>Harry and his new wife Meghan have left Windsor Castle in an open-top classic sports car for their evening wedding reception at Frogmore House on the Windsor estate
Meghan's about to get Diana'd
Ryder Young
Gavin Johnson
Not this time, you'll be enriched
William Kelly
this time they kill Harry so Meghan is in line for the throne
Michael Sanders
Screenshotted. For highly likelihood.
Anthony Perry
He was forced to marry her. He has always been seen as a Nazi sympathizer. He isn't really part of that royal line. In order to keep his rank and title he was forced to marry someone not white. It doesn't matter because he isn't really the queens grandson.
Josiah Rodriguez
I thought brits drive on the right side
Hudson Roberts
>Frog More
they're just openly mocking us at this point
James Rivera
>open-tip classic sport car
It's an E-type, you fuck.
Landon Morales
>Frogmore house
Connor Rogers
the only thing that makes me believe you is it seems that one has a cleft chin and the other doesn't.