We Need A Hero

> be retard conservatard gun fag
> "If only schools had armed police in schools, shooters would never attack ther-....
> AhhFuck.png
So what now faggots? Gonna blame no prayer in schools?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wouldn't happen in a fascist ethnostate


You aren't getting them either way, fuck off

Wasn't the school a gun free zone? How did the shooter get a gun in there??? :O

Maybe the dead kids shouldn't have bullied a fat greek autist on the internet when he had access to those weapons.

There were 0 school shootings before social media. There were lots of ways to get guns before then...You tell me what the cause of school shootings are.

They never learn HAHAAHAHAHA

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Wild wild west
Yeeeeee haaaw
I got a hankerin for cantankerous rabble rousery and knife fighting
>*stabs you in your yellow belly*
Adios me amigo!

single moms dressing their future single moms like themselves is sickening in the extreme to me, my guy.

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its better than 17.

At my high school you could get a gun by simply going out to the parking lot. Gun racks were still legal back then and quite a few students kept a rifle in the back window of their truck. No one ever thought that it could be a problem and it never was. No one ever stole another student's gun. No one in a fight ever stormed off to get a gun to finish things. But this was a mostly white school in Alabama in the 80s.

Facist ethnostate=perfect comunism? seems like chasing the perfect utopia, it will never happen.

Metal detectors at the entrance would have stopped this. How many shootings are there once past security at the airport?

Kaylee 7 looks like a midget stripper

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>So what now

Now your 1 post by this ID thread hits bump limit and mods do nothing.

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There was actually a shooting last week in Illinois.
A armed officer was able to prevent any deaths by firing back and later arresting him.

The reason you don't hear about it is it doesn't fit the MSM or lefts narative.


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>calls us faggots
>is for gun control


It's just getting rid of brown people and promoting healthy values.

Try hollywood. I'm sure hogg will be welcomed in the spacvey residents for a few months.

Try hollywood. I'm sure hogg will be welcomed in the spacey residents for a few months.

>tfw want them to hurry and start taking guns away
Who /accelerationist/ here? I'm tired of the teasing just begin already.

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That's just an ethnostate not a facist one, a facist state will eventually fall like all the comunist ones as you can't controll human behavior, at least in the way totalitarism try to do, you have to do it in a jewish way (brainwash).


Wtf? Why is she dressed like a whore on spring break?!

Having a shooting plan and practice is such a waste. I've seen the type of drills they do, they tell the kids to all calmly exit the building and go to the nearest predetermined rally point. It's like they think school shooters are a natural disaster with no intelligence.

Getting a lot of Venezolanos?

>you can't control human behavior
Typical excuse of a jungle monkey. You can reinforce behavior and you can punish it.

Sounds like they had a shit plan, shit cops, and shit practice. I'm not really sure how you reform something that's so completely shit.

whats that lassie timmys stuck in the well? sorry OP im just watching the following vid of a black guy on the news telling people not to eat poop on a subway on a loop like half of america right now


how many grenade attacks today?

Because the whore mother dressed her in her image. I'd put money on her being a single slut mum.

Maybe pass laws that require one way in and one way out of schools, that are monitored by armed guards that use a metal detector on people entering the school? I deliver pizzas and every school I went to, the doors are unlocked and at most there is a security camera at the front door. 0 preventative measures have be undertaken to secure the school grounds.

It's more of a guiding star. Obviously having every single person be an Übermensch is unrealistically utopian but it's better than just "lol can you even like prove anything is real dude? Just hit the blunt [civilization dies]" "culture" that we have now

1 post by id

what is columbine

i'll take you are a retard for $8000 alex

abolish public education
>no more school shootings

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>Why has he got that big coat on?
why did no one question this?

I honestly blame liberal retardation, their participation awards, and the 'everybody wins' mentality for making kids being so stupid they shoot up schools the second they fail at something

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The take away from all these school shootings is that public school is no longer a safe place for our children.
We need to ban public school.

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>We need to ban public school.
agreed. there is no constitutional right to an education, and it's not the tax-payers responsibility to educate your children.

>participation awards werent for the parents sake
are you for fucking real you retarded boomer?

stop keylogging me you glowing faggot nigger!

