>An EXCEPTIONAL review of statistical data debunking the idea that Jewish IQ alone is responsible for their over-representation in positions of power: youtu.be/lh4MSZjhdoU
>American Anti-Defamation League Threatens Iceland Because Of Circumcision Ban archive.fo/6jq7Q
>Related to above. 9% of all anti-Semitic acts in US committed by US-Israeli man. They are generating the threat themselves so that they can shut down free speech. archive.is/QKXgf
>Panel of all Jews talking about how they should maintain Jewish identity and fight back against white racial identity: youtu.be/xFvm_Tae-m8
>BLATANTLY Jewish supremacist documentary. Also featuring Charles Murray. Charles Murray praises the Jews and calls then 'God's Chosen People'. Gee, I wonder why (((Sam Harris))) likes Charles Murray so much... youtu.be/NzvHm8J_KAs
Isaac Murphy
Red pill on Jewish long term plan:
1.) Create conflict with Israel's neighboring countries in order to create Theodore Hertzl's Greater Israel, as mandated by Deuteronomy 7:1-2. Also known as Yinon Plan.
>U.S. Army Gen. Wesley Clark redpills about the Yinon plan. youtu.be/rz5fZziMWEE
>VA State Senator Richard Black redpills about war in Syria. youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8
2.) Displace refugees from the regions of Greater Israel, currently occupied by Muslim nations.
3.) Control the European politicians through the Jewish lobbies, institutions and campaign finances.
4.) Tell the politicians to to take in refugees from the Middle East, the ones displaced by the Greater Israel Plan.
5.) Rile up divisions in the European countries through the control of the media. In particular rile up hatred towards the invading Muslim hordes.
6.) Encourage the white goys to take action against the Muslim diaspora just as they took action in the past against the Jewish diaspora.
>(((PragerU))) video tacitly encourages Europeans to take action youtu.be/stR5nWkq3LU
7.) After the white goys take action and commit the second Holocaust shout "Look now at the evil white goys! They are doing it again! Look how they are killing innocents, while our beautiful God's chosen hands are unbloodied!"
8.) WW3.
9.) ???Messiah arrives in Israel during the apocalypse in order to take Jews to the Promised Land???