We all agree pedophilia is disgusting, But what about Ephebophilia (14 - 19

We all agree pedophilia is disgusting, But what about Ephebophilia (14 - 19.

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i have literally never even touched a woman.

honestly probably fine

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natural and healthy.
if you disagree, you literally are dysfunctional.

It's most natural for men to be attracted to a blooming flower.

It only seems bad because the average age life expectancy is around 80-85.

However, when life expectancy was around age 50 in the 1700s, it made perfect sense.

Old enough to bleed, old enough for me

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No such thing. "Ephebophilia" is a made-up word created by pedophiles in order to diminish their degenerate perverted fetish.
>I'm not as bad as those other guys that want to fuck 5 year olds, I just want to fuck 12 year olds
You'll get the rope with the rest of them.

Sly leaf, you just wanted yet another moner thread

turn in your guns now bro

Its normal to find them attractive.
You are still a scumbag if you try to have sex though.

I'm fine if they wanna marry someone though.

age of consent in canada was 14 but harper made it 16

Attached: female sexappeal with age.png (938x561, 29K)

Would destroy that pussy and make wife

Unsourced infographic made by a pedo in between jacking it to 4 year olds?

Go on...

Where was this poll done? Japan?

Except 12 year old isn't ephebophilia. Pedo is commonly accepted to be =

Kill yourself

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Kill yourself

>jacking it to 4 year olds
0% for those. Nice try at debating my unsourced infographic

Got something against Japan?

No the word pedo literally means baby. Like pediatrician.

Are you retarded?

That's why all these guys get booked for child sex offences, not pedophilia.. because it's..not baby dicking

You actually believe people died at 50 once upon a time?
I don't think you understand averages.

Pedo Chink

Ummmm ackchually, the graph starts at 9... so

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i'am gonna put that on a song, thanks

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>14 - 19
pretty sure the attraction to this group is pretty universal

>I consider pieces of rotten, used meat more appealing than young, prime women
You first.

Not according to roasties and ''of course I have to settle'' orbiters, apparently.

It says 9 year olds are as sexually attractive as 45 year olds you worthless fuck
Nice source on it too btw

>Got something against Japan?
Nah, they're pretty based desu.

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can't argue with facts. moralfags btfo

Go in to Panera Bread or Pottery Barn or Kirklands. Look around. Pic related looking women are everywhere.

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This Desu. I'm not going to go hit on 16-18 year olds at 25, but I'd marry one if the situation was right.

I feel nothing towards women younger than 14
14+ isn't pedophilia.
The infographic's popularity of around 11 covers the actual borderline pedos, percentages are accurate.

Next try.

Honestly if nature says you can get pregnant it's because your are ready to get some dick it's that simple Jow Forums

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>11 year olds are hotter then 29 year olds
>12 year olds are hotter then anything above 21
Yeah you should kys

Calling BS on that graph. The internet would lose its mind if that was real. Zero chance we wouldn't have known about it.

I'm 36 and have fucked 2 18yr olds. if they are of age I don't give a shit. If I lived in an area where 16 was legal age I'd dick that pucci too

So you're saying 45 year old cunts are in fact attractive.
The percentage of pathetic individuals like yourself who actually like them is just as high as the pedos who like 9 year olds.

I do not need source to convince idiots. You fools can't even use your heads.

Listen to this music from the steppe and forget about it user...

That sucks, lift some weights and get a job. Make something of yourself so you can be confident.

That age group is prime Twink range

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it's illegal, but there's nothing perverted about being attracted to a girl that looks like a woman. The problem is when you're attracted to a girl that looks like a child. In the old days they'd marry them at 13 so that they don't have a vag like a roast beef sandwich from a gas station

Yeah, if you aren't attracted to a fully developed woman as a man you're literally a gay.

>So you're saying 45 year old cunts are in fact attractive.
I didn't say that you low IQ moron
Pedos deserve slow and painful deaths in all honestly

just gonna put this here

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>I fap with doctored pics
>please visit some place

Exactly. Pedophilia covers the cases where women have not gone through menarche yet and are still kids. Not many are actually attracted to those (but some retards are)

>Well I don't agree so the info is shit
You first, stupid anecdote.

and I bet 20 was the lowest this poll went lol

Tell me you don't find this attractive. You're lying if you don't

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Being attracted to younger girls (assuming they're either fully developed or close to that) is normal; straight men are gonna be attracted to young women no matter what. That being said, dating a 14 year old as, say, a 20 year old is a big no cause of emotional maturity.

16-19 are now off limits? (16 is just fine in some states)

Fucking leaf. The liberals just want women to be untouchable until they're 35 and good and fucked in the head.

What if 12 was legal, homie? You want 12yo pussy?

Just because they are starting to look like women, does not mean they are. If you are attracted to the mind of a child, you are a pedo.

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Or this

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