Men ages like win-

Women ages like milk and men like win-
Well,Jow ForumsBTFO

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Dude wears the balding hair pretty well. Not an easy thing to pull off

A better case for eugenics can't be found.

he looks decent.
would probably look better if he went full bald

how do i for sure not go bald

Not have the gene for it

transplant asshair onto your head

>men ages
gtfo and learn english

>wh*toids in charge of aging

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Eat ten onions per day

Both genders age like shit.
Cutoff is 21 for women and 26 for guys.

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His father looks good as hell compared to the sons.

why is he not having a hair transplant?

>Herbivore doesn't understand female attraction
Being the successor to the throne of the UK (Charles will bite it before Lizzy) makes him more attractive.

The more important question is why if he is already bald, is he wearing a horseshoe as opposed to shaving it all?

it says here if your Grandpas are bald, your most most definitely fucked

>This is probably the most popular baldness myth out there — but there is some truth to it.
>80% of baldness cases have a genetic component to them — but your mother is only partially responsible for passing along the genes related to male pattern baldness. Which means your father is responsible for passing along the other set of baldness genes.

how many younger anons btfo in this thread? Being bald is like being a manlet, into the trash you go

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Most white men go bald or will seriously bald.

maybe he's transcended the illusions of materialism.
t. bald avatar of Vishnu

He already lost too much of it and finasteride kills your dick. How is he supposed to have kids?

He must be able to grow a wicked beard if he went that bald that fast

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Statement is full on bullshit. Most guys, like women, will continue to age like shit. Only a few manage to hold on to looks well into their life.

Cope harder

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that's why I am asking
>Grandpa 84
>other 78
>both still have full heads of hair
im good

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Fapan has the highest baldness rate in the world

Because he’s going to be king someday. No fucks given

>the shitposting jap

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he should just shave his head and get sun glasses.
It really is that fuckin easy