Anyone else Desensitized?

Weekly school shootings, rich people getting married, newest greatest gadget or show.

Anyone just fucking don't care anymore?

Every victim parents seem interchangeable, every show same fucking plot lines, every gadget the same shit with a new paint job.

What the fuck is the point? What is there? Once you fucked, married and popped out some kids, whats the end game? more money? for what? more useless items?

Is this why the very rich start spirit cooking and hunting black rhinos? cause there is nothing to fucking do but mindless cycles

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Other urls found in this thread: societies and subversive movements

>reddit spacing

the rarer it is the more meaning it has which is why you're desensitized because it happens so much

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It's part and parcel of living in American society afaic


Don't forget his pic is reddit tier too senpai.

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rich people getting married? as in you can only hold a girlfriend if you have money?

why would you ever care about what is reported in the mass media? do you just PRETEND to be anti-jew?

checked but I honestly wouldn't know. I don't think I've ever seen a screencap from there with a picture in it but I don't know how it works anyway.

it's all part of the techno industrial system friend
the system serves itself, it cares for us only as much as is needed to maintain the system

Life is pretty unfulfilling actually

This is what cities do to you. If you lived a comfy country life you'd be happy. You won't see that promoted though, jews don't like manual labor, nor for goyim to be independent

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eh i just like Noel and it's more like too much fucking college essay grading spacing

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don't forget freedom not being able to survive population growth

fuck you nigger, Noel is beautiful

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I'm not desensitized.
I'm pissed off though at how news will report gun violence for weeks and weeks, but if some kid stabs 8 kids to death on the playground no one talks much about iit.

The whole motive is to ban guns, fox is no saint either.

checked, nice file name kek

Nah more like the royal wedding and thats not even counting the quadroon gold digger he married.

The Royals have been and always will be leaches and before you bongs say "EXCUSE ME BUT THEY OWN SO MUCH AND RENT IT FOR FREE" Let fucking queen Mumrah try to call rent on ANY of those public lands and see if she isn;t shot the fuck down faster than you can say "pardon my crumpets"

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You double-spaced your essays in college? Did you go to special school?

You need to be desensitized because if you're too sad over the victims you can't defend gun rights. This is more a political necessity.

The MSM isn't going to wait 2 seconds to grieve before going after rights it'll do so immediately. When your friend dies to gunshots you need to be ready to defend gun rights in the same time.

>reddit spacing
Public Jow Forums automated archives go back to 2008 with /a/'s archive being the oldest. That's before any major influence from reddit, and people use "reddit spacing" even then.

I wish this meme would die.

>if some kid stabs 8 kids to death on the playground no one talks much about iit.
Has that happened lately?

My purpose in life is to provide a better life for my children, as was done for myself and my parents before me, as will be done by my children for their children when I am gone.

Alternatively, I could get a vasectomy, fuck whores (figuratively speaking), do all kinds of drugs and blow my brains out with a shotgun when I'm 32 if not sooner.

>posts a thread where no post has five spaced out stanzas for no reason
I take it you're still drunk and rolling from last night?

would you be shocked to know that is the actual standard for the intro exam which i grade for a living?

would it shock you more that it;s a state uni?

There's a reason college has no value.

Certainly, but it's not all bad. At the very least I get to see these post modern faggots choke to death on the fruits of their own labour. The future they choose.

Even if we lose and this thing won't be turned around to our favour it adds a bit of saccharine sweetness to this gloomy future to know that we won't be going down alone

Also, Sartre and Nietzsche advise to create our own meaning. We're yet able to achieve personal goals no matter how fucked society is

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Was the name, "State Motor Gym University?"

eh back when Moot went full wannabe tech bro i just green texted everything but it works like shit on mobile

you have to make your life the way you want it. NOBODY IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU, NOW GET TO IT.

Close it's a mid west state where we have one city people can name off the top of their head.
that still gives you a few choices

I think there's probably a reason why you were grading brainlet papers at brainlet school. It might have to do with your brain.

