How do we get kikes out of the videogames industry?

How do we get kikes out of the videogames industry?

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By supporting non-jew development companies
and your flag looks tasty

by making your own video game company you nigger
but what can you expect from a sand monkey that thinks he's the shit because he found liquid in the ground

R A R E . . . F L A G ! ! !



Stop playing video games degenerate.

hey OP, why are you enslaving pakis and poos?

It's too late user. We need to move on to the next cool thing and enjoy it for awhile, before the leaches find us.

Give me a good idea for a non-kiked game that might make me some money and I'll consider writing it.

The fuck are you 16?

Play mount and blade its the best thing invented by turkroaches

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Plenty of ways to vilify Jewish stereotypes and likeness in gaming without actually naming the Jew and getting shut down.
Working on my own, goodluck

stop buying their games

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make your own games

Why worry about being shut down? Just distribute it on bittorrent and take bitcoin as payment.

Make vidya yourself

>don't buy pozzed games
>don't read jew games sites

We need to start inhabiting roles of power in the videogame industry, subverting the left as the left has subverted the right. We're already doing this with media, and it's only a matter of time before we do it with game-specific media.

Why is your entire population pakis and poos?

delete U-play

Don't tell me what to do.
Jews barely have much actual influence in gaming aside from shitty obvious publications that get ignored.
I'm working on a game that has zero jew investment or influence. one of the few forms of media that they cant shut down or fully control

Is OP from Qatar?

He must have taken Computer Science 3 at uni to get around the countries online censors.

Only 7% of the UK population is "asian" and only 4.4% is Muslim. They have destroyed the cities but your country is literally nothing but chinks and have a Muslim population of 3%. Canada is dying rapidly, so go vote out that cuck Trudeo as quick as possible leaf


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> cuck still thinks voting out the kikes or kike-owned traitors is possible

stop buying
piracy all the way
and only buy games that are worthy of buying, so no(((( Bethesda)))), no Electronic Farts and no Lizzard

Give money to Minecraft and Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Those studios are 100% /ourguys/.

Beyond that, start making games yourself. Sneak in some redpills.

>cuck would rather roll over and die than to try something

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Minecraft is Microsoft you realize

Only by Jap games

Sigh. OK, I shall humor you. Please explain how "kikes" in the videogames industry have injured you.