Lol really puts things into perspective doesnt it

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They’re both pieces of useless trash
What’s your point dick head

Are you the faggot from the Netherlands that constantly spams these bait threads? I hope your entire family gets killed by shitskins

One says mean things the other runs over people with a truck of peace.

Wow really makes me sage.

>muslim so bad even nazi tell them to take it down a notch
really causes my cashews to cogitate

>eveyone is the same lmao XD

you are worse than both of them

A man says the Earth is a cube shape.
The other says it is a pyramid shape.
Both opinions are trash, but are not the same. Try again.

>checks own digits

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>Nearly identical ideologies
>You choose Muslims

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Lol nah

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>Implying there are female and child refugees.

Wow I love muslims now.

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>Dolores Umbridge

They cannot help themselves but make HP references.

holy fuck
wtf is that from?
(other than whatever ifc is)

>you have to choose between skinheads or brown people
Who makes these?

>as if that wide eyed open hearted innocent look those sandniggers have exists in any human past the age of 14

in reality they're ugly, unwilling to adapt to and accept european culture, and violent rapists