Jow Forums, the reality is that if you want to attract a woman, you need to physically look as good as possible. The fastest way to become a White Zaddy is to wear a suit, have a clean haircut (no longer than 2", anywhere), and speak confidently in few words.

All black, brown, yellow, and white women want a White Zaddy in a suit to pull up, start a conversation with heavy eye contact, ask them out on a date at a quiet, decent restaurant, have another basic conversation (not interview with questions), and then you ask her out on another date while on the first date (learned this from Bruce Wayne in one of the original Batman movies).

tl;dr: Dress like a White Zaddy, approach women in reasonable public locations (events, bars, etc), have normal conversations and acquire gf.

Attached: whitezaddy.jpg (1080x1080, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good way to attract gold diggers

it doesn't hurt to be a professional athlete and stinking rich though right

Which is a part of having anyone be attracted to you at all, user.

Poor women like men in suits, rich women like men in suits, women in between like men in suits. Just focusing on the negative is stupid, why would you avoid doing a positive thing because a few whores exist? Sounds like you have an eMoTiOnAl cOmPLeX.

>The fastest way to become a White Zaddy is to wear a suit, have a clean haircut (no longer than 2", anywhere), and speak confidently in few words

Attached: reviewbrah dapper as fuck.jpg (1024x768, 207K)

Of course that doesn't hurt, the point is you can look excellent. I bought a suit and literally everyone I encounter treats me fundamentally better, especially women.

It's disgusting, almost. But you would be stupid not to exploit attraction and sexuality for your benefit.

Being ugly is the best way to be alone and unwanted forever. Sounds stupid.

Exactly. Now picture him in a graphic t-shirt and cargo shorts, with New Balance shoes. He would be hopelessly pathetic, but in a suit he at least pulls off the "competent nerd with unknown skills" aesthetic, rather than the "Jow Forums basement autist" aesthetic.

reddit go back

say what you want but the 'brah has had an extremely successful career so far, he's achieved more by 23 then most people ever will. I know your post is meant to disparage him but in fact his suits and haircut are part of the reason hes' had so much success. If anything he proves OP's post true. If he wasn't such an introvert he could easily get an 8/10 gf

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>ask them out on a date
I hate going on dates though.
Even if I got a date with a girl I wouldn't wanna go desu.
wat do?

Putting on a suit doesn't make you a man.

*literally just steals your girl with his Zaddy appeal*

Expand your definition of date. You can just do an activity together, like going to a park or a restaurant or an event or a political event.

In fact, I recommend going to political events for your ideology, because the women there will be women who agree with your bullshit, lmao. /s

Durrrrrrr Bro if you can't even be a man, I can't help you. Like, time itself should make that happen.

I never claimed that a suit makes you a man. I said it makes people treat you better because you look better, and it objectively increases women's attraction towards you and the likelihood you will ever make them spend time with you.

Suits are for homos. Safari casual is where it’s at. A suit screams “I need to wear this so my boss doesn’t bitch me out” while safari casual let’s the world know that you’re your own boss.

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>implying i care
i fuck your women when you are away at work

I've been on Jow Forums more than 10 years. It's not often that I physically cringe at posts anymore. Well done.

>Expand your definition of date.
Huh, good advice desu.
But to be completely honest, I don't even want to spend much time with women at all. They're all emotions and always playing social games. I don't only hate talking to them but I don't even like being around them in general. I think that girls are fucking gay desu.
pls help how do I get a gf without having to spend too much time around a girl?


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>Autist pushing the suit meme again

***tips tie and suit jacket***


>to attract a woman, you need to physically look as good as possible
This is garbage advice. Women will marry and fuck the most hideous kike goblin if he has enough shekels to support all the shit she wants to buy.
>White Zaddy
This phrase should have died before it was ever born.

I like reviewbrah, but the reason it looks kinda weird on him is because he's got a babyface. He looks like a highschool freshman wearing a suit.

Such a fixation with the surface is a very feminine characteristic.
I bet you don't know the first thing about manhood.
Hence why you obsess over trivial bullshit like wearing suits and "speak in few words"
I just gotta lol at such faggot "advice"

I like the cut of your jib. In the past it was way more prevalent to where suits. I would love it if men were encouraged to wear suits again.

It's actually just the eye contact m8. Everything else is pretty much optional.

not just a pro athlete and a businessman, you need to be a male model too.
lots of athletes dont look "good enough" for the modern woman.
you need to be a comedian, too.
and somewhat spiritual without being too religious.
and you have to "stick up" to her so you dont look like a pushover or like you're trying to get her into bed.
although you got to make her feel like you do want to get her in bed.
... and for all that work, if you once even imply how stupid she really is, you've just thrown everything away.
good job, user.

