Thoughts on this guy?

Did he do anything wrong?

Attached: 44F704E6-CD5B-4196-9BDF-BD892FCB9377.jpg (427x614, 109K)

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that fucking haircut is an abomination


Yeah, he was a coward, and he threw his life away for nothing. There's nothing admirable about him whatsoever. Retard even believed that Jews were white.

you might want to spread these out, you make them look too obvious


>that fucking haircut is an abomination

It's called The Merkel.

bowl cuts are nice and White.


He watched too many Hollywood movies.
He fell through the cracks in school. His IQ was very high (over 140 verbal and 121 total). That was on an adult IQ test too, which someone as young and uneducated as him is not fair to. In other words, he was really fucking smart, and society fucked him over from a young age because he was white and poor. Poor white smart men are probably the most fucked over group in America. If he were black, he would have been given absurd amounts of attention and help and ended up at Harvard (or better).

It’s too bad this idiot didn’t use his great fashion sense and good looks to become mayor of Poon town

Yes. Can't really comment on the how he would have gotten help if he were black topic.

But he is really fucking smart and he put together his own world view by researching about it on the internet. He basically lived in his room for a couple of years and just fell through the cracks. His folks seem to be not too bright and they just didn't know what to do with him.

Plus some mental health issues:
>Dr. James Ballenger, a local forensic psychiatrist, found that Roof showed signs of “Social Anxiety Disorder, a Mixed Substance Abuse Disorder, a Schizoid Personality Disorder, depression by history, and a possible Autistic Spectrum Disorder," the court filing indicates.

The US mental health care system is fucking disgusting.

I don't think you realize how high and rare a 140 IQ is. He scored average on processing (basically memory and few basic skills), but those require more concentration, and Autism can destroy that.

Em, yes, I understand how rare an IQ of 140 ist.
You, on the other hand, should source your claims. There are conflicting reports regarding the exact IQ points.

>Absent alternate influences, wrote Dr. Loftin, clinical director of the autism center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, “Dylann pursued his preoccupation with racism with an autistic intensity.”

>Dr. Ballenger, who was making his first competency determination, interviewed Mr. Roof for 13 hours and reached a contrary conclusion.

>His report noted that Mr. Roof’s I.Q. of 125 placed him in the 95th percentile, and that he spoke coherently and logically.

Your so right. I remembered a total IQ of 121 when it was 125. Silly me.

He got caught

wow he was so smart that he locked himself away in his room and did nothing of note with his life before killing some old black people in a church. He was a real fuckin' genius all-right, a real winner. He would've been the next einstein if he didn't sperg out and kill innocent people for no reason! A real brainiac that one, I mean look at all his accomplishments he was.... Uh... well... yeah you know he did good on some IQ test! So obviously he was a genius!

He dropped the soap

He looks good on that pic OP. By the time he went on a shooting spree, he'd been "mkultra'd" beyond recognition.

psychopathic murder who killed innocent church goers because they made more melanin than him.

Ha, you sound like you came from the tcc. Opinionated and bitchy. You know, you should go back and continute making flowercrowns. That's a better fit for you.

Read his writings. He actually accomplished what he wanted. He wanted people to freak the fuck out. His goal was to bring us closer to a race war, which the pissing off Southern Whites by taking down the confederate flag and monuments accomplished. He literally did exactly what he wanted to do.


The cool thing about this place is once you realize most people don't post you troll the trollers.

I'm and idiot. I'm the psyop. Continue doing what you do.

Is there anywhere that you can read his manifesto? Curious to read it if he is truly this intelligent.

The white Nelson Mandela

his goal was to increase racial tension and he succeeded if you ask me

Whats up with the fucking giraffe neck

Attached: 3d993.jpg (600x383, 25K)

What a waste.

How did he accomplish anything? Confederate flags and statues are coming down all across the south and no one cares enough to stop it because HE made it toxic to even discuss the issue from a neutral point of view. Killing innocent people is the stupidest way to go about and try to change things. He was just a retarded LARPer who thought he was so much better than everyone that they would suddenly decide to go on a full scale race war because he shot some old christians? Not only is he a tard, he's lazy as fuck too. Instead of actually trying to argue his points or make a name for himself he just went with the easiest option.

He didn't help anyone's cause on the right, he just made it so toxic that no one will touch it with a 10 foot pole.

A complete and utter faggot.
Irredeemable in every sense.

who is this?

hes an idiot with the murder skills of an autistic retard. nigger tier.

he wuz a gud boy

>he just made it so toxic that no one will touch it with a 10 foot pole.
And now there are millions of everyday people outside of the overrton window. There is here and real life where people can talk about this. The internet is toxic.

litearlly who is this you fucking retards

Dylann Roof

He definitely has charisma.

>Dylann Roof
100% justified, what he did is a small, small part of what is coming to them

who is this guy and why is his neck so long?

>right and wrong
We the ignorant deserve him.

Attached: download (20).jpg (474x317, 28K)


You people are such pussies. Trying to appeal to the fucking normies by being a bunch of fucking moralfags.
PROTIP: you’re not going to win over their minds.

And that especially goes out to all you alt-kike faggots on this board as well. People who advise "appealing to normies" are completely delusional and filling your mind with cancer. To appeal to a normalfag, you must present to them a version of reality that is so removed from the truth that it is almost not worth presenting. A normalfag lemming can go from A -> B, lie to smaller lie, they cannot go from A -> Z, lie to truth. A normalfag is, and will always be, completely reliant upon the system, a pathetic, helpless newborn suckling at the teat. Would they willingly bite the hand that not only feeds them, but ensures their survival? Of course not. The nature of the normalfag is why we are in this mess, they will not get us out of this mess.

Read David Lane or James Mason, you fucking cucks.

the point I'm trying to make is that he basically took any ideas of preserving southern heritage or culture off the table for right-wing candidates. They all want to be as far away as possible from his line of thought and are now willing to concede shit like flying the confederate flag or defend a statue of a famous confederate soldier/leader. Just as politicians she away from it, so do plenty of normal people who think what he did was awful. Even if they like southern culture/heritage, they associate it with a crazy killer and are more willing to give it up as a concession.

And it seems like his plans were all for naught. I don't see more attacks like this happening at all. No one heard about what he did and decided to copy him, at least so far. As the memories of the event fade it becomes even less likely. I can't tell if he honestly thought that killing some old christians in a church would kick off the holy race war he dreamed of, but if he did he's a complete idiot. All he did was give ammunition to the left, they can point to his beliefs and actions and say "see, we told you so".

Mason is not anybody to be taken seriously.

you have the right psychological profile, but you're lacking in education. Read old books, come to your own conclusions, separate yourself from the constant lies that make up our day to day life.

When are they letting this guy out? He has learnt his lesson and I am sure everyone's forgotten about what he did already.

Wouldn't that suck, to be put in a cage and forgotten about.

Happens every day.