Why do manchildren love him so much

why do manchildren love him so much

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inaccurate pic. peterstein fanboys don't have dads

ur a towel

why do naziboos hate him so much

Followers who can't lead themselves.

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Because young boys need a manly model. Dads are too busy making shekels, or just being faggy nowadays.

most of Jow Forumsacks lack a father role model
so they see him,claiming that "cleaning up" just a little bit will make you feel better because they are insecure
so they cope with that and defend him like a cult leader
basically they are lazy fucks full of sloth and see some considerably well spoken guy who bashes on leftists and hail to him because again,they lack a father figure

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Yeah he's an alt lite type guy who avoids the JQ question, however I would argue he's a good gateway for people to be introduced into these ideas. It's also good that he's making an impact on enough young white men to begin to work on self improvement. He's too old to say anything meaningful against the jews and he says/does shit that is retarded sometimes but he's helping white men take control of their lives. The people who melt down about him are jews and stormfag larpers.

Kikes gonna kike tho, so what do you expect?

basically what I said summed up
it's so sad that this reddit icon is being held on a high pedestal here by many
just like (((e-celebs)))

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He says obvious shit thats not being taught in homes with single mothers or having dead beat shitty nu male fathers. Go ahead and be mad at him though. It's just another symptom of this jewish, self hating, "tolerant", nanny state society we live in.

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Ok, haven't been on Jow Forums in like a week. Seen this "clean your room" a couple of times and didn't pay attention to it. What the fuck is this about?

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>Wahhh he's not a literal goose stepping nazi so I hate him
No really, your argument boils down to this. Read between the lines for a fraction of a second and actually try and be as smart as you think you are. He is in a very kiked position in a very kiked field in a very kiked country, if he wants to maintain any voice AT ALL he has to double speak a little bit on some issues to get the rest kf his points across without issue. Tell me, what do you think he actually means when he says "NEOMARXISTS?" Who are they? What group of people actually make up the vast majority of their ranks? He is implicitly talking about the Jews, I hope you can see that.
When spergs ask him "hurrdurr but the JQ!!1"... On social media, controlled by Jews, when he lives in a country whose laws are dictates by Jews, when the avenues he uses to spread his message are controlled by Jews, and when he is A VERY TEMPTING TARGET FOR JEWS WAITING FOR HIM TO SLIP SO THEY CAN TEAR HIM DOWN, why in the fuck do you think he responds the way he does?


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>"NEOMARXISTS?" Who are they? What group of people actually make up the vast majority of their ranks? He is implicitly talking about the Jews, I hope you can see that.
anyone who dwells deeper into communism and marxism realizes who is behind it and picks up the breadcrumps who lead to them.
>A VERY TEMPTING TARGET FOR JEWS WAITING FOR HIM TO SLIP SO THEY CAN TEAR HIM DOWN, why in the fuck do you think he responds the way he does?
not an argument,if he has a loyal fanbase like you all fucks are
while I give him props for challenging postmodernism, political correctness and identity politics,he still doesn't help us directly.
He's also scared of a right wing revival like he said in an interview.
If you put this all together you see (((who))) profits from all of this. He basically stops BOTH sides from taking action and caring about themselves.
>muh between lines,he can't out them!!11

This one is much more accurate. If Peterson doesn't appeal to you, you probably actually had parents that cared. Good for you. For all the kids who raised by single mothers who got their idea of masculinity from hollywood JP rly makes them think. I just like him for his kermit voice it's soothing. Any male sounding voice like Petersons or Trumps or Jones will just grate on the ears of the left and sound nice to the right in my opinion. The left hates all things male that's why they make their men sound like fags.

so his fans are all niggers?

Whites can be niggers too, you bigot.

A loyal fan base won't protect him from Canada's ass-backwards hate speech laws, he would be jailed without a doubt if he named the Jew in any open manner, the character assassinations in the media can start pouring out, and he becomes the next David Duke, absolutely useless to anybody but storm weenies to wank over.
>Scared of right wing revival
Maybe. But let me ask you: do you think we are ready? Look at the average neo-nazi. They are trash, literally. Untermenschen. They lack discipline, they lack drive, they lack the qualities that makes whites great. All of the things that JP pushes for, individuality, self reliance, truth seeking, intelligence, honest, these are all WHITE qualities. They are what makes someone better. That is what he is doing, we need to increase the quality of the men we have. Because the state we are in now, we won't win in any meaningful way. We have to create strong, proud, upstanding INDIVIDUALS, before we can create a nation based on those individuals.


Right, Jordan Peterson doesn’t have a wife or kids that should be a red flag right there

Fuck your room, clean your nation

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who is that guy?

>A loyal fan base won't protect him from Canada's ass-backwards hate speech laws, he would be jailed without a doubt if he named the Jew in any open manner
Typical Amermutt ignorance. You know nothing of our laws.

>10 years later
More like 10 minutes, please be more realistic

>being THIS new

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A great guy, sadly soon in jail.

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