How can I get Jow Forums to come around on transgender?

How can I get Jow Forums to come around on transgender?

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We pay for gender reassignment and we get to run a train before they add a shlong to her body

by making a tool to infect people with the tranny disease -- or go back in time to when a person was a child and traumatize him over and over again. these are the only ways

can i cum on your face

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How can we get you to burn on a stake, faggot?

by hanging yourself

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Give me ONE good reason I should believe this isn't a slide thread.

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By not being obnoxious about it.

I'm Trans, but I hardly bring it up and kind'a don't even want to be around other Trans folk because they act like they're bonkers.

I have some gender issues, but I'm still biologically a man, these issues are my own to handle and try not shove down people's throats & force my own gender confusion on other people.

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fucking kek, trannies are all so fucking delusional

the only boys who can actually pass as girl have had it as a gift from the very beginning

>pic related, hint

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Try killing yourself, that'll teach us

By using reason.

post fake bobs

Accept the fact that in accepting the separation of gender from sex does not mean any non-male or non-female needs special classification. Read: male/female/other, you're the other. That's it. No special treatment, your doccuments and treatment by the state (public restrooms, schools, prisons, etc.) will be based on your sex; "sex change" opperations are considered purely cosmetic in this context.

No then you would win.

Why should anyone 'come around' on transgender any more than they should for depression, schizophrenia, OCD etc.
It's a mental illness, and I won't hold illness against you. Seek help and stop trying to normalise and celebrate it.

I agree that I am the other but identify as female and I demand to be treated as such. We do need special treatment and all that you listed needs to be based on gender identity. Not on biological sex.

What Trump is doing is wrong and cruel.

By sticking with your biological sex and embracing it. You could also try to go to a psychiatrist to try to help minimize the effect gender dysphoria has on you.
If you have balls and a dick from your birth act like a man and embrace your role as a man in society.
If you have a vagina, ovaries, and uterus embrace your role as a woman in society.

That's how I'll come around to transgenders when they act like what they were born with and work to minimize it to help society at large be a more stable and sane place.

Also it's quite possible you don't even have gender dysphoria. It could be you are simply riding the hype train, have gotten in with the wrong crowd, or are trying to become a woman for more credibility in a society that hates men and demonizes them. In short you could be actively deluding and convincing your self you are a "tranny" I know people who feel into this trap.

There you go, now show this to the rest of the trannies and they can work from here. I mean you do want "pol" to come around don't you. Then follow this guide and you'll be set. Good luck user I believe in you.

maybe when you convince me that homosexuality is moral

Back the fuck in the closet you degenerate, diseased childraping faggot. And if I see you in the woman's bathroom I'm giving you free tranny surgery.

I go in the women’s room. I never have any issues.

>Seek help
>Doctor prescribes hormones and encourages trans person to transition
>They do and start feeling better about themselves

Crazy how that works

You will if I run into you.


Everyone is either pitying you or wondering what went wrong with your life.

I don’t doubt it.

I wish I did.

>Feel so much better that you kill yourself anyways

Trips. Max kek

>many transitioned individuals kill themselves
Dont kid yourself. Many of these people, especially the males, just need to get off the Internet and go camping with their fathers.

You won't. You will live a miserable life because you decided to try to take what you thought was the easy road instead of trying to improve yourself as a man. You will either come to your sense before you permanently mutilate yourself, or end up commuting suicide.

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>demand to be treated as such
Wrong already faggot.
If you look the part, you'll be treated the part.

That's not how it works son. Demanding and screaming in people's faces isn't going to do anything to gain peoples respect. Just like we don't give into the demands of a schizophrenic person when they tell us the mole men are after them. We tell try to help minimize these delusions though and tell try to bring them back in touch with reality.

It's similar to people who identify as otherkin that's all fine and good but you are still human and that's how society will continue to recognize you. If someone has schizophrenia we don't enable their visions we know they are all in their head and their brain is not in tune with reality. Society doesn't curtail to their delusions and reformat society to reinforce and give in to these delusions. It's the same with people with gender dysphoria, as with other medical conditions, we try to treat it and try to help the person live as normal of a life as possible with the body they are given. You just have a different delusion then the others but it's still that a delusion.

>How can I get Jow Forums to come around on transgender?

transgender is just a word describing the transitioning period from going from man to woman or woman to man.

In neither case is "transgender" ever a legitimate gender, because there are only 2 genders.

Being this fucked in the head. Thank you God that I am not this person.

And I can demand that my big titted blonde milf neighbor give me a blowjob. That's not how it works faggot.

There are as many as 64 genders.

45% kill themselves, and a large percentage get murdered, and only 5% pass.

Q predicted this.

Okay. Now I know that this guy is a troll.

No. Just like computers, there are only 1's and 0's.

>how can I get pol to accept transgenderism
Who cares what virgins think?

Vaa-ge-nah. Must be italian.

There's a whole shitload of types of other threads that you miss, either deliberately or accidentally. I wonder what YOUR agenda is.

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Produce anything that han half get pregnant, or 2/3rds get someone else pregnant. Or something along those lines

kys faggot

There are only dicks and dick-holes.