Are you retard? You can’t wear suit and go to Starbucks on bicycle

Superior dress

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Lol you serious? Next some muslim will come up and say wear my traditional dress if you want the ladies


Or seriously, just try to talk to a girl over the internet or tinder, and only talk about what interests you that is not Jow Forums related. Movies work fine, especially if you hate hollywood bullcrap.

Basicly, to get someone's attention all you need is to have something that you are really interested in yourself, and talk about it. Obscure facts, trivia, etc, as long as it's a legitimate subject and not some cringey manchild shit.

Movies, books, music, history; those are common. But if you're not really socially adept, it has to be a legit interest, something you spend your free time learning about. History should be something that comes naturally to a Jow Forumslack, but try to talk about lesser known shit, old shit. Everyone's heard 20th century history a thousand times.

Also, if you can be funny, that's good. Think of it as light-trolling IRL if you're a sperg. Laugh at yourself a bit, but always remain in control. This might sound alien to you, but the point is to NOT enter into an argument, or at least not a real argument. Especially nowadays, people argue to win and don't really care about what's being said, so don't go there.

tl;dr Try to talk about something that you like if you wanna be interesting.

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Damn this sounds like some good advice desu senpai.
>just try to talk to a girl over the internet or tinder
Pretty sure you have to be a Chad for online dating to work though.
>not some cringey manchild shit
Welp. Looks like my best bet is to wait for robowaifus.
We're gonna make anime real folks, bigly.

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That outfit is probably worth more than my net worth

That is a nice suit not gonna lie. Reviewbrah should get one he’d look dank as fuck

what the fuck is with his vest, is it like a two blazer gimmick? why the fuck do people think celebs know how to dress...almost as bad as the gay men dress well meme

I like this look. That man looks like he's ready to go hunt some niggers.

>you need to physically look as good as possible. The fastest way to become a White Zaddy is to wear a suit

You can slap a bespoke high end suit on a bag of shit, won't change what's in it. It's a never ending cycle of stupidity, just because you wear something an attractive person wears don't make you them.

It takes a refined type of character to wear a suit, especially in this day and age.
Time was when a man wouldn't be seen in public without his suit and hat and those were the greatest days the west has ever seen, a suit is more than just a suit.
Ask yourself a question, what amount of effort is required to dress sharply for the day? It may not seem much but the suit really does make the man, getting up in the morning, facing the day knowing you're dressed for success, the psychological benefit to this is of immeasurable value.
I have been wearing a suit every day for the past year, even if I'm not doing anything important. I advise everyone on Jow Forums interested in self improvement to do the same.

>pens and a pocket square
the absolute madman

Suits are symbols of a dying and decadent culture and the hallmark of a blue-pilled normie conformist.
they're the comfort blanket of an insecure beta clutching them as his cargo cult of masculinity.
You wear a suit and it signifies that you have a stake in this feminist society. As such you can never be alpha as masculinity and feminism cannot coexist, regardless of some jason statham delusion you may harbor.
Suits are for cucks.
I no longer wear them except to funerals.
Weddings? I don't get invited to them coz my friends have a bad habit of marrying disgusting fat and ugly women way beneath them. I'm the guy who tells them that. I wouldn't fit in at these horrifically dysgenic wedding ceremonies.
I'm 32 and I cannot recall a single wedding where I looked at the bride, then the groom and thought "this is a really good idea".
Suits are bad news.

Why would I want to attract a (((woman))) who is a used-up roastie?
>just find a trad woman
Any woman today that looks even remotely acceptable has had their holes filled one too many times. Why do they deserve my commitment?
More importantly, why don't you advocate to overthrow/reverse the system that led to women becoming roasties in the first place? What you are doing is just feeding the system and I'm not interested in that at all.

LMFAO holy shit what is this pathetic defeatist attitude from non-American countries? I mean I get it, you hate us cause you ain't us, but seriously, you're bitching about wearing a suit and attracting women? Very low energy, you little sweetie boys.

>muh character to wear a suit
You fucking idiots. This is why muslims literally harness your daughters, and you sit around exploring the philosophy and emotions of it all instead of being a fucking man.


I have 13 Hickey Freeman suits. Women love men when I'm wearing a suit.

>Suits are symbols of a dying and decadent culture and the hallmark of a blue-pilled normie conformist.
Say's the man who only owns shorts and tang tops.

Here is my $1700 Hicky freeman tux.

Attached: tux.jpg (657x802, 41K)

Here is another Hickey Freeman suit. I'm speaking at Whorton School of Business, Super Nova.

Attached: waynesupernova.jpg (333x333, 23K)

Thomas Pink shirts are awesome also.

Another Hickey freeman suit.

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based wayne

I was a fool voting for Obaman. I admit it now.

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nothing to do with america but the west in general. we can talk about fashion any day of the week but to insert a gynocentric element into it is, frankly, pathetic and beta.

