who is this guy?
Trump spied named!
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An ugly fat dead man walking if you ask me.
A dirty tricks CIA nigger.
It's justine turdeau in disguise
And still found nothing
damn that girl
fuckin CIA niggers
and these tricksters are the one who pushed cia gina.
why did mr trump nominate cia gina?
>CIA spying operation in the 1980 presidential election
CIA domestic operations are illegal.
That fucker is a criminal.
fucking reagan and bush
>Glenn Greenwald
Holy fucking shit
This liberal motherfucker is the one to spill The Hamburger Halper?
Holy fucking shit X2
i don't know what is real or who is on what side anymore
Halper is a jewish name.
And Sessions will do what exactly about this?
>2016 election spy was also a 1980 election spy
>was probably a spy in every election in between
Perfect example of deep state swamp.
Damnit cia niggers are at it again.
When will Obama and his cronies hang?
Does he glow in the dark???
Greenwald has been criticizing the Russia investigation from the beginning. He knows the same bad actors behind the NSA spying scandal were behind the Trump investigation. He recognizes the hallmarks of the deep state attacking an outsider who dares to challenge the status quo.
Everyone involved in this, including the media, deserves rope.
Yesterday CNN already had a "no one was a spy" video posted and their talking heads fake newsing it all the way.
Of course they had a secret intel source who told them so of course libturd central knows it true - I wonder what flavor excrement they lick from the glowing soles today
What's Glenn been saying
It's like Watergate and the opposition party doesn't even acknowledge it
Bump for justice.
we're watching the commie takeover - after such a percentage of Gov employees are so god damned left wing that they start breaking every god damned law and get away with it - it's almost over - in short time they will go full frontal out in the open - then the venezuela rat eating kicks in... we've already had the designated niger, next is the WHOre, then as britain fell so shall the USA - the time is near