Did you hand the essays back after marking them with red pen or was this after using red pen was deemed to psychologically damaging for the participation trophy crew?

Its not so much society cause I'm sure even in RhineShag africa you get into the same routines. Their WakeUpcivilwarfuck4wivesgeteboladieat23 is just the western version of Coddledtill17gotocollegemarrygetmoneygetstarbucksdieat56fromageneticdefectyoudidn;tevenknowaboutwhileplayingmarioprincessfucker64

its all relative

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Nah we just sent rejection letters which we stopped doing if you were any shade below chalk or didn't have a name that could reasonably be used to name a flying kick

Excuse me?

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Ah, the Advanced World Wrestling University of America? How many patents in flying kick names from its graduates and faculty does it boast?

Tldr, every society regardless of their social or technological merit have people doing the same dumb cycles with no real urge to break that monotony

It makes me sad to admit, but yes I am desensitized. There is so much evil, crazy, and even stupid shit going on in the world that I think I have finally reached the point where I don't care anymore.

I don't think I'm a nihilist or anything like that, I just don't care about any of the events going on anymore.

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that sounds like a kick ass university all we got was a bunch of wangs and such.
Also i'm not even the fuck sure what our mascot is anymore as using Indians is now offensive

Blackpill threads are the truest threads.

I don't give a shit about anything any more. My life is a waste at this point. I have no hope, no dreams, and no goals. Society is complete shit and in surrounded by fucking idiots everywhere. There is no point to living.

>we got was a bunch of wangs and such.
So it was a homosexual frat-based operation? Or perhaps you are a woman?

>Advanced World Wrestling University of America

That actually sounds like it would be fun. Where do I sign up?

I honestly used to think it was an age thing. My father died at 40 and never was as cynical though. Perhaps some people enjoy the cycles or accept that things can only get worse.
Is that it? is the meaning of life just to keep things from getting worse?

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[email protected]

You gotta start somewhere!

Bring your two straight friends :3

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter and want to read how you add to this. do you have a amazon book series perhaps?

I don't have any friends. Is that okay?

Stop watching tv m8 societies and subversive movements
Recommended to me by army counterintelligence

You'll suck dick, though, right? Gotta start somewhere. Take it up the ass? Or at least fudgepack if that doesn't work out?

Whatever works! Let's do this!

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I haven't bothered with mainstream media for over ten years. It is psychological engineering.

I am completely desensitized to violence and death and how boring the world we live in is and how nothing interesting or special awaits us.

The only thing that helps me live is popping benzos which temporarily gives back some interest for the day.

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No, I just understand that reform is impossible and that the only way forward is the absolute collapse of the hell of a society that we built since the end of WW2. Be it violent revolution, riots, balkanization, nukes, I don't care. I've made peace with it. The world that I've been born into, these times, they had it coming and they deserve it. Those people who ate the propaganda like whores deserve it. It's a punishment for their great betrayal - justice.

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I wish we didn't let blacks and women vote :/

I don't know what I am at this point honestly. I only ever get "hyped" at destructive type events. Not scared of it like most people say to habbening fags but sorta "welcome it". I don't know.

Yes, actually this is why I voted for TRUMP, and I'm enjoying the show every single day
In illinois the cop shot the boy and stopped the killing
In texas the cop got killed by the boy and then 10 people died
Clearly we see that having armed guards is not a deterrent to people who are ready to go out guns blazing. And that's why I'm excited for Trump to hurry up and get those guns into our teachers' hands so we see how entertaining things can really get.
Fucking high stakes gunfights boys

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I'm not phased just hearing about it.

Leftists on Facebook.. OMG.. how can this happen!!! BAn guns.!!! Stop killing!!! Why would someone do this. Stop the violence!!!!

He's right, though.

I wouldn't expect a gr**k to be any better than a leaf when it comes to intellect.

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A burger like you talking about intellect is like a nigger talking about civilization.