> thinks putting on a suit makes you a man.
Lol after so many suits you'd think the divorce rate would decline.
But it doesn't, coz in or out of a suit, the average western man is a spineless cuck.

Yeah, confirmed.
Your pic says it all.
Do you masturbate?
I can always read it in the eyes, wankers have a distinct weakness in their eyes?

>based wayne
>based wayne

OK. From one brother to another. I bought all these expensive suits on ebay. For about $90 each.

Hickey Freeman has been computerized since the early 90's so if you know your size, they will fit you. I had to pay retail for the Thomas Pink shirts. Women treat you like a billionaire when you look like one.

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>women are attracted to men with money
Biggest revelation in all of history

I don't know what a White Zaddy is, or specifically, a Zaddy, but I do know that David Beckham is a Jew, so not White.

sounds like a great way to attract low quality women

if you only got her attention because of a suit then she will likely expect you to have high social status as well

>being a fucking man

LOL. I don't need to prove I'm a man to another man, that's gay.

I just need to prove to a woman I'm a handsome man that will get away if they don't take action. Smart well dressed intelligent successful men are hard to find.

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t. wigger gook


Chicks want good looking guys, but how they want them to dress is like this.
Even an ugly fuck like me managed to get dates with a classic motorcycle jacket, and I don't even ride.

Attached: the-wild-one.jpg (730x300, 31K)

>t. roastie "where have all the good men gone" mcgee

[_] wearing a suit to casual events
[_] not looking like a total fag

Pick one.

I agree with looking as good as possible, but through lifting.
But rather than approaching random thots, going to church instead and courting virgin waifus in order to accomplish comfy family life.

Attached: pentecostal girls.jpg (634x425, 117K)

>tfw you are the sauciest man in the entire event
>tfw you are married

Attached: becks paradise.jpg (764x635, 43K)

I got waaay more pussy as a fat neckbeard that wore basketball shorts and flip flops to social events.

Confidence is key. You're a fake cuck if you need a suit to feel like a man

Yup. Looking like a "bad boy" will get you laid more than looking preppy and clean cut. But it's important to do THE WHOLE LOOK and not just stop at one piece of an outfit.

If you wear a motorcycle jacket with your shitty relaxed Lee jeans and a Deadpool t-shirt you're just going to look like a faggot.

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Thats Review Brah, retard, and you WEAR suits, WHERE required. Imbecile...

what if you're old?

Now *that's* what I'm talking about. Good on you user. It's a whole new feeling when you put on a suit that fits just right.

Keep wearing whatever you want. Looking good is always a smart choice.


terrible shoes

Attached: dumb and dumber.jpg (634x1024, 69K)

However, if you look low class and poor what will you attract?

>Looking good is always a smart choice.

Driving a nice car no matter how old. My car is 1987 with 320,000 miles, but It's a Mercedes and women are like 'he can afford to keep this nice car on the road'.

Above is a video to where I live so you can hate me and my wonderful life more.


Wayne Lambright

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My advice to user's who suffer from social uncomfortability is to get a job which requires a lot of social interaction. I was pretty socially anxious, but got a job at a Panera Bread just bringing plates of food to tables. Pretty decent pay for a college job ($12.50/hour) and it required me to interact with people every day for hours. It was really mentally exhausting for the first month or two, but sociability is like a muscle that simply needs to be trained- especially if you're someone who's inclined toward isolation like myself.

The truth is despite the memes about "white bois", there's literally nothing more high status then a fit (fairly attractive) and socially fluent white man with real confidence. The issue is so many whites have simply been demoralized. Press yourself upwards and forwards! Greener pastures await.

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>then you ask her out on another date while on the first date
Quickest way to get beta zoned is to not fuck on the first date.

It is 2018, you fuck on the first date. I've met girls from California to the Midwest, from conservative backgrounds to absolute degenerates, and from various ethnicities. They've always fucked on the first date. Your goal for the date is to eat her back to your place or her place alone and fuck. How do you get there? You just confidently fucking ask, no dancing around the subject, just a straight question. Young people, both men and women, know that if they're alone together they're going to fuck. If she says yes to your request to be alone together, she wants to fuck. You don't have to sneak a kiss in or anything, just get to that place alone and let things flow. Cuddle on the couch, watch a movie, and then just ask if she wants to make out. I've gotten laid at least 20 times using this formula and I wouldn't consider myself a Chad especially at the earlier stages of my adulthood.

Pretty good advice otherwise, but don't be too clean cut and prettyboy. Women like men partially because of our savage side. Don't supress it, but know the appropriate extent to express it (toxic masculinity isn't a meme, it's an embarrassment to men). As always, be strong and stoic. Women want a provider and protector, just as much as you want a lover and a caretaker. Be the epitome of protection, aka actually be able to protect, both with your body and the weapons of our time.

