What kind of relationship do the Nordic countries have with each other?

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Finland hates Sweden and doesn't really care for Denmark but they love Estonia and Norgay.


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They all enjoy flooding their countries with shitskins and shariah law and have a working relationship with each other to achieve this.

Only posting because this is the first time my flag was included in the pic

We are the best and the rest are harmless idiots. Applies to all I guess.


Estonia is Nordic, historically and racially speaking

Your flag is my favorite Faroebro

one of mutual subjugation

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Eesti can into Nordic.

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they are gay

>Meme flaggot
Opinion not even looked at.

But respond to my post? You not very bright? Did you spend lots of time in the hospital after your accident?

>Meme flaggot
Question not read.

You betrayed all of scandinavia by helping the jews out and subsequently repaid by the kikes by getting annexed by niggers.

On behalf of the entire Kalmar Union and your own ancestors: Kill yourselves.

Annother one? You're dense as well?

>Meme flaggot
Statement not read.

You need help with your broken record? There is no shame in admitting to needing a little extra help.

Everyone hates Sweden, especially Denmark.
No one gives a fuck about Finland except for Sweden, but Finns deny their love while talking shit about every other Nordic nation and constantly excluding themself trying to be special, also alcoholics.

Denmark and Norway are bretty good bros while Iceland sits up in the sea franticaly watching and copycatting every move Denmark and Norway does.

Greenland is REEEEing for independence and autonomy even though they cant really sustain without our gibs, recently been flirting with chingchongs.

Faroese are basicaly the village weirdo that's kind of a drunkard, but are cool with everyone and vice versa.

>Not including the flag of Bornholm

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>What kind of relationship do the Nordic countries have with each other?

'Greenland' doesn't exist.
It is a fake country.

Normal relations with Norway, Denmark

None with Finland, might as well have included Russia.

And the small islands is basically just Denmark or Norway.

What do Nordics think about Netherlands?

Do you think us as your distant cousin?

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Prefer them over germans.

We think of you more like some kind of weird german tbqh

I didn't know I was retarded, but I've never even heard of this place. Neat, thanks

im always surpised how similar your language sounds to ours

They recently found rubies there. If oil exists, we know America will liberate them from Danish Oppression.

Stupid Legos should have sold us the island in 1947 when we wanted it.

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nice larp

We rule the north

gay sex. we fuck eachother in the butt every day.

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Recently? Maybe they found more recently.

A British truther youtuber mysteriously died a couple of years back.
One of his most popular series on YT was on Greenland.
The couple of small towns on the south coast have been created and populated with mostly actors to give the illusion of a nation.
The upper 90% of the island is controlled by the gatekeepers to protect the north pole region.

hahaha I love these sorts of conspiracy theories, that's great

During the Cold War, Greenland had a strategic importance, controlling parts of the passage between the Soviet Arctic harbours and the Atlantic, as well as being a good base for observing any use of intercontinental ballistic missiles, typically planned to pass over the Arctic. The United States therefore had a geopolitical interest in Greenland, and in 1946, the United States offered to buy Greenland from Denmark for $100,000,000 but Denmark did not agree to sell.

They found 'economically viable' veins of ruby. Some North American venture is trying to open a mine there.

netherlands are bro tier

I know that, that's not what I was referencing, silly mutt.

i like them all

except sweden theyre arrogant

On all of his videos were these same two shill accounts claiming stuff like "omg I'M FROM GREENLAND HAHAHA". They had really typical Danish names and stock photos and when you clicked their channels there were no videos and all their subscriptions were to NASA channels, Bill Nye etc etc

Really creepy

Honestly your men seem pretty cucked. I've only been to Amsterdam tho, I guess it's about fair representation as Helsinki of all of Finland. So not really.

The cuckedness is only more apparent because of how tall you are. Usually when you see tall people you expect them to behave more like alphas, but when you got a 6'2 fag behaving like a weakling it's bizarre. I didn't particularly try confronting anyone, but it's the little things in body language and such that you can pick up weakness.

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Stand Still, Stay Silent is a very fun read.

My dad's friend works on an icebreaker and he has been in Greenland. I don't think he's a NWO shill. So what part of Greenland was a conspiracy, that no people live there pemantently?

You sendt them on boats to Sweden...

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I believe this youtuber was claiming that the land does exist, but the towns, government, university etc has been made up / engineered to give the illusion that 'Greenland' is a country, when in reality 90+% of the land is controlled by the gatekeepers.

