So. What went wrong? How could happen in the most pro-gun state in pro-gin zone?

So. What went wrong? How could happen in the most pro-gun state in pro-gin zone?

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No amount of shooting plan or practice will help when the shooter has the initiative. And it only takes the perpetrator a single minute to kill as many as a dozen people before anybody else reacts. In short, preparation and having guns is going to do shit. If the criminal is already pointing a gun at you, he's already won no matter the training you've had.

So you're saying all the right-wing talking points are bullshit? I'm amazed this shooter is still alive.

It didn't have armed teachers


Maybe we should have made it illegal for the shooter to have guns. Oh wait... Wasn't he 17 and used an illegal short barrel shotgun? Shills need to move on. This one doesn't fit your narrative. He was a faggot and used fud guns. He wasn't "alt right" and didn't use any scary black rifles.

Making guns illegal is a retarded idea. No one here suggested that. Stop projecting.

Wonder why this wasn't happening as often 10 years ago...

Nobody's doing anything about mental health though.

They weren't good enough. Just a week ago someone tried to shoot up a school where I live. He fired 10 shots, only hit one person before fleeing from the cops. They caught him and it didn't make any big news.

I think you missed my point, user.

Mental health is a hard one to fight. It'll take a long time to combat the stigma of being diagnosed or seeking help. One thing I definitely don't want to mental health checks for gun owners. The idea of a doctor having control over my natural rights is just disgusting and will only make gun owners less likely to get help. I guess I'm not offering solutions, but I just don't want things done in the wrong way.

This is less of an individual mental health problem but more of a completed demoralization process showing good results. Just sit back and continue to watch more and more marginalized "white" young men go crazy and kill their shitskin classmates.

mental health should be helped, but this isn't a mental health issue. It's simply stress and culture clash. This sort of thing happens when anyone of significant culture differences are around eachother. America instead of unifying has become more separated in the past 30 years which is why we are having more shootings. EZ

What went wrong is that only 10 died, I'm expecting some killtrocities, pathetic K/D

"how many children have to die before we take your guns" isn't really a question but rather a threat by the democrats (how many children do we have to kill before you let us take your guns?).

So seriously how do you stop a shooting like this without banning all guns? The kid used a shotgun and a pistol, not an AR-15.

I'm never even seen any serious gun legislation that banned shotguns.

>So seriously how do you stop a shooting like this without banning all guns?
Just be general and ban all murders. Oh wait.

Why didnt the officers spray him?

The only thing that seems realistic is some type of mandatory mental health screening for all school students.

Well, there is this refusal to do something about the cause. And mental health is just glossed over because either people dont understand, dont want to understand, or do understand but are lazily and maliciously ignoring it. So lets stopper the end result.
>metal detectors at all entrances
>to get into the school students have to be searched
>regular psyche evals
>forced bipartisan legislation
>if schools want federal money they have to implement security measures
>100% of implementation cost pulled out of federal budget, and raising more money isnt allowed
That last point should get the feds off their ass
Bipartisan support will get at least a sub-optimal solution, rather than none

Attached: I would sacrifice these fools to the gods if it were up to me.png (392x714, 294K)

Maybe counselors that were actual counselors, monthly check-ins for the most severe cases, and yearly school-wide psych evals? Like how we used to do hearing tests and vision tests every year in elementary school.

He's saying no amount of training will stop mass shootings. The shooter has prepped for this situation and executes it effectively. A SRO did stop a shooter a few months ago but it never made the news.

That's even less realistic. Mental screening takes fucking hours per person and I don't want to give these marxist brainwashing facilities more excuses to take my money.

well obviously the problem is that the school existed at all. no school, no shooting.

WRONG you faggot. The fatass shot 20 people with a shotgun and revolver. That means he had to reload at least once! Why didn't anyone charge him?

>A SRO did stop a shooter a few months ago but it never made the news
Of course that won't make the news; news about shooting make the news

Or get rid of mandatory public schools and have the mental health exam be part of the testing to enter merit-based education

I have a solution:

Stop treating other white people like shit. But if you're that concerned, have your kid homeschooled.

