And follow my 12 rules for life so you will be distracted for quite a while before you notice what I'm really doing!

Also, die for Israel so you can be a true American patriot. Don't investigate anything about me. I'm a prophet. I'm 100% legit. I'm using the same tactics other prophets used to make me sound legit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>b-but the establishment hates Peterson and are afraid of him!!
>*proceeds to get on major networks and shows and receives extensive airtime every week to shill his books and rugs*

Wow really spins my dreidel

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>*proceeds to get on major networks and shows and receives extensive airtime every week to shill his books and rugs*

I assume you are baiting, but that is a bit dishonest. They are allowing him on because he has been on other shows and they all continually try to make him look bad. It is Peterson himself that shills his books by not falling for their constant attempts at tripping him up.

>Vox Day, IQ 150
>alt-right blogger, IQ 150
>citing a meme article with only hyperlinked sources so we can't see your piss poor statistical manipulations for what they are

whatever you need to do to salvage your anti-semitic views. funny that you just stay in an alt-right echo chamber and inflate your confidence in your compatriots with ridiculous IQ claims

Well that's what they want you to think, Every fucking day I get Youtube suggestions about this or that recent interview where Jordan Peterson BTFOs le feminists or ess jay double yous. It's manufactured outraged to get people to get hooked to JBP so he can shill his cucked civic nationalism and clean your room bullshit "philosopher" to keep us goys from making real change. It's not a cohencidence he was (((discovered))) by a (((TV executive))). Stop falling for obvious controlled opposition.

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>die for Israel
ok we'll assume that US foreign policy is actually all for Israel (it's not, but let's assume that)
can you cite any time JP has encouraged anyone to join the military? let alone the U.S. military, when his students are not Americans and his audience is international? how are you so delusional as to be convinced by your own confabulations of Peterson's views?

this. Jordan Peterson being on Realtime with Bill Maher threw up a big red flag.

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this is the newest jewish scam...

creating people who make jews look bad but in the end redeem themselves as lovers or jews.

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stop watching those videos or just press "Not interested" and you will not see those anymore. Anyway, it is not the TV-folks that makes those youtube videos so I dont get how that is manufactured.

buy my Prozac

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We used to have a humble Prozac seller, but he's in jail now.

He writes book and owns a publishing company you pathetic sack of shit.

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>he writes book

wish I had one of those caveman pictures right now

all the drafts and ideas reviewed by his friend (((gregg hurwitz)))

How does it feel knowing I like JPS more than kikes like you and there's nothing you can do about it? It must just eat you up inside.

Turn your back on your extended family, your blood, your volk. You can get by alone as an individual. Never mind the collectivist jews.....they only want whats best for you...because they are intellectual.

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Same. Also even before his (((sudden))) newfound fame in 2016 with the whole gender pronoun shit he was already on TV shilling anti-depressants as a cure for depression together with his ugly daughter as early as 2011. Total kike puppet and charlatan.

"Buy my rugs and take the drugs."
"Its not the jews it's the high IQs"
"I'll be your Dad but white pride is bad"

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nepotism is bad unless you're a jew goy. Do not hook your christian friends up. Only jews hook each other up. You don't want to be jewish, do you?

Friendly reminder that Peterson is getting young western males to stop being the childish, sulking, self-loathing, pushovers they were programmed to be. These threads are largely concern trolling meant to get us to fight each other and undermine Peterson on their behalf. Make no mistake, Peterson is a leftist. However, he is distributing red pills to audiences that would have never listened to us.

Drop some red pills and exit this shill thread.

>george washington

treatment is more profitable than the cure. Buy more pills, more booze, more weed to feel better. Exercise and workouts won't activate your natural endorphins. You need something stronger. Here, buy this pill... and this pill will help you counteract this pill... and this pill will make you taller... and this pill will make you small...

Only the smartest of us will see through this. The rest is cursed.

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your Jedi mind tricks won't work here. Jordan Peterson as so many is a false prophet. He's not your official Jesus Christ Superstar who is tolerated by banksters, politicians, cops, judges, generals, priests, presidents, officials and similar representatives of power who condone a false prophet.

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These people are either parrots or shills.

Here's a video where Peterson talks about only using medication in extreme circumstances such as severe depression. In other videos he talks about treating his patients by making sure major areas of their lives, such as personal relationships and careers, are in a good place before prescribing medicine.

These are shill threads.

There is an archive above the image. Go type in the link nigger

I cleaned my room today feels great desu. What are the other 12 rules.

Are you one of those people who dont believe in IQ?

Peterson is a rare psychologist who has a deep understanding of human psychology but is also a psychologist himself. He has taken the human truth of psychology to another level. Which is okay. He knows he's fucked in the head himself otherwise you would not be an expert in psychology. Whatever you have a knack in YOU are probably the most radical. Kind of like Jesus. You understand compassion because you are a jew. I know this may hit deep with some people, with some it won't because I am as well a product of my environment and this thinking got me here. The Thanos in me would say suffering creates wisdom, as oblivion and bliss creates misery. True, deep, misery... which in the end leads to great wisdom... it's all a balance... a symbiosis... a fact of life. Everything has purpose. Even Evil aka Good Intentions.

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It's pathetic that you can't see you're just inflating your ego by projecting your own insecurities and self esteem issues onto society.
And yes, it does work to some extent. But the sad part is you think you need Jordan Peterson babby tier self help brainwashing to have a strong self-esteem. Anyone with a truly developed ego will see right through you and really the only word is again pathetic.

requesting the manga image of JBP shouting clean your room with a giant lobster behind him

H got really pissed.

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big think man say clean your cave

he say eat white stone to feel nice. Longnose tribe sell white stone

he say longnose tribe better

grug think big think man work for longnose tribe

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Disregard my flag, I'm really a Finngol

so you went to the royal wedding... bahahahahaha