Modern politics boils down to: >Calling your opponent a traitor >Never backing down or compromising >Polarizing the populace as much as possible
Obviously these methods work the best in current election methods, but what can be changed to make parties more willing to actually argue and develop policies together with the opposition?
If you're referring to the US, it is most likely too late to reverse the problem. What really needs to happen is the decline to accelerate quicker so that we actually have a rough period to emotionally unify the country around before the remaining whites are all gone. If the country falls apart with mexicans/blacks as the dominant population it will not be able to recover as they simply are not productive enough.
Gabriel Williams
>What really needs to happen is the decline to accelerate quicker so that we actually have a rough period to emotionally unify the country around So this means every 50 years or so democratic countries should descend into chaos? That's not a solution.
Jason Morris
>Calling your opponent a traitor Compromising your constituency is tantamount to betrayal, call it what it is. >Never backing down or compromising We've already compromised on a constitution. Further compromising will take away our inherent right for each citizen to have a republican form of government. >Polarizing the populace as much as possible. Who?
The likelihood that any two people who can communicate ideas efficiently will share common ancestry supports the idea that as people spontaneously organize into social groups will do so by a shared identity that has evolved by natural selection
Jackson Perez
What actions are you referring to? I'm not pointing at specific act or a person, but this is how modern politics work.
Hunter Nelson
>How does one fix modern politics? That is what war is for.
>what can be changed to make parties more willing to actually argue and develop policies together with the opposition? Removal of one or both of the two major parties.