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sounds as something what a slave owner or a good slave would say

type faster next time, grandma

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I wouldn't be surprised if the school's resource officer ran away in fear of the beta uprising

yes, if we instituted a community based home schooling, children would be safer as their peers would be their neighbors and parents would have some idea as to the other kids backgrounds.
And it wouldn't be in some public building that any faggot with a shotgun can just walk into.

It's a simple acknowledgement of reality. You reinforce behavior you approve of and you punish behavior deemed negative.

If guns are the problem why did school shootings only become a problem recently when we have had guns in America for over 200 years? The only thing that has really changed is the introduction of social media so kids can be bullied 100% of the time instead of only at school but that's completely unrelated

How many more people would have died if the shooter hadnt been shot?
What world do you live in where you think you can prevent bad things from ever happenign at all not just mitigate them when they do happen?
The kid had pipe bobombs too didn't he?
You wanna ban physics? Cause anyone can make harmful shit.
look NO ONE CARES about crime casualties if your solution to them is to disarm an entire country. Check your fuckin head, never gonna happen and if you try it's both your funeral and justification for not disarming in the first place.

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I had to find a good picture..
I'm not happy with my choice :(

>we all know its for little loser pussies like you
I bet you got get sad at red ink too

Do liberals think we can become sort kind of Minority Report society where we psychically predict and pre emptively stop any violence?

>Armed guards.
>Shooter used a common pump shotgun that no proposed gun control would have stopped.
>FBI had visited his home in advance.
>Shooting still happens.

Weird huh? Its almost as if Big Brother can't protect us from everything and that taking away people's right to defend themselves and turning the country into a surveillance state isn't really keeping us safe.

But that can't be right?

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>At my high school you could get a gun by simply going out to the parking lot. Gun racks were still legal back then and quite a few students kept a rifle in the back window of their truck. No one ever thought that it could be a problem and it never was. No one ever stole another student's gun. No one in a fight ever stormed off to get a gun to finish things. But this was a mostly white school in Alabama in the 80s.
This. My dad kept a gun in his locker back in the 60's and no one cared. He went target practicing after school. It's socialism causing this. All the single working mothers raising fucked up kids.

I won't give up my guns because it's only a matter of time before Antifa types start murdering people. We are on the verge of a post modernist communist revolution.


The first school shooting occurred in the 70's and was committed by a teenage girl.
You need to reflect on your stupidity and think before you speak, nigger.

>implying myspace wasn't around during columbine.

try again schlomo.

Ugh... maybe just ban bullying to stop creating people who want to shoot up schools?

this meme is irrelevant. they let a kid with a very large weapon (a shotgun) waltz right into the school unmolested. that isn't much of a 'plan'...sorry not sorry.

another gun free zone costing lives, when will this defenseless madness end?

>waltz right into the school unmolested
his dance style invited molestation tbqdesu


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And how many people die each year in car accidents

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motor_vehicle_fatality_rate_in_U.S._by_year via DuckDuckGo for Android


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See any school shootings in Israel, goy? Ethnostates work

Let me help you out here. Social media obviously didn't cause school shooting to happen (since the first one was in the 18th century), BUT, it can't be argued that it isn't a major factor in the rise of these shootings in the past few years. Smartphones made it too easy for kids to access and get hooked on this shit.

>Careful Mang
>DC will straight up age a man
You'll look 50 when you turn 40 in a few years.

>the government had a plan
>the only people allowed to have guns didn't do anything

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Now it's the media that's bullying kids. The current propaganda is that he was an "incel", so now at a national level sub-18yo young men are going to be shamed and treated like a terrorist.

Dealing with some incomprehensible evil here.

This only reinforces the Right To Carry. When the police are only 5mins away, they're 5mins too late.

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I think we need to ban the source of all of these shootings. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google.

gunfags BTFO. what do yall have to say for yourselves now? what is the next stupid fucking proposition you will come up with?

I swear gunfags will propose any solution, no matter how retarded, before giving up MUH GUNS

Ban single mothers.

