What were they fighting for?

What were they fighting for?

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Germany declared war on USA to be fair on them.

The Jews

They were fighting against totalitarianism and God bless them all for doing so. Unfortunately they weren't strong enough to take on communism so eventually the communists slowly took over their nation

Did this actually mean that Finland was at war with the USA? Have there ever been American or British attacks on Finnish ships, troops or territory?


They were fighting because their Governments conscripted them into the military. They would have been imprisoned or ostracized if they refused to fight.

They were not fighting for some ideological cause, just like the Vietnam conscripts.

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I don’t remember America needing fighting for from Germany

For Ben shapiro and his other jewish friends to live peacefully and claim Israel as their holy land.

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The wrong side


Reluctantly but in the end we did save the jews but that war isn't over and we are still in it. You subversive fucks aren't going to win it either. Jesus himself forgave the jew and for that reason you aren't going to touch them. Though they often attack those that protect them we will not leave them to fight on their own.
We will fight you to the end to protect them until our Lord himself comes down to cast His holy judgement on all of us. Fuck you subversive demons.
Get thee behind me Satan!


Damage control for a failed Nazi invasion of Russia.

This. Especially if you read current standard history of the war.

Niggers to fuck their grandchildren and the rights of their great-grandchildren to be mulatto transgendered pedophiles that conform to the state enforced homosexuality.

germany declared war on them lol, plus theyu were fighting to liberate western europe


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Britain declared war to Finland to show solidarity to Soviets, USA just severed diplomatic relations. British just carried out one air raid to Finnish territory as far as I know and there was no further actual hostilities.


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>Social rejection is worse than dodging bullets
>Prison is worse than dodging bullets

I would just go get comfy in a prison cell while people died.

Fuck fighting a war.
That's dangerous.

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The US was already in a state of war with Germany despite our neutrality; we were attacking their ships and supplying their enemies.
Formal declaration was due to Japan attacking us for the oil embargo.

Initially to save/help Britain.

Later to save at least part of Europe from fucking commies.

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for the kikes

For a mongrel to become a british royal one day, and they made it!

Only about 20% of those registered in the draft were actually called on at that time. And that is irrelevant anyways since the draft was extremely well-supported at that time. Most people wanted it and a lot of our soldiers had already volunteered of their own accord

>What were they fighting for?
The Jews of course. Otherwise they'd have stayed out of WW2.

That was obviously an attack on German supply lines.

For the benefit of rootless cosmopolitan elites.

Almost all of north and south america declared war on Germany and vice versa yet only 3 actually sent forces to fight in Europe. America's war was in Asia and yet most of its effort went to Europe and they still left half the continent enslaved to a murderous dictator.

At the same time, I bet these men had family members to feed.

That's probably a better reason as to why they'd be terrified of prison.

Imagine trying to get a job to feed a family of 4 with a criminal record. I'd rather go fight for the United States military than risk unemployment and have pressure to support those I care about.


Would of never happened

The rothschilds


They fought and died for nothing.

Without a doubt for my daughter's right to get Blacked by Trayvon's BBC, and for my grand-daughter to get Burrito'd by Jorge's Small Hispanic Cock.

They were super egalitarians back then, basically antifa tier.
They just wanted to punch Nazis, and give half naked homosexual men to thrust in the streets.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a shitskin from every corner of the globe kicking a white man on the ground, while a rabbi in a blonde wig with fake eyelashes dances to EDM music.


Dog bless


>america's war was in asia
what did he mean by this

>most of its effort went to europe
huwhite peepol first

>What were they fighting for?

Who nose?

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A future beauty for the ages

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The ultimate evil

for your freedom and lgtb shit you filthy jew negro lover

shut the fuck up you dumb faggot. Fuck the jews. Jesus knows exactly who the jews are you stupid cunt.


its all stolen dreams and yoked ideals
>real hours
look into real history
America has no enemies that it did not create or assist

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The Muttland.

Pussy. Not fighting literally meant that you'd never get laid and should probably kill yourself.

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thr absolute state of goy cattle

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Every stateside girl had 1,000,000 vets to choose from. Why would they want to fuck some 4F douchebag?

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Survival mostly, that's usually your first instinct when people are shooting at you.

ding ding ding

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The ability of their granddaughters to be BLACKED by miles of African cock

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