessive Americanization due to (((Marshall Plan)))

In other words
>Be british 18 year old
>Storm beach of Normandy
>County gets blacked as a result.


>strong era of nationalism
Nationalism is a loser's ideology. This has been tried and tested in WWII. The average person isn't autistic enough to worship a fucking fleg.
America didn't let non-whites in until the 60s IIRC.

Educate me as to why living near niggers is smart.

Attached: race_crime.png (1740x1088, 212K)
Crime rates in the whitest English counties are now higher than London.



Just have children or our race will die off user.

Attached: 19-milo-tweet.nocrop.w536.h2147483647.2x.jpg (733x917, 117K)

who is commiting the crimes, though?

Attached: uk_arrests.jpg (1036x686, 56K)

I like how her profile pic is completely clipping so all you see is blinding white, and a pair of eyes and teeth, because she’s an ugly old bitch no one wants to look at and she knows it

>UN shill flag
>just have kids goy that’s all you need to do

Is this nigger serious?

Attached: uk_crime_2.jpg (579x369, 53K)

>The average person isn't autistic enough to worship a fucking fleg
>It's just about a flag.
NatSoc Germany proves you wrong, nationalism comes in many forms. The most import part is focusing on your own people and country.
By that I mean the fucking US culture that came to Europe, pic related. Think Mc Donalds, MTV whatever.

Attached: liberators-kultur-terror-a….jpg (985x1380, 193K)

Fuck the crown let Britain burn.

Durham is overwhelmingly white, as is Glasgow and the Welsh Valleys.

Attached: inbred.jpg (615x409, 33K)

The article mentions multiple times that the increase is believed to be a result of classifying certain offences as actual crimes and making victims feel more comfortable reporting the crimes.

More like fake fabricated love with a 56% Amerimutt.