There problem solved, you special snowflake fucks.

did people really die though?

They should have had a door with limited access where folks would need to be buzzed in after visual verification.

>what are psyops

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the students are not armed

This right here is on the right track. Dismantling the current public education system and allowing students and parents to go back to natural segregation will fix this whole problem. Since dems will fight to the death to keep public education going, might as well give up and don't send your kids to public school.

Nothing went wrong. The gun worked as designed.

Why is the girl in that photo so small compared to the other?

i haven't seen any proof yet
still haven't seen any proof anyone died at sandy meme either, or columbmeme

Yeah but right now it would be more socially acceptable in the US to make students submit to mental health exams than it would be to ban guns.

I don't like the idea of letting education employees deciding who's mentally stable or not. By their insane logic they could declare all white kids insane decide to ban them from guns for life.

Native Texan here,
People down here are pretty fucking stupid, including EVERYONE in local govt jobs. Prevention training will never be enough for these idiots. Shootings could happen anywhere, anytime. Doesn't matter what laws exist to prevent it, what country, what state. Texas is probably just an (not pun intended) easy target to brainwash stupid fucks. I wish I became very wealthy and could leave all these retard fucks behind in the hot dust.

make the shooter's dad responsible for not securing the guns

make the shooter's dad responsible for not securing the guns

make the shooter's dad responsible for not securing the guns


Just destroy social media, it makes these people lose the last bits of hope they had about living a normal life after they get rejected completely in school.

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For some reason my brain is shitting itself right now. So what more and more males are becoming sexless while there's almost no female that hasn't take a that correct?

for what reason? if a criminal stole your car and used it to plow down a sidewalk should you be held responsible for that too?

In any conflict, you have what is known as 'force multipliers'

The two greatest force multipliers is 100% surprise and a 100% willingness to engage until death

This encompasses almost all mass shooters and there is no good way to prepare unfortunately

the graph is 100% bs
no source is a huge red flag too

>So. What went wrong?
They failed to post their "gun free zone" sign. Damn shame.

I tried to fuck every girl I could manage in HS. At least finger her. Must be the chemicals in the food.

It's almost like criminals don't care about laws.

You must be new here.

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it doesnt show the overall whole, even more dire situation, but basically correct

the way to fight it is prevention. If they cant get a weapon into the premises, they're just multiplying their hand to hand power by 200%. Which means no killing power.


Braaappp Braaappp

Pretty sure it's just a little girl with a fat ass


>most pro gun

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Christ, that headline is retarded. At least 4 people were dead before the first person picked up a phone.

The same reason that Omar faggot in Orlando was able to murder all those people in a closed space in the bathroom execution style with plenty of time to reload: liberals aren't human and don't share the normal human empathy that you and I take for granted.

>Mental health is a hard one to fight

Yeah, and teenagers are every harder to diagnose than adults. Mental health is incredibly difficult to treat. There is no 100% solution to any mental health issue. Medication itself can simply not work, which happens more than 50% of the time until they "find the right one" ... mental health care will assist the issue, but it is not a magical cure to people flipping their shit. Neither is gun control. This is all about the glorification of shooters in social media and the news. These kids want that infamy more than they want some sort of revenge.

It's almost like they've never heard of Arizona.

Why do you think banning all guns means no one has access to guns? That's never been the case anywhere.

There's no cure for nihilism.

If they don't have a gun, they will drive a truck into people, drive a plane into a mountain like they did. In the case of more people conspiring, they can cause malfunction in a nuclear facility and contaminate large areas, killing millions. People are still going on about guns, when we are living in more and more tightly packed, and more and more fragile technical environment and at the same time old morality and values are being corrupted. People don't believe in higher causes and aren't indoctrinated to follow rules, so between their empty selves and no pressure to mold them into something they are left with nothing. And as more and more people are caught in the vortex, relating problems will escalate.

That makes a lot of sense. A nobody, bullied kid can finally make himself be heard across the nation if he kills his classmates. He can be assured that for weeks to come talking heads at the various news agencies will analyze him and all the possible motives as to why he committed such atrocities.