No More Dead Kids

This is it, Jow Forums. The final straw. I can no longer sit idly by and do nothing. I am a hardcore gun loving alt righter conservative but after this latest shooting my wife and I have decided turning in my guns is the RIGHT thing to do. Kids are dying. This is sick. It's not a people problem, it's not a school problem IT'S A GUN PROBLEM. We have to face the facts. This doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. Guns MUST BE OUTLAWED. I'm turning mine in, Jow Forums. You should do the same.

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They could make guns out of the bones of children and I'd still argue for looser gun laws. Molon labe faggot


>join me in giving up your guns goyim

Do you want to continued to smoke weed, fucking liberalism. You say whatever!!!



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>I can no longer sit by
>so I'll post CTR spam on Jow Forums
While standing up at your desk?


Good bait is good.

But not good enough.

So are guns easier to get now than they were in the 80's and early 90's before school shootings started? No....Something else must have changed then right?

Social media started. Cyber Bullying started. More people could be reached and humiliation could spread much faster on social media. Facebook, like myspace before, causes school shootings. You literally cannot refute this at all. School shootings are only a social media era creation.