Take the SIG pill user. The normie matrix is a degenerate wasteland of consumerism and post ww2 mass propaganda on the sheep.

Which kind of civilization, pederasty, secret "greek sex" fraternaties, or getting btfo?

buddy blacks are like 12% of the population
if you can't even beat that you deserve to lose

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Greece just invented western civilization and pretty much all the values the west is standing for. Only a non-Western person wouldn't understand, Mehmet.

This. The right mindset is "I wish we didn't allow blacks and women rights".

I guess it invented Greek Gods, which Rome took up and then cast aside in favor of creating actual Western Civilzation.

It's like talking to a rock. You are completely ignorant. Have a nice day and go fuck yourself.

>go fuck yourself
I'm not interested in "western civilization" sex by the Greek definition.

Completely desensitized thats why I'm heading to the forrest to live there for the rest of my life. Nothing excites or has being to me anymore its like king Midas everthing I touch turns to meh.

this. go camping for a few months, it'll blow your mind

also wear gopro and post drinking your own piss

Every. Last. One.

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This is a moronic understanding of the classical era.

You’re just getting older my friend. Remember, Life lasts for no one, and a monotonous life will make years seem like days.

He's probably a t*rk.

You just need to learn from the kangz
>Jay's like King Midas as I was told
>Everything that he touched turned to gold
>He's the greatest of the greater get it straight
He's great
>Playing fame cause his name is known in every state
>His name is Jay to see him play will make you say

That depends, I'm willing to bet if you removed Immigrants the black population would be 4-6%.

After getting married and having kids your next move should be acquiring as much wealth and assets as possible so that your kids start with more than you did and they can expand it and hand it down to their kids and so on an so forth, eventually your families wealth will be great enough that they have more influence on the country.

The catch is you have to instil proper morals and values upon your offspring, this is a tried and true method and the decline of this method has gone hand and hand with the decline of the west

you want to stop the school shooters? quit making them famous.

>it totally has nothing to do with Jewish happy pills

I keep myself good and poor living morally towards wife and kids.
I guess I'm setting myself up for immense heartache but at leaste I'm living every last minute of it.

>12% of the population

that doesnt include their zombie army of cucks though

I don't understand the "reddit spacing" meme

I have never posted on reddit and still use that style of writing

If anything ive become more sensitized and aware of the world and its problems.
Cant even begin to tell you how much gore and filth ive seen. And now, I nope out on just thumbnails. (If Ive seen it, otherwise I watch to it gets graphic)
I really feel like I cant be surprised. But it is starting to motivate me,stay tuned.
Oh, on an unrelated note, just watched Iron Sky again. Would have been a great movie without the BBC meme. Also, also, the sequal is FINALLY coming out.t
Lead is the black guy and blonde girls baby. Played by a brit, a mixed brit. Rossi, something. Still gonna watch it.
large if possible

Desensitized; maybe. Long stopped watching tv, or paying attention (with intent) to news or what have you.

People give me strange looks when I respond that I haven't watched the latest, greatest TV show, or if I know the latest scoop on the Trump drama. For most people, it is bread and circuses. Do I really need to pad my life with such nonsensical drivel? At least provide some dignified value.

But it seems like everybody is enslaved some ungodly monster.

I'de like to care, but it's all so tiresome now.

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This is why we need white nationalism.
With rootless global capitalism the populace checks out and becomes numb.
A healthy nation means a healthy people.

What do you fill that free time with?

>come to "the asshole of the Internet" at 2am
>Asimov quotes

Normies don't even know who Asimov was anymore, even the ones that worked on that trainwreck of I,Robot movie.

>This is why we need white nationalism.
You got it wrong, kinda. The current situation is why we will get WN whether anyone wants it or not, out of necessity, a la Weimar Republic.

>Anyone else desensitized?
How many circumcision threads do you people need?

legendary post

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i have the unabridged version with the original illustrations, epic tome