I’m not a troll and I’m not a guy.

Form a militant nazi trap gang against the jews. Form another group that actively names them while the "totally unaffiliated" gang goes kristalnacht on the jews nightly using their slutty whore knowledge of the streets to blend in. Kill half the jews or turn half the liberals against them and I'll accept you into the Ethno-state.

Yes you are lad, now let me ask you this when did you first feel this way. Around what year?

Shove a baseball bat up your ass and post it.

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Fuck off Reiko

I always felt this way. Knew I was different from other males at an early age. Just didn’t really know what it was until around 2013. I came out in June 2017 and started hrt in September 2017. I was 26. Now I’m 27.

Are you sure?

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LOLWTF Fletch?

No way. It’s so sore.

discord gg/pwvH8aX

add a .

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>Every piece of my body says I'm one thing except the single organ capable of lying
>OMG why does no one believe me

It’s also okay to be trans or non-binary.

It's okay to be non binary. Let's not go too far.

Mental illness pure and simple, made worse by the fact most transgender are dead ends for their parents’ legacies as they have no need or intent to rear the next generation. There are two genders.

Pls someone be my trap girlfriend

Have you tried killing yourself?

You are a guy no matter how much you like to deny it to justify your messed up mind. Accept already that you are a degenerate.

You should be a martyr and kys for the cause, user.
I'm sure your act of pure selflessness will be what will finally convince Jow Forums.

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You hang around in women's restrooms?

Mass suicide. Oh wait

I haven’t. I’m going to be one of the ones that make it. Unless I’m murdered in a hate crime or killed in a genocide by Trump or Pence.

Don't be a Hon, butch the fuck up or just be a fag as god intended you to be.

Around 2013 what was your social circle? As in are you surrounded by LGTB people and social liberals? Is this the kind of community you were involved in. What is your current circle?

And when you say you were always different what do you mean by that? Try to remember how you felt back then and not now from your current lens looking back. I know that's likely hard but it would be helpful if you did.

Also from the way you framed it would it not be more accurate to say you always felt you were different but decided in 2013 that this explained why you had felt different from others in the past.

Admit it's a mental illness and paint transgenders as victims being exploited by the Left.
Rather than searching for solutions in medicine the Left opts for genital mutilation just to seem progressive. Transgenders are mentally unwell and can't think for themselves and thus don't realize this.

The only way.

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>I demand to be treated as such.
>We do need special treatment
demanding to decide what other people think of you is special treatment.

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I could not have said it better.

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Actual transsexual here.
Transgender people don't exist.
Being transgender doesn't mean ANYTHING.
Any person can be transgender at any time for any reason.
Transsexuals are born.
Transsexuals don't BECOME.
Fuck off and die you crossdressing faggots too ashamed to call yourselves transvestites so you can have to appropriate my fucking biological disorder.
Fuck you.
I hope someone lights you on fire.
How fucking dare you pretend to be us.

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Too old. You're a Hon.

Change the laws of physics so humans reproduce asexually.

Should be simple, for someone that thinks screaming at people changes reality.

>castrating yourself
>spend the rest of your life reopening the massive wound in your crotch that the body is trying desperately to heal
>go to elementary school convincing little kids that if they don't also castrate themselves that they and their families are literally rape Hitler on slave ship

I am sure your arguments will be overwhelming.

>But I'm still a man
Do you by know how fucking reality works?
Do you listen to the words that come out of your own mouth?
Fuck off you crossdressing faggot.
Go be a fairy fuck somewhere else.

I’m a pre-OP male to female transsexual. We’re called trans women now.

There is no fucking other.
Fucking thinking youre a toaster and dressing up as a fucking moose doesn't change your gender or sexuality.
It just means you're brain washed into being fucking stupid and you're autistic.

It's called being an attention whore

>calling it "gender confusion"
you're either LARPing or trying to pander

>Read: male/female/other, you're the other. That's it. No special treatment

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>Also it's quite possible you don't even have gender dysphoria. It could be you are simply riding the hype train, have gotten in with the wrong crowd, or are trying to become a woman for more credibility in a society that hates men and demonizes them


It's a mental illness just like homosexuality

No fuck off faggot

No such thing.

Most of the time it is open for debate. Traps are gay btw

Hi opinionated euro

You can't.

post boipussy

Hi many kids have you killed today?

Appendix. Such a crafty organ.
Useless or not?

Nice try. I’m in the U.S. I wish I was European or Canadian

with lots of rope, one for every tranny

Excellent bait

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I would date a trap, as long as they really passed the female look.

As for sexual activities, I don't know how I would feel.

If I add a trunk to my face, does that mean I've become an elephant?

Really gay after getting it up the ass i would imagine?

No you are same like them you sodomite abomination you just think you are different and special but you arent you are worse than them you are a hedonistic animal not human you would rather be a degenerate soulless waste than try to be a man for once in your pathetic life you sodomite trash i literally cannot wait for the day of the rope, the only place you deserve is to be in a pile of mud with other sodomites maybe even try to shove some spears into your ass and force you to eat shit so you can revalue your pathetic life you sodomite garbage that is wasting oxygen.

Faggots = chaos

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