Durrrr Britain is dead cause the 6th in line got married to a nog

>Durrrr Britain is dead cause the 6th in line got married to a nog

Reminder on whose actually next in line to the throne

"The influx of foreign Jews, especially from Poland, has helped to cause great problems..."

"Surely some US president has to have the courage to stand up and take on the Jewish lobby?"

LITERALLY /ourroyal/ what the fuck are you talking about Britain is dead???

Attached: RoyalAesthetic.jpg (964x822, 136K)

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This post proves that Britain is indeed dead more than any nigger wedding could.

Im just wondering when the car crash will happen

Not personally a fan of the Queen or the Royal Family because as I see it, she is not fulfilling her duty as head of state and her reluctance to get involved in political matters allows the Parliamentarians to run a corrupt establishment.

I hope Charles becomes king and I hope he starts speaking up and exercising his powers. Fuck parliament, they’re just as corrupt and tyrannical as any monarch could ever be. I don’t understand why they’re put on this pedestal as if they’re some kind of beacon of rightseousness.

Oi, yew 'ave yer fannyfuntime license?

Attached: noflournofun.png (480x638, 425K)

Americans will claim the throne and then make britain great again.

All that fancy attire yet he still can't hide the disappointment.

That's a great picture.
He looks like an anime villain who eventually turns out to be a hero

Attached: IMG_9238.jpg (687x850, 219K)


t. pakistan

Checked. I was thinking he just looks like an anime hero, desu.