Why are whites like this

Why are whites like this

Attached: poldog.jpg (999x1259, 333K)

daily reminder cats are the true master race and will never betray you

post the rest.

its okay Jow Forums is a red board.

My friend had a cat for 5 years. One day it just fucked off and never returned. We still see it around the neighborhood.

Cats are cunts and will leave as soon as it suits them.

any animal will betray you if you dont feed it and care for it properly.


Attached: 1522188183679.gif (476x410, 2.1M)


Attached: four-legged aryan.webm (640x360, 2.2M)


Shadman is a pedophile who draws pictures of other people raping their own children. Anyone who supports Shadman financially should be executed alongside him.