Explain me why is the JQ so important for you?

What's the Jow Forums's obsession with jews?
>What is the JQ?
Is the JQ a problem or a solution for something?
>If it's a problem, than why?
>If it's a solution, than for what?
>Why it's so important topic, that you insist every celebrity should address the JQ?

If jews as an ethinc group are more educated, smarter and as a consequence they hold more powerful positions, why should we condemn them for that?

As a national socialist, wouldn't you like to gain similar power with your own group?

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because they support mass immigration into white countries, they shit on whites pretty much constantly, and they're just annoying

Because it’s the elephant in the room. Everyone knows the deal. People just like to pretend otherwise because of muh 6 gorillion

It's really simple really, the goyim can't compete and therefore want to kill all Jews
The goyim is stupid

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Gotta have someone to blame.

It's the only way to establish world peace and development for the human collective, not just some psychopathic elites


Why? They're children who don't know any better and probably never wittingly met a Jew in their lives. They hate Jews because Deep-State-controlled opposition types tell them to.

Anti-Semitism is probably the oldest extant disinformation campaign the Deep State have going, dating to the days of Alexander the Great. It's the oldest trick in the book, because it still works on people who know nothing about Jews.

Fellow goyim complained
>Jews are completely deprived of any morals so that's why they're so deceptive and corrupt
this place has gone full moralfag

Well for starters muh 6 gorillion is kike lies

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Two words
Patrick Little

Honestly, the jews holding this much power isn't a huge problem. To be honest if it weren't the jews it would probably be some fucking company with similair goals.
What upsets people is the jews pretending to be so weak when they hold so much power over the world. They play the victim allthough they are the fucking rulers.

3 words

Jews are not an ethnic group, but they do have a very destructive way of thinking.

they mutilate baby penis and kvetch endlessly when goys try to ban it

Tell us about them

Their religion is literally built on the basic principle of working together with their race to exploit others and perceiving them as lesser beings. It is not some kind of cinspiracy psyop, but harsh reality of their own behavior/religion provoking everyone until the consequences are inevitable

I always knew that jews are untrustwhorty scammers, but I didn't care at all.

Now that I have discovered Jow Forums, jews are always on top of my minds since each time I open this site 50% of the treads are made by some jews who want to talk about jew related stuffs.

The JQ is a pimple that's ready to be popped. At this point in time it's simply cowardly not to address it if you're a journalist or political analyst in any capacity.
The problem isn't that Jews want to kill white nations, though that is the effect. Think carefully about what makes one a leftist.
Look at the voting blocks.
Blacks, gays, mexicans, women, muslims, Jews, atheists.
What do these leftists have in common?
They hate the history of the host nation because historically it's not THEIRS.
So they want a bigger government to protect their interests.
That's the real reason all Jews in power are leftists. You see the same thing increasingly with muslims.
For this reason we should prevent everyone but white straight males from voting, unless you're a fan of communism.

If they are not an ethnic group, how did the nazis manage to expell and kill them?

Go to israel or compare the jewish people to yours - they are an own ethnicity and this was wellknown until the american brainwashing took over the world

>Jews are not an ethnic group,
the Israelis literally do genetic testing for citizenship

The short answer is that many Jews in positions of power and influence are pursuing objectives that are directly counter to what we (non-Jewish White/European people) consider to be our self-interest - the interests of our nations and cultures.

Jews have an innate need to control everything, so they can tax it, or regulate it or hound it out of existence.

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Pretty much this.
Nobody ever looks to themselves, it's always somebody else's fault they are mediocre.

>Jews are evil because they do the exact same thing every nation that isn't completely cucked has ever done

Guess what? It might have been in the best interest of the German people to keep around all those Jewish scientists and engineers before you started a land war with Russia.

Smart people act in their own best interest. That rarely involves killing people just because they have nice things and you can't be bothered to put down the bottle for long enough to get your own.