Imagine being a beautiful white baby boy. You're born with all the potential for greatness; high intellect, morality...

Imagine being a beautiful white baby boy. You're born with all the potential for greatness; high intellect, morality, spirituality, curiosity, ambition, courage, etc., and first thing that happens when you're brought into this world is a jew cuts off the tip of your penis.

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Why else would Jews become doctors?

why would i have to imagine it ?

Presumably there is some kind of legitimate medical explanation

that's right. but don't try and publish anything about it. it would be a shame if the rest of the medical community had to discredit you, destroy your findings, and try to have you killed in front of your children

No. Are you really that weak that you're ok with this because you think it might have a reason? Because there is no reason, cleanliness and disease transferrability are personal responsibilities, not grounds to remove the majority of nervous tissue from a babies sex organ. I'm cut and won't cut my child, take some fucking responsibility.

the medical reason in question is to fuck with your brain chemistry

>the medical reason in question is to fuck with your brain chemistry
This. It's a traumatic experience that results in dissociative effects for the rest of your life

why do you have a baby saved on your pc

hello doctor bergblatt

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>It's a traumatic experience that results in dissociative effects for the rest of your life
? I had a circumcision when I was 9/10 due to a condition and I'm alright

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There are medical benefits. Just like there are medical benefits for removing your appendix or tonsils. But we don't just do them to anyone without good reason.

you wouldn't know if you're "alright" or not dipshit, because you didn't make it to puberty with a whole penis

I was a white baby boy and none of those things are true for me.

My parents, being solid Scots-Irish (Dad) and old Planter English/French (Mom), did not cut off the tip of my penis.
As a result, I feel sorry for guys who were mutilated. I don't think this thread is funny at all.
In fact I think white people fighting with white people, while the whole world fights white people, is pretty shitty.

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What would be considered as not being alright?

it's almost as if were a deliberate, concerted effort to keep white people from agreeing with one another

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I was circumcised by a good Anglo-Saxon Southern Baptist

I really don’t give two shits about half an inch of skin either way

at least u weren't cut

I guess this is true, but I also don't think our perception is solely based on neurological functionings, there is a spiritual component to human life. I think it's possible to undo the damage being done because the whole idea is that it's trauma based. If you can confront that trauma head on, you can liberate yourself. At least I hope so.

No you're not buddy. Your sex life is permanently diminished. Pic highly related.

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I mean like thats just crazy man, what are you like a conspiracy theorist?!?!

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What's with your obsession with penises?

Jews promote it among goyim as a form of camoflage because if only jews were circumcised then they could easily be singled out. There is literally no medical reason to mutilate the genitals of children.

And after doing this, after performing a life-altering operation on babies without their consent, the Jews then try to profit from their crime by turning the foreskins into skin creams which they sell to women.

The Jews have literally created an industrial scale baby mutilation industry to camoflage themselves and which earns them a fortune. That is the reason why babies are circumsized in North America.

You can't really deny that it's pretty fucked up that yanks have taken a cultural practice of mutilation from the Jewish minority population and oftentimes perform it without any consent for the purpose of selling the foreskins to Jewish-run cosmetic companies as ingredients for anti-aging cream.
There's just no excuse for that.

>skin cream
Because there are stem cells in the foreskin?

>first thing that happens
Lol no it happens a few days later

I thought rabis snacked on them like goldmember in a little dibuk box

It's just a gimmick.

>imagine being born white
Yeah, too bad you can only imagine it, huh Jose? Fucking spics and niggers infesting this board I swear to God.

Yeah but your dick looks better afterwards.

1 post about circumcision counts as obsession with penises?

But to answer your question I just love the way they feel on my lips

If you think this is the biggest of your problems you need to kill yourself immediately, The eternal pit is waiting for you


I bet they did it with aneasthetic at that age though, with babies they just strap em down whip it off.

Circumcision was promoted by Dr. Kellogg because he was seriously against masturbation. The only cases where circumcision is promoted is when the man has a tight foreskin. Other than that, there is no benefit to having no foreskin.

Not stem cells, fibroblast cells.

I'm sure the muslims say the same thing to their women after cutting their labia and clitorus off with a razor blade.

hmm, would I rather have:
A dick that other people deem more aesthetically pleasing, but which the overwhelming majority will never actually be in a position to touch.


A dick that has 16000-20000 more fine touch nerve clusters, resulting in greater pleasure, greater control, and decreased risk of erectile dysfunction.

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>If you think this is the biggest of your problems
[Citation Needed]

Same genes here, brother.
My momma gave birth to me with no epidural to ensure a natural birth.
Then had me cut 'cause muh chosen people.
Now I'm staunch sedevecante catholic just to find a mothering type that won't wince when I say kike.

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cutcuck in denial

How do I stop hating my mom for mutilating me and ruining my sex life?
Can any non-cut fags share some of their foreskin to me?

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It's just another crevice to clean like the back of your ears. Literally never had any issues because I just rinse every time I shower.