There was a school shooting yesterday one of the deadliest ever and there is literally no thread about it.
Are you guys bored now?
Was this another Elliot Roger follower?
There was a school shooting yesterday one of the deadliest ever and there is literally no thread about it
Other urls found in this thread:
>one of the deadliest ever
You realize this is a null statement, don't you? Every shooting where a human was killed.. is "one of the deadliest ever."
Pic related.
He looks as dumb as the last one.
Hopefully because we need more and more of them until stacies stop their shit
the fact he didnt do anything unique during his shooting makes it boring
C'mon if youre gonna kill a bunch of people throw out a duke nukem quote or throw a pie
there were dozens of threads are you blind or retarded
That person is a manlet, so the answer to your question is yes.
>Another student, Damon Rabon, told CBS he looked out of his classroom after hearing loud bangs and saw the shooter. "Black trench coat, short kind of guy, had a sawed-off shotgun," he said.
Manlets should be euthanized at age thirteen.
NOt an assault rifle so nobody is going to for the gun or care.
Despite this current spike in mass shootings overall shooting and violence in schools *(like everywhere) is down immensely.
Kids are safer in school now than any time since the 1950's
>Government creates another shooting story to get everybody fired up and arguing with each other
>People are tired of it and don't play along
it's already old news. Who the fuck cares anyways?