Why do people blame "gentrification" and a few thousand trustfund kids for housing shortages in cities and not the...

Why do people blame "gentrification" and a few thousand trustfund kids for housing shortages in cities and not the millions of new immigrants from Mexico and the West Indies?

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Because niggers.

Because racism is alive and well. In 2017 white supremacist incidents went up 16 times compared to the year before.

Because it's not about solving problems, it's about advancing an ideological agenda.

We need to make it 17 x

>why are people retarded dishonest cowards
Something to do with a chick and a snake

Oh, no! How terrible now that I can sell my house for 80x more than I paid for it!

This desu. It's pretty obvious to anyone with a brain at this point that guns in the US aren't the reason for school shootings. So once in a while a school gets shot up. The liberal media implores you to "think of the children" and to take away guns, the NRA says SHALL, and everyone forgets about it in a week. It's pretty much the same for any problems that are clearly the result of minorities. Nobody wants to talk about it.

Lots of blacks made lots of money by selling their homes at the right time... Problem is that with all the money they made they are still black.

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Because anything else would be politically incorrect

>why do kikes blame white people instead of beaner immigrants
Wow that's a great question, I have no idea OP. Really got my fucking noggin joggin'.

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The entire USA should be gentrified.Hipster fags also need to be gassed though.

>never should have been there
>complain when they have to leave
A common theme in the USA.

Gentrification literally just means white people moving into a neighborhood and cleaning up the trash and maintaining their lawns so the housing prices raise. How about we talk about when black people do the exact opposite thing by moving into a neighborhood and shitting it up causing people to move out, housing prices drop, more niggers move in, and the entire neighborhood becomes a third-world hellscape.

How is that less bad than housing prices going up?

>own houses
They get subsidized rent until the rent value exceeds what Section 8 will pay then they get ushered off to a new ghetto

every immigrant brings a house and a job haha

White people leave infested neighborhoods = white flight = racist

White people buy cheap property in shitholes = gentrification = racist

When will these "people" take responsibility for themselves?

Because"they" want to distract you from investment companies and Chinese new money buying up all the foreclosures.
They artificially depress supply to bolster the value.
The only ones who can afford to own are aging trust fund kiddies. Struggling hipsters follow their moneyed tastemakers, and we get fucked.
Then you get fucked, because the only affordable properties left are rural communities where Black and Latin people are objects of curiousity more than anything else.
We take your labor jobs, play loud music, barbecue everyday, you confirm loose prejudices.

Hopefully the shit will explode before I get priced out of my apartment, but otherwise I now have friends and family on that mountain.

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HUD used to renovate and build houses so people of colour could afford to buy.
With Ben Carson in charge?
The man thinks pyramids are grain silos...

oy vey, you don't like diversification and multiculturalism or something? what, are you a nazi, goy?

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There's two black houses in my neighborhood, one sells drugs and has gotten their door kicked in with drug dogs sniffing everywhere, and the other has like 8-12 people living in it that come and go with only a few static people there permanently. I'm never living in a suburb once I'm done with college.

>lots of blacks made lots of money
and we all know how well they manage money

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Where are you getting all these weird Seattle paintings.

Black people were successful when they were "gentrified".

Look at Chicago in the 20's and 30's. There wasn't just racial segregation; there was segregation between rich black people and poor black people and the delinquency rates and crime varied depending on the status of said neighborhoods.

Does this statistic include all the bomb threats against Jewish community centers that happened to be committed by one Israeli dude?

That's a really ugly resident

>clearly had a career as a cop
They don't make a fortune but they get fucking paid, if she's so broke she has to move she has nobody to blame but herself.

Because the left sells the paradox and illusion that by accepting increasing numbers of migrants, society and living standards will remain exactly the same.

It's like an abstract concept in the leftist's mind. They don't see it in terms of actual human bodies, straining the economy and the housing market. They just think "Oh, there's people worst than us, we should help them" and then proceed to watch the next game of thrones episode and forget about reality. The "progressives" in today's world have almost no grasp on the concept of long-term consequences and repercussions. They only think through feelings, and they feel it's right to help other human beings. They do not think of what will become of it in a decade or in a century.

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>artificially devalue the dollar
>artificially hyperinflate housing cost
>market NYC ghetto to whites/asians
>blacks get replaced

its not ethnically cleansing when you call it gentrification.

>before 2000, no housing problem
>globalists push for "housing for everyone"
>import millions of locusts from asia/mexico
>hyperinflated housing bubble happens
>housing now a problem
>homeless epidemic
>millions of native homeless die from opioid epidemic

it seems like the globalists preemptively planned and pushed for "housing for everyone" in advance of open borders.
it was a stealth plan to house every locust invader while millions of natives go homeless
there was never a housing problem in the US before their NWO globalism

These stories always make me happy.

>white people move away from neighborhood
>neighborhood becomes trash
>white flight is racist

>white people move into neighborhood
>neighborhood becomes wealthy
>gentrification be racist

It's just like .... leftism is the (underevolved) female mind ....