Greenland is too big and important to just be handed over by the elite to some 50,000 eskimos.

At least we have a language.


sweden hates denmark
denmark hates sweden
norway hates sweden
sweden loves finland
finland hates sweden

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100% Nordic

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That requires way too much complicity. All those actors never came out and spilled the beans? No one ever noticed by not being able to do things in Greenland and raising questions?

Sounds like the type of conspiracy theory like Antarctica having alien temples. But, given how fake most things are, I find stuff like Greenland being fake a hilarious concept. I just can't buy it really. I'll visit and get back to you.

North Korea is run by actors, though... it could be a giant show. Puppet boogeyman state, run by western intelligence. Like Cuba and Iran and others.

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hell bend

>I'll visit and get back to you
You can only fly there from Denmark and Iceland.
There are no ferries which connect to Greenland.
Only a select few cruise ships stop by there (at the main puppet towns).

>You can only fly there from Denmark and Iceland.
Bullshit - they have nonstop flights from my city in the Midwest, pretty cheap too.

Well, yeah, I don't expect a flight from Newark to Nuuk.

to Nuuk? wow, 21st century, eh

Visit Greenland website says you can only fly there from Denmark and Iceland.
What is your city in the midwest?

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Putting us all under one roof with saying that we hate Sweden, is quite the overstatement. Most of us think that they are decent people, we just tend to get a bit annoyed at their constant arrogance. In order to find common full-blown hatred for Sweden you need to travel south-east, with Karjala proudly at the top of the hill.

Come on, you know when you're on top of the observation tower in Tempere (I forget its name: Pää-something) and you hear people speaking Swedish, you want to push them off like I do.

How can I get in senpai?

Yeah, doesn't sound even remotely plausible. You'd need a bigger incentive to fund a psyop that big.

That guy was probably a government worker and crafted conspiracy theories for a living. As they can't shut down the real conspiracies, they discredit all conspiracies by pushing forward lunatics with obviously dumb bullshit. Flat Earth is another fake conspiracy.

Woah there, calm down, Edgelord.

You know you want to, just to hear what Swede falling to its death sounds like.

>just to hear what Swede falling to its death sounds like
Probably will make less sound than your moaning in Swedish-class

surely you mean West Sweden?

Sure, we lost Scania in a war. But then you gave it away to Achmed for free.

We're genuinely worried about Sweden. It has reached a point where "Swedish conditions" has become a popular term in the media and among politicians to describe lawlessness and crime due to immigrants.

1. Sweden
2. Åland
3. No-Go-Zones
4. Binlan
5. Mämmi
6. Club
7. Swagga

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Sweden used to be big bro. He was cool, successful and rich. He just went too far and started shooting heroin and is on his way to gutter. It’s sad but arrogance before fall. Norway was a poor country cousin but struck to riches by a lucky chance. These days he is super rich and really cares about his future. He’s a friendly fellow, based and didn’t become arrogant even with the money. Denmark is a distant city cousin. He knows how to play with the big boys and girls. He is not afraid to say what he thinks. He is aware and observing his surroundings very carefully like all city dwellers. He was very open minded on many things before but lately seems to be returning to values he was raised on. Iceland is the most distant and tiniest cousin. Minding his own business in peace and quiet. Wants to be left alone but whenever you meet him he is super friendly. I myself, I’m little retarded and slowest member of Nordic family but still good hearted. I hope I’ll follow my extended family members i.e. cousins in the future instead of my big bro who is killing himself. I don’t want to die yet.

Go ahead, bask in your only achievement of having a effeminate language to go along with your effeminate population.

Not that I agree with you, but I'll allow you to keep that tiny bit of pride, enjoy it while it lasts turbocuck.

swedes can go die in a fire

eesti is cool

Not that good like Balkans

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Two Swedes have been hunting in the forest and managed to shoot a deer. They are struggling to drag the dead animal through the woods back towards their Volvo, when they come across a Finn.

The Finn says to them: "Wow, that's a great trophy! However, if I may say so, you shouldn't be dragging that deer by its hind legs like that as it's going against the direction of fur so creating a lot of friction. If you drag it from its front legs, you will get much less friction and will find it much easier!"

The Swedes thank the clever Finn for his advice. After 30 minutes of dragging the deer by its front legs, one of the Swedes says to the other: "That was really great advice from that Finnish guy. It is indeed much easier that way!". To which the other replies: "I agree, but the problem is we are getting further and further away from our Volvo!"