Go forth and breed white babies. Revive our great empires through awesome sex.

>those fucking ridiculous tails
>that terribly cut dress shirt that doesn't extend past the jacket cuffs
>double-breasted vest
>black shoes with a grey suit

He looks almost as bad as his wife's fake tits.

Attached: a6d353ecbe0e3d8eab8e54898572cc48.jpg (389x250, 66K)

>Do you masturbate?
Like a teenager!

I'm 50 this year, so I like women my age. MILF's & GILF's

I forgot to mention. You need to lift if you want sexy women. It's an Alpha Male thing. Either you get it, or you're homo.

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trick question
all women are gold diggers

If a girl fucks on the first date, she's not wife material. My long term gf (we've made clear we intend to settle down) was a virgin when I met her, but I did pop her cherry a month in or so. We ended up kind of regretting that and wishing we waited until marriage. But virgin waifus are the way to go- if she opens her legs after one evening, no fucking way you should trust her judgement for marriage

Are we just going to ignore that Beckham is extremely good looking and pretend it's his suit that makes the difference?

Anyone can look decently attractive, at least above average, if you lift and eat clean (no processed shit, sugar, or cards)

And suits make a huge difference. They seriously will amplify your attractiveness.

he is also covered in tattoos and married to a thot and had retarded chubby kids with her. he hit the wall years ago. this a shop? Why are his arms so short?

>good way to attract gold diggers

GOLD Diggers are willing to work for some of that GOLD.


Another thing women like is a man who knows what he wants.

Bidding for President has unlocked women who are groupies of a sort. Curious onlookers.

Attached: GoalsLambright2020.jpg (900x1500, 605K)

>the lifting meme

please don't do this. you look like a douche. i cringe whenever i see someone with a "six pack" or "biceps". literally only fags lift because gays are attracted to muscles.

just be like this guy and you will be fine.

Attached: XWMTfEl.jpg (640x640, 28K)

yeah but you are replying to a legit autist. he lives in a bubble. a bubble where he thinks you can attract only the type of woman you have in your head. hence why he doesn't live in reality and is most likely still a virgin. he doesn't realise that it's up to you to sift through the shit in life to make it what you want. that mindset of the weak millennial is what i have come to see time and time again online. no wonder men and women are so shit these days.

If you let your muscles atrophy you are not very healthy. You don't need to be a show off swolebro douche to understand that muscles, especially in men, were made to face resistance and to push. If you don't work your muscles you run into problems with Testosterone and emotional regulation. That's why beta boys who have chubby boy faces are so moody and whiny and end up shooting up schools. The difference you feel when you actually practice bodily maintenance is insane. Trust me.

It also lets the Jews know that you’re not a toy slave.

>yeah but you are replying to a legit autist.
Well said. I forgot many of today's youth are basedboy virgin babies.

Attached: 1440583383759.jpg (930x587, 301K)

*goy slave

>american tailoring

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It's just the way things are in this era. If you refuse a girl because she doesn't refuse you, you could miss out on a perfectly good relationship. Good relationships mind you are built on the emotion of lust. If you don't lust after each other, your relationship is fucked from the get go. Love isn't a logical thing, unfortunately for men, which is why we struggle so much to understand it and understand women.

Find a girl that lusts after you and it'll be the best relationship you've ever had. Keep in mind, being a man, you should to some extent use your logic. If for other reasons she's not a good fit for you then continue looking.


really? its all so tiresome

just breed and proceed

That guy actually looks good for being a no muscle lank manlet, although there is something wierd about his neck height and head proportion, he has the face of a more defined man....

I'm calling it now, this is shooped

Behead those who insult Reviewbrah

He's such a metro sexual overrated faggot.

Reviewbrah gets all his clothes secondhand and he doesn't get them tailored at all.

I agree and I've had relationships that started with hooking up. But they ended up being psychotic degenerates. I'm definitely not saying it's not possible, hell it's probably just coincidence due to how most girls my age are mentally. They still want to be children mostly. I just lucked out with a virgin who was fat most of her life until a few months before I met her, and wants to marry and have kids

your muscles will not atrophy if you are an active person

dude looks like a literal faggot

>a political event
Yeah, no to this one. Unless you're trying to piss off the girl you're going out with.
Honestly, you don't need to do something elaborate. Just take her to eat some ice cream.

That's true. Sedentary lifestyle is very common though, and if you don't have an active job/active hobbies, ya gotta lift to counter balance that

It might be more common in America. We very much have a car culture reliant on highways because everything is so spread out. I think that's why America is notorious for obesity, unlike in Europe where folks walk around a lot. Most Americans who go to Europe for two or so weeks lose 10-15 pounds of water weight just from not being sedentary