That might be helpful if it stops others from shooting knowing they're going to be made fun of even more on a national level. I think the problem with media is that it gives the shooters too much coverage. Slant the coverage to be negative and fewer shootings might happen. On a local level, we should encourage that people bully less but also that it should be expected if you're acting like an autist (the kid had odor problems, you know how that goes down in schools)

>That might be helpful if it stops others from shooting knowing they're going to be made fun of even more on a national level.

Are you completely out of your fucking mind? What is wrong with you?

Normies are complete fucking sadists, you truly do deserve rampant school shootings

the first official school shooting in the US took place in the 1700s when some Injuns massacred a school.

This kids coaches bullied him in front of the other kids, wonder why he didnt go after them, teachers who humilate students deserve a special kind of pain ....

His first victim confirmed as the roastie who humiliated him

source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Brown_school_massacre

Indian scum

It is almost like disarming banks leads to more robberies and disarming schools leads to more school shootings? So strange...

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look, I'm completely conservative, but what you just said is retarded. "disarming schools"? were schools fucking HEAVILY armed before? walk past a few howitzers on your way to class? what the fuck are you on about? how were schools disarmed?

Did they actually do something or did they pull a Florida shooting out and waited for people to die?

Making them gun free zones is disarming them. Having 2 armed security guards would suffice. But I like your ridiculous counter argument about howitzers and pretending to be conservative. Good stuff.

Nigger I've been bullied to the point of wanting to do this too, girls dug scissors and pens into my neck while making fun of me in classes, and they pulled that fake-ask-out shit on me. I mellowed out eventually when I switched to taking higher-level classes that my bullies weren't in, although I still hold a grudge on the ones who didn't apologize to to this day. But if you know you're going to have the entire nation watching in fear of your actions for just a few weeks, for some people, that's enough for them to go through with it. If it would only result in more ridicule then it would definitely dissuade some folks.

> Greek
Immigration was a mistake

better solution, stop shooting students and start shooting journalist

> be libtard commie fag
> "If only we banned AR-15s, 30-round magazines, raised the age of buying a gun to 21 and had comprehensive mental health screenings to prevent someone from buying a gun if they might be crazy a shooting would never happ-.....
>Autist steals his dad's pump action shotgun and six-shooter and still gets double-digit kills
> AhhFuck.png

So what now, faggots? Gonna blame granpappy's hunting shotgun too as well as "scary assault rifles"?

schools being "gun free zones" only ever applied to parents visiting the schools though, in actuality. And in all actuality, schools NEVER had many guns in them. It's not the lack of guns in schools that is causing shootings, it's the sickness of our society, the trampling of maleness and the decline of white people, which is frustrating white males and leaving them with nothing but anger.

>offering no solutions
at least the libcucks are trying

>it's a mental health issue

this, 1000000%. if these frustrated kids actually realized who was behind their frustrations and took it out on them, society could heal.

Ohh silly liberal shill. Why does the anger of the inner cities not bother you? That is where 99% of the gun death occur? Why so worked up about the 1%? Would you shoot up a school with 2 armed security guards over one with zero if you were going to shoot one up?

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that's exactly what they'll do. they'll even say Joe "blast a shotgun round off the back porch" Biden was a fascist nazi NRA white debil in the future if they think it will score them some virtue points. of course they want to ban all guns, isn't it obvious they're following a blue print like the one laid out in so many other western nations where potato peelers are considered assault weapons?

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What stops the autist just shooting the guy at the metal detector then walking in?

dude, you are so paranoid about shills that your meter is off. I own three shotguns, two rifles, and a handgun. I am 100% in favor of all guns. I am in NO way advocating taking guns away from anyone. I believe teachers should be allowed to carry guns. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and all that. I'm simply not blind enough to not be able to see that these school shootings have social causes. These are not mutually exclusive positions. Would more guns in schools help? To a degree, they could lower the death tolls, but they'd never take the toll down to zero. These people who do the shootings almost universally want to die, so guns don't deter them, and they will always be able to kill a few people before anyone can respond. How do you not understand this basic fact? Thus, it's still worth investigating the underlying problem. The fact is that the US is fucking dead. We've been invaded by hispanics and failing to deport the freed slaves has fucked us harder than any gun law could.

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The second armed guard, the armed Principal, the parent with a CCW... you just have to get in the fight and quit being a fagget liberal victim.

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