This thing costs 3€

this thing costs 3€

Attached: 1507506719924.png (576x768, 666K)

Very Jewish

nice reddit post my dude

Oh this kike faggot has not been reviled and vilified just as much as Hitler has been, I'll never understand.

Seems like a great way to scam cash out of commies.

It has also a shiny hologram like real money.
Top quality job. Analbanians made it?

Worthless (Communism) and Usury (Jewish).
Truly it resembles him well.

that's pretty funny actually

It's immune to inflation. Win win.


Attached: happytears.jpg (1000x1000, 193K)

Shit is so valuable it caused an overflow

capitalism at work

I like this one better

Attached: sheeiit.jpg (2295x1362, 893K)


epic shitpostings bros, I'm sure you guys are all extremely well read and don't just get your beliefs from libertarian/right wing e-celebs and sensationalized news like breitbart

Attached: anticapitalistnotebooks.png (1248x575, 352K)

Only the good are vilified, while evil is worshipped.
We live in a twisted world.

Attached: 1501536084969.jpg (236x418, 26K)

I think I can make a plate for these....I just don't have the paper to make Eurobucks.

epic shitpostings comrades, I'm sure you guys are all extremely well read and don't just get your beliefs from anarcho-communist/left wing e-celebs and sensationalized news like huffpo

Damn, dropping absolute knowledge on stupid libtard commies xD.

Thanks for proving my point yet again that Jow Forums is full of retards who don't even understand socialism.

Damn, dropping absolute knowledge on stupid conservatard fascists xD.

Thanks for proving my point yet again that Jow Forums is full of retards who don't even understand libertarianism.

>let's honor the memory of the man who created the most muderous ideology in human history and that almost destroyed the world

What did they mean by this?

>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.

Wait, is this actual Euro money?

You mean scam cash out of the parents of said commies.